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How to participate in the World Cup event

During the 2014 FIFA World Cup we will be conducting a fantasy prediction game in #worldcup.

QuakeNet will run a dedicated chat room for the World Cup for the competition. The chat room can be accessed from any web browser using the following link: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=worldcup.

A dedicated network service named W will run in the chat room for the duration of the competition. Any user can participate in the competition by following these set of instructions:

1. Use the following link to to open the /r/WorldCup chat room in your browser: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=worldcup.

Webchat connect page

2. Pick a nickname and type it in the ‘Nickname’ text box.

Pick a nickname

3. If you don’t have a Q account (also known as an “auth”) or you don’t know what that means, click on ‘Join Chat’. If you have a Q account, login to it by clicking on ‘Login to Q’ and enter your username and password, follow instructions and then click on ‘Join Chat’.

a. Once connected to the QuakeNet network you need to create a Q account.

Channel view

Channel view

Channel view

This is done by typing the command: /msg Q HELLO <email@address.com> <email@address.com>. You will receive a warning if the username you’re trying to register is not a valid username or if it’s already registered. If any of these occur, pick a new nickname by typing /nick <new nickname> and follow this step again.

Write the command and hit enter

Response from Q

b. Check your email for a confirmation link to activate your Q account and get your Q account password.

Check your email

Email received

Account verification

c. Login to the account you created by typing the following command: /AUTH <user> <password>.

Type the AUTH command and hit enter

Response from Q

You need to login to your Q account each time you connect to the chat room. You will also need to login to your Q account if you closed the web chat client or if you were disconnected from the QuakeNet IRC network.

4. Once you’re in the chat room, you can check the list of available games to predict by typing the following command: /msg W listgames. The chat room bot (W) will send you a private message with the available games to predict, as can be seen here:

Games list

New games are added a day or two in advance, so make sure you follow the chat room for updates.

5. You can predict one or more games results by the following command: /msg W guess <#game id> <winner>. For an example see the image above.

You will receive a reply from the bot with confirmation of your prediction.

6. Each correct prediction is worth 6 points and every incorrect one is worth -2 points. You can see your current ranking by typing: /msg W score.

7. Knockout stages: During the knockout stages (1/16 Finals-Final) and in case of extra time with or without penalty shootout, the result of the match is determined the result of the game after 90 minutes

8. The winner of the competition is the user with the most points and will be announced after the World Cup final.

9. In case two or more users are ranked 1st with the same amount of points - sudden death rules apply, one or more random football matches will be selected and the users tied for 1st place will be asked to predict the result for those games until we have a winner.

10. The prize is: a World Cup jersey from WorldSoccerTalk.

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