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How do I set/unset channel/user modes?

To set a channel mode, use the following command: -

/MODE #channel +modes

Where parameters are optional parameters, depending on the modes being set. User modes are essentially the same: /MODE nickname +modes. You must use your current nickname, NOT your Q authname. For the mIRC users out there, you may also use //MODE $me +modes. To unset a mode, simply use – instead of +.

Some modes can be set together. The command below will set +s, and +i at the same time: -

/MODE #channel +si

Also, modes can be set and unset together. The command below will remove +i, and then set +r: -

/MODE #channel -i+r

Some modes require parameters, these must also be given. The command below will set +s, and then set +b on the mask !@something.com: -

/MODE #channel +sb !@something.com

If you use several parameter modes at the same time, the parameters must be given in the same order as the modes. The example below will unset mode +b on !@something.com, then op (+o) User1, voice (+v) User2, then devoice (-v) User3

/MODE #channel -b+ov-v !@something.com User1 User2 User3

Using the above examples, you can create some very advanced MODE commands which do several mode changes at once.

A full list of user and channel modes, and how to use them are available in this FAQ.

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