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IDENT and Trusts

If you apply for a long term trust on QuakeNet, your server must be running an Ident server, commonly known as an identd (ident daemon).

All long term trusts require a permanent (ie: non-changeable) unique userident for each user. This is not necessary for short term trusts like LAN parties.

Having an identd running means users have a unique identifier, so if abuse is found by one user then only the relevant user will get any punishment without affecting other users. It also helps server administrators identify troublesome users.

Once a trust has been added for your IP you will get G-Lined (banned) automatically when trying to connect if you do not have a working ident server; multiple connections from the same user will result in a G-Line with the reason "too many connections from your user".

Please note: Unfortunately we can not provide installation or configuration support for IDENT services; there are plenty of third party channels that may be able to help.

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/66

Other help articles under Trusts