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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Website Back Online

Posted by Pilsner on Tuesday 22 April 2003

After a few days, we are proud to bring you the fully working QuakeNet website. We'd like to thank you, our users, for your patience, and apologise profusely for you not being able to request that lovely L bot. :)

Please log in to post comments.
Cool, it looks a bit diffent somehow

Karl|Managing_D said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

The L-Service doesn\'t work, this is the error message: ------------- Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user: \'relay@localhost\' (Using password: YES) in /opt/web/www.quakenet.org/htdocs/include/relay.inc on line 2 Cannot connect to Request Queue Database ------------- Bye, Black

THK[JM] said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Now it works :).

THK[JM] said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

what about the q service ?!

XX5|-XCali- said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

ahh! we can finaly go to sleep at night knowing QNet webby WORKS!!

meep said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

\"what about the q service ?!\" :)

DCC|Wicki said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Cannot auth with Q!! I\'m sure this is related, but not only am I getting \"Invalid Username/Password\" but I\'ve registered another Q Account tonight for a bot and when I\'ve come to auth using the bot, I\'ve got absoluetly no response from Q! Any suggestions?

|GeX| said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

#8: you might want to try the forums - you can expect a lot more help there. || In other news, weee - Q request si goen!!1~~

JaSt said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

moep :))

mava-auf-aggro said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

We lost a chan with almost 40 people CuZ we couldn´t request L :*(

ej3ct^ said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

#11: You know there are things called bots...

|VK|Sorcer said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

i want 2 request Q!

demulen said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

What\'s left out on the right? I believe there was some more content there than only the login part and partners? Or am I wrong? :)

XeNTiX said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Flinstones, meet the Flinstones, they are modern stoneage family...

Shadow said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Great site! I love your work here :) (btw, get those counterstrikers out of qnet :D)

Waatland said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

idea udea when its back?

[Corrupt] said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

it\'s write to me: You don\'t appear to be authed with Q on IRC what i need to do?

HoBGoblin^ said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

I want a Q :( Any1 know when thats gonna be avail again?? :(

Cold_As_Ice said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

New ISP and running on FreeBSD, nice one :)

IQS|Krusty said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

hehe nice :) i wanted to request Q, but now i have L for another chan :) hmmm,how could i say that in english? \"ein großes lob an das quakenet team. habta fein gemacht :)\" :D

HollinG said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

the quakenet website can be off as long as needed, as long as the irc servers are running :) i really like the qnet and i want to thank all the people who spend their free time for me to be able to chat :)) thx guys

c3t3b3 said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Where are the current and peak connection stats at the right? EEEK! They are away! Do anything, fast! silly

[KBA]SillyG said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

is it possible to move a Q from one chan to an other chan at the moment ?

Scare said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

I don\'t want the L bot... I want Q.. when can i request Q?

|S|-JJ^- said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

What\'s the difference between having Q or L on your channel? Are there mor possibilities with Q? If yes, what are they?

SHAFTT said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

fully working QuakeNet website <-- Ehmm? NOT, i can\'t request Q = NOT fully working QuakeNet website

B|aX^ said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

When is Q comming back :S ??

BBberc said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

#16 stfu! =). Nice work QuakeNet crew! What if QuakeNet will go down? There would be nothing to do...thnx crew for all your free work!

SolidSneaker_ said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Nice to have it back =)

Spyke said on Tuesday 22 April 2003


qpox said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

hmm... well i havent seen any answers about Q, when will it be possible to request it?

Q-NETSUX said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Ho ho ho. Here\'s a secret. There is a real forum on this site, where you can ask questions and somebody will actually answer.

JaSt said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Where is Q?

paskas said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Is Q deleted ??

[noClan]Blade2 said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Sigh... some people are to rash.... why can\'t people figure out reading FAQ\'s and stuff ? Okay some of the questions are alright... but i believe there are better ways of getting them answered... like #help .. or the famous #feds ;) My comment is probably gonna get deleted becoz of the advertise for #feds and people will ask stupid questions there :p Anyways... thnx for the free time u spend... (Original thoughts ? ;)

Diablo said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Where is Q? I\'ll tell you... Q is on 22.000+ channels already, and thanks to this downtime of some days (+ going out relaxing for Easter), Q realized that he had been added to wayyyy enough channels already. He\'s also read enough kindergarden stories for now, and then, refuses to be added to anymore cs kiddies channels. Yes! That\'s it. Leave Q alone now, he\'s done quite a tremendous work, for all these years, now let him have some -rest- thank you!

Nico said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

whens the login thingy (manage channels, change password) gonna be done/fixed ???

ToeCutter said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

Great work with the page guys.. and with the network :) keep on like this and you\'ll keep being the best IRC-network...

Cm[uM] said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

powered by snoke.nl ;) go igor go ;)

FaBiOZ said on Tuesday 22 April 2003

mhhm if no Q anymore what about getting a new bot like C :) with same features as Q :D and requestage like L so no opers needed for it

TheShad0w said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

nice :)

e\Fusion said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

refuses to be added to anymore cs kiddies channels.but ee.....what about the UT kiddies??? :P:P

The-Avatar said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

What about using L + eggdrop for example? An Eggdrop has more features than Q and he can use L to protect the channel.

illusion` said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

I hope there will be a Q request system where you can at least move a Q to an other channel!

Best said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

maybe just a move service would be nice? :)

[Corrupt] said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Everyone\'s happy-dappy-doo right now, but just out of curiousity: why was the Quakenet webby out of the air anyway? Or did you guys activate HEAD_IN_SAND mode again? On behalf of raz: raz says \"hi\" to all, \"ho\" to the staff, and \"haha\" to jast.

ck said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Quakenet staff , give us some eggies then :D , if you need i could host a sevice bot for you too :)

TheShad0w said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Where is Q? I\'ll tell you... Q is on 22.000+ channels already, and thanks to this downtime of some days (+ going out relaxing for Easter), Q realized that he had been added to wayyyy enough channels already. He\'s also read enough kindergarden stories for now, and then, refuses to be added to anymore cs kiddies channels. Yes! That\'s it. Leave Q alone now, he\'s done quite a tremendous work, for all these years, now let him have some -rest- thank you! 22.000 YE RIGHT lets say so no way 22.000.

]75`cL^D3Nna said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

what the hell is so new about this page ?! looks like the old one :) and illusion` means get L and one of \"the Helper crews new botchan\" bot ;) #help.bots and whats about the mix L + Natasha bot ? =) Dont advertise. (i.e channels, sites or other things) i think its a quakenet can so im allowed to paste the chan name :) JuZe|Sniper_Jey

Sniper_Jey^UT said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

idd - you SHOULD get rid of those cs-kiddies and make Q available for the good old gamers again (: who needs 22000+ cs-kiddie-chans anyways? :(

satanic said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

We have 100 + users in the channel, and lots of ops, we need that Q.. Will it EVER be back ?

Wc|Toaster said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

#49, why wouldn\'t you believe that Q is on more than 22.000? I even thought Q was on far more, since QuakeNet has more than 150.000 channels in total, and that\'s only because people like you just get horney of much channels with much bots. You really DO NOT need Q. ANY channel can be handled with L. Do you need more than 30 people op\'ed on your channel? Not if you don\'t have over 300 users, even a simple bot with some simple scripts could handle that. Stop yelling that you need Q because it

XeNTiX said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

*because it won\'t help, get an eggdrop instead. About the moving system: Useless, if you still have an old Q on an un-used channel, REMOVE IT, it will only give you more chance of getting the request system back online.

XeNTiX said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

Finaly we can get L !!!!!!

SKiLL][GoD-OwnS said on Wednesday 23 April 2003

For #49, the exact stats on Q as of 04:26am GMT, 24/04/2003 is :- 04:26 Registered Channels: 22414 04:26 Memory: 419840 kB 04:26 Avg. CPU%: 79.94% Happy that Q is under a bit of stress ?

Pumpkin said on Thursday 24 April 2003

Welcome back Qnet.

Snype said on Thursday 24 April 2003

#49 pwned :p One thing that annoys me VERY much is people who don\'t seem to understand that there is no need for Q, what I\'m talking about is channels (often small) who can\'t just take L oh no they really need Q since x feuture isn\'t in L och y really needs to add everyone who joins as +av. Opers shold write a big article on the Q, L situation, I know it\'s in the faqs but maybe everyone isn\'t reading them? Hail to L!!

kjuze said on Thursday 24 April 2003

some of you should start realizing that they are chatting on a big network which uses a lot of ressources and noone has to pay for it

illusion` said on Thursday 24 April 2003

Hi! I think you should simply use the tip given somewhere further up : L + HBS bot ( had one recently worked great )! It\'s easy to get one and it\'s easy to configure (atleast easyer than Q ;) )

TDK|Terminator said on Thursday 24 April 2003

trying to get L been in room for hours some one please help

Revwell^CL said on Thursday 24 April 2003

I think the L bot is ok. But i lost my channel #biggest (overtaked) and with the Q bot it wouldn\'t happen. The L bot hasn\'t features like \"bitchmode\" otherwise i would stay with L. Sry for my broken englisch ;)

NeX^0 said on Thursday 24 April 2003

so..will Q be back or not ? at least it should be possible to move Q from one to another chan...that\'s what i want since...bout 2 month now...

[BSZ]Burner|AFK said on Thursday 24 April 2003

#62 You don\'t seem to know how to use the bots so why are you complaining? If it\'s you channels you can get the channel back, just as easily as with Q. try /msg l showcommands for usefull commands..

kjuze said on Thursday 24 April 2003

&#246;hm, sorry i didnt understand all of your comments, im german. but one question: will we get Q back?

HollinG said on Thursday 24 April 2003

what about reforming Q? ... first of all the conditions of having one: - at least 100 peeps in chan - chan must be at least 1 month old... etc. then make it some sort of compromise between the old q and l... like max 1/5 of the users on the chan may have chanflags on it or summin, or flags that have not been used for 2 weeks get deleted etc..... :)

satanic said on Thursday 24 April 2003

looks like quakenet has got to that point where something needs to be done with the services. L is perfect simple quick and to the point. Q is also perfect. For the more heavy channels. How about a Network Search for channels that have Q and a \"average\" user load of under 25, then part the Q bot replacing it with L. Say something along the lines of \"Sorry but you channel has been deemed too small \"average user load of 12\" and will be removed and replaced with L\". Mabye another Service?

Raider-Bitch said on Thursday 24 April 2003

Cool. X]

Shadikka said on Thursday 24 April 2003

#67 good idea, though I\'m not sure it\'s doable.

kjuze said on Thursday 24 April 2003

#67 Sounds good... What if persons leave channel at nights? Then the user count is dropping!

Crazyguy said on Thursday 24 April 2003

What? When the ops are doing that i never come back to quakenet... then i go with all my friends to another network to chat... thats a bad idee... make a third bot which is for medium channels... (for eyample: L for light chans, M for medium, Q for heavy full chans) i think its better for the quakenet users to have a choice what is better for the channel...and a S is better in every channel who wants a one. i know nothing of this will ever happen.thanks for reading this.cya @ my channel (name+y)

[F-L]Spike said on Thursday 24 April 2003

And remove some unused Q bots... there are some channels who mustn\'t have a Q... they are empty. a channel with a Q with 3-5 users? is that the idee of a the Q bot? i dont think so... kein bock mehr englisch zu schreiben ^^

[F-L]Spike said on Thursday 24 April 2003

#70 you use average users in the channels ofc.. #71 & #72 your idea with M is a bad idea imho, just increases the work for opers and the load on servers, imo people should use L. S can\'t today hold that amount of channels, it wouldn\'t work. The reason why Q is in small channels is that before you didn\'t hafto have that many people in your channel to get Q. But I agree, it should be removed to increase the load.

kjuze said on Friday 25 April 2003

Whats that i can\'t get L i was 20h Online with 6-9 idlers and i can\'t get L its the same answer Scor to low :(

SpecialForcer said on Friday 25 April 2003

who is Q ???? L suxx .... ;-)

[GKWS-CS]Neo said on Friday 25 April 2003

well...still no answer if Q will be back..or at least the possibility to move Q to another chan..Q is very bored in my old chan ;)

[BSZ]Burner|AFK said on Friday 25 April 2003

#67 i think this idea sucks ... there should be more Qs and no Ls . i think L sucks hard !

bdp said on Friday 25 April 2003

There is only one thing in L i miss from Q. Thats the Q-Ban. And i have never seen a better command than Q ban. know eggdrops+L is powerfull to, be not the same :) I really hope that u guys let those channels with Q to have their Q alone :)

n0name said on Friday 25 April 2003

Many Guys will open channels with L only to add +b flags. I think max 2 +b with L-Bot (1x channel) should be ok.

Exor007 said on Friday 25 April 2003

arg i mean +b channel levs not flags :>

Exor007 said on Friday 25 April 2003

QNet is the biggest IRC network .. i wonder why :P so stop complaining (well done opers) There areof course areas for improvement: like, Q,L & S By this i mean, raising the Q minimmum (to 30-40) and making the L to Q transition simple, only L owner can request and L is auto-removed Also if a channel does not maintain 20 users the Q is lost and replaced by L (similar thing for L) Lastly S needs to be removed from some small chans, taht do not need it, and given to bigger channels

Bitey said on Friday 25 April 2003

Qnet isn\'t the biggest IRC network. efnet, dalnet are both bigger

Ar3 said on Friday 25 April 2003

#82 Check http://irc.netsplit.de/networks/ Dalnet is so small and Efnet is behind Qnet

IQS|Krusty said on Friday 25 April 2003

If it is possible then remove all Q bots from the channels who have a averenge of 15users or less and give them L insteed, then update the requirements. Maybe 50 users averenge are good for Q? Well make something like that so you can request Q.. If you remove Q from all channels who got under 15users averenge then you remove alot of Q bots.... We want Q back :)

Erling1 said on Friday 25 April 2003

#84 I\'m you oppinion. I know somebody, who owns min. 15 Q bots (he said, but i dont know if he is right). You should really check if all channels having Q are really entitled to have it. I only say: People whos channels got overtaked, should thing whom they give OP. MfG Agent-J. Have a nice day ^^

itds|Agent-J said on Friday 25 April 2003

You got ridda the qnet stats on the right! :( boo hiss, was slightly interesting :)

FtK^Blanch said on Friday 25 April 2003

A friend of mine didn\'t find the link to register to quakenet i searched too and didn\'t find the link to create a new Q account please post alink in a comment

TheApe said on Saturday 26 April 2003

It\'s really easy to creat a new account but not on a web-page but on IRC : /msg Q hello (2times same mail address)= you got regsitered

TDK|Terminator said on Saturday 26 April 2003

#78 eggdrops can ban Q accounts, you just need a script for that.

illusion` said on Saturday 26 April 2003

What about a trust system? Or when will we be able to get a trust again?

[XQX]Securitron said on Saturday 26 April 2003

so...still no answer if Q request will be available or not...since 3 days no answer...

[BSZ]Burner|AFK said on Saturday 26 April 2003

Give the quakenet Operators and Helpers a rest, they have worked hard to get quakenet back on its feet, STOP asking when Q will be back, just hold it and take time out to say thank you quakenet. \"thanks quakenet\"

|Bc|DiNK|ViP said on Saturday 26 April 2003

First of all, Q\'s most important job is just like L\'s: protecting the channel, which they\'re doing on mostly exact the same way. And for those few other options, such as bitch mode, Q bans; I\'ve been experimenting with L together with an eggdrop lately, and I can\'t see people\'s problem. Once you have the right scripts working, it\'s a fine working system. But still, try to get rid of some unworthy-Q channels, if that would be possible, there\'re too much of them.

IpDope[TT] said on Saturday 26 April 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

sirzion said on Saturday 26 April 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Kryten said on Saturday 26 April 2003

i have&#180;nt got my L back #praxis

malova said on Saturday 26 April 2003

Thanks to QuakeNet staff ^^ Hopefully Q is up again soon - wanna request =) Got my 40 idlers for weeks. Greetz to KolMar - only IRCop from Mainz -

[cf-PeOpLe] said on Saturday 26 April 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Izzytje said on Sunday 27 April 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Th3R4PT0R said on Sunday 27 April 2003

what is with Manage your channels Stuff like password changing etc?

[MD]ThUnDeRbIrD said on Sunday 27 April 2003

#100 That never really worked, and don\'t expect it will ever work

XeNTiX said on Sunday 27 April 2003

Q is dead :P

Black_Eagle` said on Sunday 27 April 2003

loads of netsplits lately.. u better have it fixed ;)

SgtStrider said on Sunday 27 April 2003

Lol OMG 4 request for #cs.orga.fr look http://www.halflifexpert.com/csorgafr/modules.php?name=News&file;=article&sid;=6&mode;=&order;=0&thold;=0... We cannot manage flags like +av not to saturate the L.

SnAkE|own said on Monday 28 April 2003

#104: Despite the fact that your comment is not really easy to understand, it\'s great fun to look at the page. Which is, *of course*, not serious at all, nor have you put enough work in it to make it an acceptable website to get Q. Who was the guy who managed your request...?

Scytale said on Monday 28 April 2003

Hmm, most of the people who wants Q wants it bcoz of the more flags. They want everyone to have +v. I can understand that, all at our channel can have voice to. What they dont know is that they can just put a few lines into theyr remote (alt+r) and then YOU can give them +v as soon as they join the channel ! on 1:JOIN:#channel: { /mode $chan +v $nick } remember to get it all with !

Dewilz said on Monday 28 April 2003

\"on 1:JOIN:#channel: { /mode $chan +v $nick } \" without the \"\"

Dewilz said on Monday 28 April 2003

well i think most of the ppl now a bit of scripting or they use scripts like Gamers.IRC that has an auto voice script built in. But they want the ppl to have voice when they join at night, too.

TrustNoOne said on Monday 28 April 2003

*** Edit *** You get Gamers.IRC @ www.gamersirc.net ;-) *** Edit ***

TrustNoOne said on Monday 28 April 2003

when do you distribute new trusts for more connections per IP?

VIP|NataS said on Monday 28 April 2003

#108: mIRC itself has autovoice built in. People just don\'t RTFM, and assume bloatware like girc add simple features like that. Take a look at \"/help /avoice\". There are a couple of options for voicing while you\'re offline. The easiest is to have multiple ops set up /avoice\'s, then the chances of being voiced are greater. Eggdrops work also - if you don\'t want to/can\'t pay for one there are channels which will let you borrow theirs. Also get L for security to stop the bot taking ove

MikeC said on Monday 28 April 2003

...over! (Why did 496 of 500 characters cut off?) Maybe a bug!

MikeC said on Monday 28 April 2003

I really don\'t understand everybody\'s fascination with auto-voicing everybody who enters their channel. This is completely and utterly pointless as it then renders chanmode m useless. If everybody has voice it defeats the purpose of the mode. Let\'s throw that one around for a bit ;)

magpie said on Monday 28 April 2003

#113: Autovoicing everyone can be pointless, yes, but both /avoice and eggdrops can voice by hostmask, nick, etc. You can also voice by Q auth (with appropriate scripts in clients/eggdrops). The fact is that people want to be able to voice [selected] people while they are offline, whether it\'s autovoice *!*@* is really their choice.

MikeC said on Monday 28 April 2003

blablabla, you can\'t auto-voice with Q anyway. If you\'re automaticly giving +av to everyone, or not automaticly, Q will certainly be suspended.

XeNTiX said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

#106 - #107 you can also use type: /avoice *!*@* #channel - avoice a chan /avoice -l - avoice list /avoice -r - removes all avoice chans this works aswell

|Bc|DiNK|ViP said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

that didnt come out right, type (in your chan: \"/avoice *!*@* #channel\" - avoice a chan \"/avoice -l\" - avoice list \"/avoice -r\" - removes all avoice chans all withought \"\"

|Bc|DiNK|ViP said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

this is not really a topic for avoice is it? its a topic for greet QuakeNet hp back. =)

Teazle said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

I want to move my Q :( I want the Q request back... Can i make a donation to the Quakenet? ;)

suspended said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

If Q is so overused, then someone develop a script/program to check the Q database for channels who registered a long time ago, when the requirements were not much more than L\'s requirements today. Check all those old channels, automatically remove Q from the ones who have a too small average user basis, or replace it with L. Replacing with L would be better as it would not result in lots of overtakes when Q is removed. Also make \"old registors\" assign homepage url to their channel etc...

The_Sorce said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

as homepage was not needed at some point were L not yet existed. Just guessing, I\'d say at least 1 of 5 channels with Q would not have Q if the new reqistration requirements would be applied and checked on the old channels. There are lots of small 5-people channels with Q that don\'t need any of Q\'s features except for +ao, and there are many 25+-people channels that can\'t get Q now when the old small channels are taking its resources... Maybe something to think about?

The_Sorce said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

The_Sorce, i agree with you, Qnet do s.th. and leave Q from these little chans!

Best said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

Weres the Q request? I dont want to read all of yours comments because its over 100. So I just ask now, why are the Qrequest gone?

eaK_ said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

how about removing all these 5-idlers-and-a-Q-channels?

pkxl2 said on Tuesday 29 April 2003

I agree with #16 and #124 :] :D

BavarianExtulas said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

when are the \'trust\' service up?

lfyr said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

gimme q now :D

Wimp said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

i will request Q... fuck

Bobcic said on Wednesday 30 April 2003

#128 $me, too.

MagicMan^^ said on Thursday 01 May 2003

At least you can get L to protect your channels for now. Q request will return asap, so don\'t shout things like \"fuck\" as it simply won\'t help.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Friday 02 May 2003

when is Q comming back ?

[noClan]Blade2 said on Friday 02 May 2003

#131 , read what has been said by #130: as soon as possible.

IpDope[TT] said on Friday 02 May 2003

Make a global or sumting when you add Q back =)

Zimeon said on Saturday 03 May 2003

reply 2 #DUNNO about M, i think thats a quality idea, althought just eaiser to add a few more things to L, a \'L-Ban\' biatch m0d3 and force topic, the helpers seem to find it a cruddy idea but the rest of Qnet wants it...

[CeX]Death_Ray said on Saturday 03 May 2003

when I start Quakenet it sasy everytime : 10[002010:001710:004510] * [10053] Software caused connection abort 10[002010:001710:004510] * Disconnected what can I do ??? Please help me Quake.net :=)

m0nt3ll4^cs said on Saturday 03 May 2003

&#171;DDB&#187; 10053 is Software caused connection abort. It is not due to scripts in the client, and not even in the plain client, but PARTLY in NIC card/driver/settings and/or Winsock closing the socket due to a ping timeout. Check [ http://support.ipswitch.com/kb/WSK-19980702-EM02.htm ] @ #135

Teazle said on Sunday 04 May 2003

So what is that eggdrop thing and where to get it..? im not a nerd i cant make a bot of my own. But id like to have something cooler/better than L on my chan. so what can I do..? should I wait for Q back online..?

Waily said on Sunday 04 May 2003

#137 if you want an eggdrop you can go to a botprovider, such as #help.bots, to request one. You could also run one yourself. For more information about eggdrops you better check http://www.egghelp.org You say you want something better than L, but I would recommend you, if you take an eggdrop, not to delete your L, as L is more secure for your channel protection (can\'t be deoped and stuff). So just combinate them I\'d say.

dopeh said on Monday 05 May 2003

so guys just wait!!!! Quakenet done always hard and very good work for us(freee!!!!!) so just wait and don\'t complain about that they spend their time for us so... :O)

albee said on Monday 05 May 2003

we need Q because we need to add more users

[PaC]Terror said on Monday 05 May 2003

#140: Many people including myself have eggdrops working off user\'s Q auths. You just have to ask/look around.

MikeC said on Tuesday 06 May 2003

#140: as MikeC said, eggdrops with scripts like that are good enough to op/voice people and stuff. Try #help.bots e.g., they got such a script on their bots.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Tuesday 06 May 2003

But when am I going to be able to request Q?

Independent said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

^^ yeah what about Q

BlaZeN said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

Can somebody give me a script which bans like Q - per auth?

TT|MarkTaylor said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

#145: get the persons authname and then just do /mode #channel +b *!*@authname.users.quakenet.org (That\'ll ban the auth even if he doesn\'t have usermode +x set).

Jack-The-Ripper said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

Do the QuakeNet and Q a favor: delete the Q database and lets start from the beginning. Should\'nt be a problem for the clans, but the IRCOPs would have some more work hehe. Anyway I think that\'s the best idea.

BC-Vamp|re said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

whens the login thingy (manage channels, change password) gonna be done/fixed ???

ToeCutter said on Wednesday 07 May 2003

It never worked and dont think it will ever gonna work.... Its not essential so no need to rush that \'thingy\' :D

Jean^Mertz said on Thursday 08 May 2003

damn, get something better to do. =)

[JK]Brigand said on Thursday 08 May 2003

#141 who do u do this? can u contact me? steph4lin@yahoo.de or irc-nick: \\\\steph

\steph said on Thursday 08 May 2003

yeh .. as said before many places to get an eggdrop #scripts #help.bots #worldbots etc

Bitey said on Thursday 08 May 2003

own. everyone post thems problem. nice comments bracket :} so far Prince

pG-djx said on Thursday 08 May 2003

weeeeeeeeeeee. it\'s good to see Qnet.org back again. nice work, dudes and thanks for spending your time for us. :) (no, I don\'t want to ask when Q is back :>)

BCSK|SatchmO said on Friday 09 May 2003