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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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"Comment" Feature

Posted by Flash on Tuesday 21 May 2002

Thanks to Softis, logged-in users can now comment on news. Soon you will be able to comment on columns too. Isn't that a sexy thang? :)

Please log in to post comments.
moo :[

bluz4rk said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

Yes it is. Definitely. ;)

JaSt said on Tuesday 21 May 2002


u|Faculty said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

nice feature flash ...

Fish|GIW said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

this text is orange

Flash said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

pilsner said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

nice try joe =)

slug said on Tuesday 21 May 2002


Shock said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

hello world

lou said on Tuesday 21 May 2002


velvet said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

opers: stop abusing this feature :>

Flash said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

Nice ;)

Tankred said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

hmmmm. will i be orange too?

Specceh said on Tuesday 21 May 2002


Specceh said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

Would be smart to change the font of the comments :> *hint* hint *hint* :> Peace bro\'s :D

goddabuzz said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

Very cool! But can someone please enable forumcode-style tags?! ;> *runningforcover*

SunFire said on Tuesday 21 May 2002

very nice :) Nice new design btw :)

Vimto said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


BouBBIN^work said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

hmm....aint bad ;)

Inmarvebil said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Very good thing. These pages all very cool. Keep it up.

Pain^ said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

How nifty :)

Gormax said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

that roxx:) hello Qnet community:)

noidea said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


Samu|away said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

the website is getting nicer all the time.. (about time it was redone !). g1

silicon- said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

nice feature, hope it wouldn\'t be abused. ;=))

Revolutio said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

:) CooL

Xor606 said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

How great.

WdW said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


X-P|Presi said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

\'lo there. oops, its m00 there! :D

anzuhan said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

HTP-Hacker said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

hehehe this is cool :D:D:D:D:D

occ said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

cute :)

aimlezz said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


Zenturio said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Nice feature but it would make more sense if you could log in automaticly too. (Reserved nick? Pfff.. ;)

nico| said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


r3b00t said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Funny feature ;))

Jack-The-Ripper said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

boe =]

n4rt said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

we cant edit, and can we advertise? :]]]

n4rt said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

m33p m33p

stevem said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

[cw]Petskiek said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


spaps said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

AweSome thingie this comment feature (m000) =D

Sidious^ said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

GaBo|ciruZ said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

sweet ! =D

zyphor said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


dfc|r4il said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


Ic3w0lf said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

hmmm sexy?

GruffdiouS said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

Beauty and sexyness is in the eye of the beholder.

softis said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


|||Sisko||| said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

testing testing 1,2,3,4, is this thing on?

Zip said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

4 Hmmm lol L whois mag gar net

Neo_Forever[cG] said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

hehe really nice feature

[XT]Xonea said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

L rulez :)

buzrael said on Wednesday 22 May 2002


Micho said on Thursday 23 May 2002


Nicktrix said on Thursday 23 May 2002

*tiptip* nice work, ok now its time for my milk

|LordDoom| said on Thursday 23 May 2002

m00 guys! m00!!

|p3n1x| said on Thursday 23 May 2002


chef^ said on Thursday 23 May 2002

\"sexy\" *lol*

Getzy[away] said on Thursday 23 May 2002


techdude said on Thursday 23 May 2002

good =)

ShAmNiX said on Thursday 23 May 2002

whoah, sexy ^^

blun4 said on Thursday 23 May 2002


spirit_ds said on Thursday 23 May 2002

more m!lk to the people!! M0oo000!!!

cryo_ said on Thursday 23 May 2002

ah, oh, wonderful

Jubo|-Feed said on Thursday 23 May 2002

just took me 10 minutes to realise that you log in with Q name/password.....d\'oh

Gav said on Friday 24 May 2002

Blahderdablahblahblehmooblahblahblah.. nice feature :D

[GpW]ShadoW said on Friday 24 May 2002

nice feature

MK_-_The_Reaver said on Friday 24 May 2002

Nice, Flash. But you could change the style of the buttons with css.. that doesn\'t look not very nice :) Greets Flo

vex`death said on Friday 24 May 2002

Hölökyn kölökyn

refic said on Sunday 26 May 2002

Comment length increased to 500 instead of 250 chars. Sorry for the problem the short commentlength may have caused. And for those of you that doenst count every char by hand I\'ve added a nice little counter for you. Take care.

softis said on Monday 27 May 2002

Yes, a nice new feature. I guess Quakenet\'s really going on to better way, but we\'ll be still waiting for the IPv6 servers..

dekadem said on Tuesday 28 May 2002

softis is hot :D he rules....

WomaK said on Tuesday 28 May 2002


softis said on Friday 31 May 2002


zipnix said on Friday 31 October 2003