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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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QuakeNet DevChat with Nicely Crafted

Posted by cro on Sunday 02 February 2003

QuakeNet will be hosting a Developer Chat with the developers of Time of Defiance, a Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy game, Nicely Crafted Entertainment (www.nicelycrafted.com).

The DevChat will be held on Wednesday February 5th at 8pm GMT in the channel

timeofdefiance. The Managing Director, Toby Simpson, Creative Director Ben

Simpson and Producer, Mark Ashton will all be online ready to answer questions.

This is the inaugural QuakeNet DevChat, a series of IRC chats with developers and publishers organised by QuakeNet for QuakeNet users. An edited transcript of the log will be made available on this website afterwards.

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i don\'t really know why this is in the news..

Cfreak202 said on Sunday 02 February 2003

#1: I don\'t know why it shouldn\'t be, the pace at which news are being posted here is not too hectic. :) Also, who knows, maybe this game is worth giving a try. (91% / 9849KB downloaded)

Juzam said on Sunday 02 February 2003

Did you read the news story? It\'s in the news because the devchat is ORGANISED by QuakeNet not just ON QuakeNet. Yes, that\'s right - I have spent the last 3 months on the phone to various developers and publishers trying to organise devchats on QuakeNet as something we Opers can give back to you users. Nicely just happen to be the first - and they\'re nice blokes too.

cro said on Sunday 02 February 2003

nice :)

steven^ said on Sunday 02 February 2003

gj cro :P

kjuze said on Sunday 02 February 2003

Yeah we should all thank cro for this good work and that he spent his time on organisating this event.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Sunday 02 February 2003

nice work cro... i\'ll hope you will get other developers (e.g.: epic) to Qnet :)

commx said on Sunday 02 February 2003

Nice thing to bring something new to the network. Keep up the good work guys :)

i|Avatar said on Sunday 02 February 2003

how about this - ost who you\'d like to have a chat with (please, make sure they\'re based in Europe - and preferably the UK - i gotta ring em up :) ) and we\'ll see what we can arrange.

cro said on Monday 03 February 2003

argh. *post not ost.

cro said on Monday 03 February 2003

ost is the good, it\'s cheese in swedish :]. I know ravin/id is not from europe but maybe you can mail the and have them call you? I want info about Quake4 and Doom3 thanks :) ps maybe add some edit button?

kjuze said on Monday 03 February 2003

great idea

salteh said on Monday 03 February 2003

sounds nice... I\'d like to have a chat with id too, same reasons like kjuze :)

skater_x said on Tuesday 04 February 2003

does anyone no how to play the game yet ? i had a look at the game couldnt figure it out went to read the manual and well i have better things to do than to read about 900 pages of nothing :). hope someone nows how to play it and gl to you Deathy

D3ATHW15H said on Tuesday 04 February 2003

Ive been playing all last night, its really addictive. The instructions do look a little daunting at first, but it only takes 5 minutes to work it all out, and its well worth it. If you have any problems you can also pop into the channel on QuakeNet.

Ferg said on Wednesday 05 February 2003

nice @ qnet :) greetz ² kolmi :P

h4|dyN said on Wednesday 05 February 2003