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Latest News

port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Test Network

Posted by Yarn on Thursday 13 February 2003

QuakeNet's Development team would like to announce 'The QuakeNet TEST Network' - Here is your chance to help test our servers which are running Asuka (our newest IRC server code) and also some new IRC services. If you would like to see a possible future of QuakeNet, connect to irc://uk.test.quakenet.org/

Please log in to post comments.
sweet :}

kjuze said on Thursday 13 February 2003

Nice :)

XeNTiX said on Thursday 13 February 2003

[17:56:09] -Q- The following commands are available to you: [17:56:11] -Q- SHOWCOMMANDS Lists available commands. and now a reboot, good work! ;) [17:56:11] -Q- End of list.

GlowMouse said on Thursday 13 February 2003

finally something to cure my time-to-time boredom. Thank you

scrOOge said on Thursday 13 February 2003

Nice work QuakeNet..

halloichbined said on Thursday 13 February 2003

Splendid idea.

JaSt said on Thursday 13 February 2003

So where should i join after connected to test.uk.quakenet.org ?

Sidious^ said on Thursday 13 February 2003

Oh nice idea, but where are the new services? :) #7: #feds silly

silly^ said on Thursday 13 February 2003

played well done, im on it now :D

Moreland said on Thursday 13 February 2003

Sounds nice *connecting...* :)

skater_x said on Friday 14 February 2003

nice work, well done :)

Maastaaa said on Friday 14 February 2003

I can\'t connect :|

suede said on Friday 14 February 2003

Nice 1, never been there but: \"Closing Link: Sp33d by uk2.test.quakenet.org (K-lined)\"

Sp33d3r said on Friday 14 February 2003

I´m K-Lined too... :-(

verto said on Friday 14 February 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

DarkDeviL said on Friday 14 February 2003

#15: 1) off topic. 2) advertising sucks. 3) \"free service\". does that ring a bell? 4) even if some specific person *was* gay, would that be some kind of problem to you? if so, for what reason? || #13,#14: that\'s why it\'s a test network - things like that will happen frequently, I guess.

JaSt said on Friday 14 February 2003

hmm I cant connect too : -=|10:53:42|=- Closing Link: baizer by uk2.test.quakenet.org (K-lined)

baizer said on Saturday 15 February 2003

(12:08:18) « error » Closing Link: eediot by uk.test.quakenet.org (K-lined)

ECS][mEsSiaH said on Saturday 15 February 2003

k-lined :

failure said on Saturday 15 February 2003

me2 ;/

THoR_Wolf said on Monday 17 February 2003

nice work :)

[-RL-]Toxic said on Monday 24 February 2003

Lookin\' good, lookin good. /me waits for Test Q to have chan protection built into it... Upgrade clan channel to new quakenet =) Good work thus far qnet guys, keep it up you bunch of underpaid overworked codemonkeys. :thumbsup:

[xenon]^Morph^ said on Tuesday 25 February 2003

While we are at it, would it be possible to have a chanmode like bitchmode, which doesn´t affect voices. So it only protects your chan from unwanted ops. Would be nice :D regards /MK

MK|57th said on Saturday 01 March 2003

I\'ve got a few questions about this new service: 1. Is there a flood protection? 2. Can a word with badwords be created? 3. Is it possible to make a ban exception? (These are all things I like at some other networks :)

evil_Fighter said on Sunday 02 March 2003

working! :), is there gonna be a nickservice, i hate when ppl steals your nick.

|M|Kick_Azz said on Monday 03 March 2003

The new Qnet looks good, some n1 Q services.

]ct[-Bleifish said on Thursday 06 March 2003

great work :) just give me plz Q access :) thx

uG-Master- said on Thursday 06 March 2003

i\'ll test it too, go ahead !

trs said on Tuesday 11 March 2003

Seems to work fine, I hope you design Q in a different way for the new network, so that chanlevs are listed alphabetically (on whois).

Drizzt_DUncan said on Sunday 16 March 2003

I\'d really like to say it roxx, it\'s great for getting familiar with the changes that will sooner or later be available on the whole network. but k-lining every user with a .de-host simply ain\'t fair, not every german is a stupid dumbass trying to ruin everything. ofc, it\'s a free service and it\'s your good right to keep us out. however, with the test server not being in the RR (correct me if i\'m wrong) the likeliness that anybody not interested in the changes would connect is rather small

RealmHunter said on Wednesday 19 March 2003

k-lined :(

VoD|Krackman said on Monday 24 March 2003


JyrkI said on Monday 24 March 2003

i`m k-lined too :(

[zTw-Thunder] said on Sunday 06 April 2003