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Set the auto-limit on a channel.


/msg Q AUTOLIMIT <#channel> [<threshold>]


  • <#channel> - The channel to view or edit the autolimit threshold.
  • <threshold> - The new autolimit threshold. If not provided, Q will respond with the current threshold.

Additional info:

Limit will be adjusted automatically at constant intervals to avoid join floods. Whenever the limit is adjusted, it is set to usersonthe_channel + N, where N is the number you specify in the command.

The auto-limit must be combined with CHANFLAGS +c. Setting a fixed limit should be done with the CHANMODE command.


To view the AUTOLIMIT threshold you must have at least the op flag (+o) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
To edit the AUTOLIMIT threshold you must have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This will return the current threshold for channel #channel:

`/msg Q AUTOLIMIT #channel`

This will set the auto-limit threshold to 5:

`/msg Q AUTOLIMIT #channel 5`

Wrong usage:

Trying to set a negative or invalid threshold:

`/msg Q AUTOLIMIT #channel -5`  
`-Q- Supplied autolimit is invalid: -5`

Trying to set zero as the threshold (fixed limit should be done with the CHANMODE command):

`/msg Q AUTOLIMIT #channel 0`  
`-Q- Supplied autolimit is invalid: 0`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/34

Other help articles under Q Commands