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Gives you voice on one or more channels, or voice other users on a given channel.


/msg Q VOICE [<#channel> [<nick1> [<nick2> [...]]]]


  • <#channel> - The channel to be voiced at or to voice at.
  • <nick> - The user or users to voice.

Additional info:

This command cannot be used to voice users who are otherwise prevented from getting voiced, e.g. via the CHANLEV denied voice flag (+q).

If no channel is specified when using the command, you will be given voices on every channel where you have appropriate access and are not already voiced.

When voicing other users instead of yourself, you must specify the current nickname of a user on the named channel. Note: that this does NOT add the voice CHANLEV (+v) flag to the user.


To use the VOICE command you must have at least the voice flag (+v) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
If this is done to voice other users, a notice will be sent to other channel operators on the channel identifying you, unless you have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This will voice you on all appropriate channels:

`/msg Q VOICE`

This will voice you on channel #channel (assuming you have the appropriate flags):

`/msg Q VOICE #channel`

This will voice users nicks John and Eve on channel #channel:

`/msg Q VOICE #channel John Eve`

Wrong usage:

Trying to voice a user who is prevented from gaining voice:

`/msg Q VOICE #channel John`  
`-Q- Channel settings prevent John being voiced on #channel.`

Trying to voice a user by his account name:

`/msg Q VOICE #channel #JohnAuth`  
`-Q- Can't find user #JohnAuth.`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/51

Other help articles under Q Commands