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Give complete control (+n flag) to the named user on the channel.


/msg Q GIVEOWNER <#channel> <nick|#authname> [<code>]


  • <#channel> - The channel to grant owner permissions at.
  • <nick|#authname> - The nick or authname (prefixed with hashtag (#)) of the user to grant the permission to.
  • <code> - A verification code. To get the code first execute the command without it.

Additional info:

The new owner will have full control over the channel, including the ability to remove the existing owner(s) (for example - you!). As a precaution the named user must already have master (+m) access on the channel (using the CHANLEV command). Use this command with extreme caution, never give owner permissions to users you don't completely trust.

Note that as an extra security measure, this command requires a unique code used to authorize the operation. The appropriate code is provided when you enter the command the first time, without any code. If a wrong code is entered, owner access will not be granted.


To use the GIVEOWNER command you must have the channel owner flag (+n) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This command will get the verification code to grant owner permissions for nick John on channel #channel:

`/msg Q GIVEOWNER #channel John`  
`-Q- WARNING: This command will give COMPLETE control over #channel to JohnAuth,`
`-Q- including the ability to remove you as owner. If you are sure you want to`
`-Q- do this, type: GIVEOWNER #channel #JohnAuth abcd1234`

This command will get the verification code to grant owner permissions for the account named JohnAuth on channel #channel:

`/msg Q GIVEOWNER #channel #JohnAuth`  
`-Q- WARNING: This command will give COMPLETE control over #channel to JohnAuth,`
`-Q- including the ability to remove you as owner. If you are sure you want to`
`-Q- do this, type: GIVEOWNER #channel #JohnAuth abcd1234`

This command will grant the owner permissions for account named JohnAuth on channel #channel:

`/msg Q GIVEOWNER #channel #JohnAuth abcd1234`

Wrong usage:

Trying to grant owner permissions to a use who is not a master (+m) on the channel:

`/msg Q GIVEOWNER #channel #JohnAuth`
`-Q- User JohnAuth is not a master on #channel - you must promote user to master status first.`

Trying to use a wrong code (or using 'code') to grant owner permissions:

`/msg Q GIVEOWNER #channel #JohnAuth code`  
`-Q- Hash value incorrect, try again.`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/126

Other help articles under Q Commands