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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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New QuakeNet User and Channel Modes

Posted by Specceh on Sunday 13 April 2003

Following the successful IRCD upgrade on all QuakeNet servers today, there are a number of new channel and user modes available to use. Below is a short description of the most significant new modes available to you. Please try the modes out before asking about them in #feds or #help.

User modes

/mode nickname +x

Changes your host to "authname.users.quakenet.org", where authname is your Q account name. Users will see you quit and rejoin IRC with this new host. You are advised to set this mode before entering any channels for maximum security. Please note that you cannot rename your Q auth account once created, and you have to be authed with Q before you can set this mode.

If your authname is "foo" and nickname "foobar": /mode foobar +x You will see: foo.users.quakenet.org is now your hidden host Other users will see: * Quits: foobar (bar@blabla.provider.com) (Registered)

* Joins: foobar (bar@foo.users.quakenet.org)

To remove this host and regain your normal host, you have to reconnect.

/mode nickname +R

Prevents users not authed with Q from messaging (query, privmsg) and noticing you. Non-authed users will receive "You must be authed in order to message this user" when they attempt to /msg. Authed users will still be able to /msg and /notice you as usual. This mode can be used to prevent most anonymous methods of private message flood.

Channel modes

/mode #channel +r

Prevents users who are not authed with Q from joining a channel. They will receive the message "You must have a registered nick" when they attempt to join your channel. Once they have authed they will be able to join the channel normally. +r is a useful mode to set during flood attacks rather than +i (invite only).

/mode #channel +u

Hides quit and part messages from a channel. If a user is in any +u channel, then their quit message is removed.

Please log in to post comments.
yay :)

Ferg said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Some nice features, allthough I\'m not sure about the hiding of hostnames. /who was a helpful tool in busting fakenickers. But all in all it seems like a pretty nice update ;) Nice one.

caird said on Sunday 13 April 2003

nice one, but you should add the channelmode +D even if it was in the news some weeks ago

illusion` said on Sunday 13 April 2003


BrkS said on Sunday 13 April 2003

*sigh* I had hoped for some kind of nickserv thingy. Guess thats never gonna happen :/

Glory said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#3 authnames are still unique to each user so you can identify them by that in most cases :)

Specceh said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Yehaaa ! nice features =)

eG|SkillZilla said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Absolutly great! Go on and add an new trust system asap and q-net will be almost perfect!

[AB]_Neo|mIRC said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#3, to use /mode x+ you have to be authed so if there is no difference since you can\'t hide more now that before. If you want to ban someone just ban their authname if they have hidden their hostmask, for example.

Fekalie said on Sunday 13 April 2003

re: #6 - \"unfortunately\" there will never be a nickserv on QuakeNet. We believe that nicknames do not belong to a particular person, and should be available to anyone who wishes to use it. In any case, it is too late to add a nickserv to QuakeNet now - it would instantly be abused and the situation would be worse than it is now.

LinX said on Sunday 13 April 2003

No such channeL??

WeeZeR^ said on Sunday 13 April 2003

very nifty.

meep said on Sunday 13 April 2003

We didnt include chanmode +D, as we dont want to encourage people to use it :) Its really only intended for channels with over 1000 users.

Ferg said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Hi, i got a question. We just tried this new +u-mode, but the msgs were still visible :( Just a stupidity of us, or has it happened somwhere else too ?

if`sanity said on Sunday 13 April 2003

hm, when I does /dns after I have done /mode nick +x it cant resolve server, for example: \"Looking up LordBelial.users.quakenet.org * Unable to resolve LordBelial.users.quakenet.org\" Is there anyway to fix this or do I have to look up my \'real\' hostname ?

LordBelial said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#16 thats the point, so people cant find out your real IP.

Ferg said on Sunday 13 April 2003

finally hidden IPs :)

gray said on Sunday 13 April 2003

GOOD WORK § qnet fever :)

pK|Ber said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Nice so far, but how do I manage to keep my hidden host? If I put the command into my mIRC perform, everyone except me will see me joining, quitting and re-joining channels ... any ideas?

rbbt|Voodoo said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#20 did you put /mode $me +x before /joins or after? it should be put before everything I suppose

[Cs4cS]Tomtom said on Sunday 13 April 2003

what does +D do ?

sleepr said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Is the possibilty of registering and still keeping your hostname ??? Just wondering, coz else my color on *!*@*.quakenet.org pretty much suck :)... and it\'s just gonna be a new \"fashion\" of having this... no more being unique :(

Diablo said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Nice!!!! It helps to improve security and stop DDOS lamers! Thx! C ya, science

sci said on Sunday 13 April 2003


Tis said on Sunday 13 April 2003

NiCe... If I /dns me than is not my ip but wenn I whois me than is: &#151;&#155; peri peri@dsl-213-023-239-085.arcor-ip.net actual user@host, actual ip ( /whois start ) &#151;&#155; peRi is \"Steffen K&#246;nig\" (peri@[Q-auth].users.quakenet.org) <- In the first line is my ip.... why? &#151;&#155; peRi is authed as \"[Q-auth]\"

[Q-auth] said on Sunday 13 April 2003

+u command is really cool =)

Sony said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Personaly i think that u should be able to change yout auth-nick... seening ppl with old clan-tags in their auths (like myself :p) is just quite ennoying... and changeing your auth... /msg all the owners in all channels u have flags in... takes time :p ./msg q authname authname newauthname newauthname or something like that.... would be appreciated

UB|Devastator said on Sunday 13 April 2003

\"Below is a short description of the most significant new modes available to you.\" Where are the other modes? =)

[GSF][mV|shinji said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#26 If you whois yourself, it shows your real hostmask as well. If others whois you it doesn\'t.

Cheezmaster said on Sunday 13 April 2003

i think we need a mode that users who are not authed are forbidden to notices ... but as a channelmode ! In #bEaT we have a lot of messages and notices in our channel ... :D

bEaT|nasi` said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Im bored and wanna get a chat going in here.... HELP ME! :D

Diablo said on Sunday 13 April 2003

it sucks big time we are 2 who connects to quakenet through the same isp and normaly have the same host. The first comp has the normaly host, but det second gets the +x host which sucks big time. it adds it automatic and when we try to set /mode nickname +R it just says no such channel. I want the old style back, when 2 ppl can\'t have the same host. Think of how many ppl who have to change host when they op on hosts. If ppl want another host they just use BNC, and btw not a really interesting h

|EOB|Ang3lFire said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Absolutly great! Go on and add an new trust system asap and q-net will be almost perfect! <--- That i think too ! the new features are nice ! And with new trust its perfekt !

kP]Hgofi[cs said on Sunday 13 April 2003

+u is not nice :-/ i can\'t say why i did quit bcause someone had put +u to some chan i\'m in :\'(

Tidus^ said on Sunday 13 April 2003

there\'s a german translation by computerbase.de look at this -> www.computerbase.de/news.php?id=5024 well done, quakenet cya ahorn

hohohohlalal said on Sunday 13 April 2003

I wanna have +kX too! =\'( Arhg! Well done anyways. =)

Steinland said on Sunday 13 April 2003

cool :P

Spack said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Yeah. Quakenet is a paradise for lamers when they can change their hostname in 2 seconds :| Thats what i think about Asuka. I want som usable features like half ops, not this shit. :/

XiXi said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Robban, think before you say anything like that yes? bans still effect the real host underneath, you can\'t ban evade with it. Half ops? Usable? lol :D that will make me laugh for weeks :D

Kryten said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Hey! I\'m irc client developer, please tell me evenet number then whois message going from server for +x user with string \"ident@nick.users.quakenet.org ip_address Actual user@host, Actual IP\". Thanx

easygirl said on Sunday 13 April 2003

nice going qnet

}WraitH{ said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#41: It\'s 338.

Tankred said on Sunday 13 April 2003

Nice work indeed, although now I have to config my bot. It keeps banning me cause he doens\'t see me as owner anymore ;) (Cause of different host) You could say: \"D\'OH!\" on that. And nice work indeed. Now get the dancing Q bot in here also ;)

Nr|Five said on Sunday 13 April 2003

well done

[-RZ|doenie-] said on Sunday 13 April 2003

sorry, but in mostly public chans, the +r -r +u -u spam suxx as hell... and if you auth not on join, you can\'t join all chans on your joinage :( ... the IP-Hiding isn\'t good, cause now you can have as many clones you want. just make some fake emails, some fake auths and then spam-clone my chan full :( that suxx, too.... greetz :D :D :D ...valky

valky said on Sunday 13 April 2003

That roxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NICE JOB QUAKENET !!!

Nocturne1985 said on Sunday 13 April 2003

#46 I dont think u will be able to do that, since its only \"looks\", the real host underneath is still the one counting... i guess.... At least if u were to listen at Kryten, which said that bans affected the host underneath the cover =)

Diablo said on Sunday 13 April 2003

well if you thought a bit before you write, you\'d realize that the user.quakenet.org host is no real dns or something ( -> my name is [IOTG]Wombat.user.quakenet.org, but [] could not be used in real DNS) and you only appear to other users with this host. To the servers and to yourself, you appear with your real host, so you can\'t clone or do such things

[IOTG]Wombat said on Sunday 13 April 2003

N00b Q\'n: how do you add +x to perform? atm I add it between Q auth line and my joins, which works ok unless it\'s using the alt nick, which I often have to use after a disconnect. Do I set +x for both names or use something like /mode $me +x or..?

dn-DG said on Sunday 13 April 2003

OMG.. The option to hide IP is the worst thing made bu quakenet so far... :( Now it will be almost impossible to catch cheaters, fakenickers and other lamers.. D:

ErecT said on Monday 14 April 2003

#51: It will make it eaiser, if they are faking a nick, they won\'t ahve the right Q auth in the host.... Bad: After Netsplits you/ other ppl come back with their normal hsot,. not their mode +x host :(

Dataforce said on Monday 14 April 2003

How do i remove the mode with an irc-bouncer?

guns|d4r3 said on Monday 14 April 2003

Ok. Interesting new features. Must study them now. =) Nice work Dev Team! Thx!

kapperi said on Monday 14 April 2003

#53 you can disable +x by jumping (to the same or another server) which will temporary disconnect the bouncer from the server. well done, dev team. but as someone said before, i miss an auth rename feature, or at least a possibility to move flags to another auth one owns, since asking chan owners/masters to transfer current flags to another auth is often without success...

A2D|Y0Gi said on Monday 14 April 2003

oh... and do something against those 4-users-and-q-channels. quakenet seems to have nearly as many channels as users online since every dude opens a channel, this sucks. maybe you should increase l and q requirements another bit *duck*

A2D|Y0Gi said on Monday 14 April 2003

The way +x and banning works means that people wont be able to bypass bans on a channel, and the way it interacts with our services means that people cant use it to bypass clone limits. You need to make sure you set +x when you join IRC if you want to make sure you stay authed with bots etc. You can do this by adding \"/mode $me +x\" to your perform just underneath your Q auth and just before you join your channels (for mirc...).

Ferg said on Monday 14 April 2003

QuakeNet\'s new update is very good. The new features are very good. But there is too many problems.

A|action^ said on Monday 14 April 2003

hm, i think the +r command on chans won\'t be standard.. i would prefere a must auth to join Q-Net.

fescue said on Monday 14 April 2003

Not so keen on the +u *channel* option hiding your quit message from *all* channels! Was it just written like that because it was easier than narrowing it down to just one channel? Why should a channel op in a single channel be able to control whether any of the users in that chan have a quit message?!

ech said on Monday 14 April 2003

putting the q auth and mode +x just before the joins will not work as the joins are processed by your local server but Q auth is processed by Q plus if someone has a bot which does /whois on your nick every 2 senconds (the maximum allowed by flood protection) the chances are he\'ll catch your host sooner or later to auth securely you must connect to irc with a random nick set +x and auth wait until q relys that you are authed then set your noraml nick and join channels to log on to

plugwash said on Monday 14 April 2003

#60: it\'s technically not possible to narrow it down to one channel. #58: wanna tell us what the problems are? ;p

JaSt said on Monday 14 April 2003

changing the auth nick would be very nice. there are many who have an old clantag in there name and just cant remove it.

TTI|FakerkillaH said on Monday 14 April 2003

#60: Your last question: Because he would be one of the owners of the channel ? :P

OFF|The_Freak said on Monday 14 April 2003

i think what #3 & #51 were trying to say is that it is now not as easy to find out the real identity of cheaters. i mean, that you get the cheater\'s ip from the (quake)server and then use irc to discover who that person is. in the last couple of months that has become one of the most useful features of irc :(

mcfly_ said on Monday 14 April 2003

and in addition to that. everybody that had a severe case of irc-real-idendity-paranoia has gotten a bouncer till now anyway

mcfly_ said on Monday 14 April 2003

better implement ipv6 or steal it from another net

Breaker said on Monday 14 April 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Sephiroth said on Monday 14 April 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Sephiroth said on Monday 14 April 2003

how come +x is tied to the Nick, and not the authname?

[CSH]Cabe said on Tuesday 22 April 2003


qpox said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

just a tip: in mIRC try to use /partall instead of /quit in +u channels they see you part but in \"normal\" channels the others see your part reason ;)

EierzangE said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

I did +u and i still can see quit messages! It\'s don\'t work!

nadavs said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

sorry about a stupid question, but is there somewhere a complete list of qnet\'s channel modes?

[MagiuS] said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

nice but not very usefull.

h0nk said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

do not add useless features - add the trust system !

h0nk said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Imho the +u channelmode is a good idea, but it should just hide the quit/part-msgs in the channels which have set this mode. Nothing to say about the rest, just nice work.

fx][zYk said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

1) qnet is cool 2) have a automated, several level, trust system. (you\'ll get a 5client trust, don\'t fuck things up and you\'ll have 10 by next month and so forth) 3) /msg Q rename current-authname new-authname is VERY much needed 4) Taro is cute 5) to auth before joing the network would make it less accesable, like EFnet or those networks(I know you can stilll \"acces\" them nyways 6) Raise the maxchannels to 25. Since qnet has grown SO MUCH its also a VERY needed change 7)ta for existi

The_won_idle said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Erhm.. It doesnt work for me... I type /mode +x and it says \"No such channel\" :S Help! :/

ZeALuZ said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Nevermind.. I solved it.. :)

ZeALuZ said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

#80 How? my /mode $me +x line keeps on beeing executed before the /msg Q line...It puts it self as the first perform line no matter what i do...:(

FPS|Howlin said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

we don\'t need new features, we need trusts!! go 4 it qnet! :)

shur0y said on Thursday 24 April 2003

If I set +b *!*@*.users.quakenet.org, servers consider anyone authed at all to be banned, not just those who are using +x mode. Is it possible to fix this, or do I just have to write a script for my bot or something?

enkeli said on Thursday 24 April 2003

hehe i like the new covered mask. Means that you can ban a users auth without Q :D. Nice work QuakeNet :D

Raider-Bitch said on Thursday 24 April 2003

When i used /mode nick x my identd changed into ]-[-74170, ive tried everything to change it back, but it doesnt work.. whats wrong.. everytime i connect qnets gives me a new identd, plz help!

enoyer said on Thursday 24 April 2003

What does this +D, that some of you speak about, do?

LegalHaxxor said on Thursday 24 April 2003

I think umode +x is not that good it seems to be. QuakeNet becomes a paradise for abusers (like porn chan owner) because they are immune from now on. i\'m sure quakenet does not / is not able to log every ip an user using umode x had. but i know that the umode x is discussed at quakenet admins, so i hope u choose the best way to go... Leon

CaBa said on Thursday 24 April 2003


xiz|GanGsTeR said on Saturday 26 April 2003

#83 If you want to ban a user just ban his full hostmask. If he isnt a faker he would like to return with the same (registered) Hostmask again. So instead +b *!*@*.users.quakenet.org do +b *!*@nickname.users.quakenet.org

Da_Xpert said on Sunday 27 April 2003

By the way: Whats that about this +D ... I saw it already in some channels

Da_Xpert said on Sunday 27 April 2003

#87, caba, thankfully you are wrong. As far as the server and operators see, the IP is still there. It is only masked from other normal users. You can still ban and act on the IP underneath, and still handle clones and trusts. That is not affected at all. So noone is immune.

Kryten said on Sunday 27 April 2003

#90 It hits the join/part of ppl who didn\'t say anything => it shows the join first when a ppl say something

Revolutio said on Sunday 27 April 2003

#70 it\'s not tied to your nick, but you have to set the usermode on yourself, not on the one who has your authnick.

IpDope[TT] said on Sunday 27 April 2003

yes, and i want +v instead of +w, cuz then i\'ll have (+divx) :-)

blah_irc said on Monday 28 April 2003

i get cannot find channel [Dud^] Help,,,

[Dud^] said on Monday 28 April 2003

nice new features . Please more !!!

[8472]Escalibug said on Monday 28 April 2003

#89, what I want is to discourage usage of +x mode :P, but there\'s no reason to discourage using Q, L or accounts so I don\'t want to ban everyone who has authed. But I guess a simple script will solve this, if someone who joins has an *.users.quakenet.org host, then the bot\'ll simply kick them out (with a message telling why they got kicked) and temporarily ban that authid.users.quakenet.org host.

enkeli said on Monday 28 April 2003

well.. the +u mode on our chan doesn\'t seem to be working (and on other chans I\'ve been on..) can still see quits and parts

|MDK| said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

+x mode existing on undernet since over 1year ... i think you only use idea from other network .. that shade (?) because i\'m sur u can do better :)

meepmeep said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

Hate to dissapoint you meepmeep ( #99) : quakenet is built on a heavily modified version of Undernets software :) Or at least it was, im not sure if that applies to the new asuka server.

Kryten said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

No nickname reservation, thou? Like because I\'m authed with nick AcidFire, I can always claim it back when someone has it and is authed with another name. That would be cool.

AcidFire said on Tuesday 06 May 2003

omg I was fool for I didn\'t look at the first few messages before posting my own :/

AcidFire said on Tuesday 06 May 2003

#101 : Simply think a bit further Q-Net got 192719 (Peak from Monday 28. April 2003) Users ATM. Now think of everyone of them getting his own unique nick. 192719 nicks .... How long would that work ? maybe till 200000 or 500000 Users. Afterwards Users are running around with nicks like abcde cause no others are free anymore: would that bee what you want ?

TDK|Terminator said on Tuesday 06 May 2003

I wanna set +Q in my channel :) can\'t kick any more then that would be nice, no take overs.... our give me +q :P

marco666|| said on Tuesday 06 May 2003

n1 work @ Quakenet-ops

`StArFighTeR` said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

+D = Delay Joins. When a user joins such a Channel, no JOIN message is sent to the other users on the Channel. The user remains invisible until he either speaks or gets voice/op. Aka voyeur mode :>

SEPT|C said on Thursday 08 May 2003

hidden ip is kinda sucky, if ppl are trying to take over ur chan, u cant resolve there ip\'s

crizpy said on Friday 09 May 2003

hooray.. thats a good step in the right direction... not only cause i got my 2mbit hansenet haha t-online-suckers get bouncers \\o/

opers-are-cute said on Friday 16 May 2003

eh \"LinX re: #6 - \"unfortunately\" there will never be a nickserv on QuakeNet. We believe that nicknames do not belong to a particular person, and should be available to anyone who wishes to use it. In any case, it is too late to add a nickserv to QuakeNet now - it would instantly be abused and the situation would be worse than it is now.\" well thats a lie.. some guy called kolmar likes do delete/kill everything with \'kolmar\' in it.. even if its not rude

opers-are-cute said on Friday 16 May 2003

why does it say \"No such channel\"? :( what am I doing wrong

[rm]dave said on Sunday 25 May 2003

If your authname is \"foo\" and nickname \"foobar\": /mode foobar +x You will see: foo.users.quakenet.org is now your hidden host

shrinkz said on Thursday 29 May 2003

How do I get rid of the +D mode whenever I do //mode # -D , +d is automaticly added (And what is +d then) however, who do I get rid of +D whitout getting a +d mode)

Boschjesman said on Saturday 31 May 2003

No such channel?? why?

niine said on Friday 06 June 2003

how do I -x? /mode reyep -x doesn\'t work ffs

reyep said on Wednesday 11 June 2003

vreau Q

Marutz said on Monday 08 September 2003

Boschjesman, i have the same problem.. :)

SLoBeR^ said on Wednesday 08 October 2003

help! My friend authed with my password and now he authes all the time with it automaticly. I\'ve changet my password but it won\'t help, worst of all.. he uses my host name.. What should I do??? How can I get my host name back and he hes?? help.. plz...

ural said on Monday 12 April 2004

I have the same \"no such channel\" problem too.

m1lkm4n said on Monday 23 October 2006