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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Chat.UK Closes Down

Posted by Yarn on Friday 09 May 2003

The longest running QuakeNet server was delinked today. It was first linked in January 1998, when it was administered by TG-PhaZe and MadHacker, and the opers who have lived there include spud, Xia, iolaire and myself. Unfortunately the ISP who supplied the server and internet connection went into liquidation a few days ago, bringing an era to an end.

New home servers have been found for everyone who was based on Chat.UK, and there is sufficient capacity in the UK servers to take up any slack.

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What a shame... Cazh

Cazh said on Friday 09 May 2003

That\'s not really nice :(

FDNL^robbierzz| said on Friday 09 May 2003

A shame to see such an old server going down. But hey, it all has to end sometime. Good work Chat.uk and rest in peace.

aegis^ said on Friday 09 May 2003

Thanks for providing such a good server for so long and thanks for all the work admins.

XeNTiX said on Friday 09 May 2003

oh dear :(

Maastaaa said on Friday 09 May 2003

oh, damn.. -1 server :( and.. -4000 users @ capacity :(? But, Good Luck, QuakeNet.

DarkDeviL said on Friday 09 May 2003

Sad for sure! //Naz

[PDK]Naz^^^^^^ said on Friday 09 May 2003

Thank you for this time Chat.uk!

SolidSneaker_ said on Friday 09 May 2003

missing the good old times...

chronoss said on Friday 09 May 2003

lol, its a server not a person

morfee said on Friday 09 May 2003

Time changes all things and the server will prolly just be replaced by a new one somewhere in the future ^_^/

gwelz said on Friday 09 May 2003

/me waves byebye to chat.uk. :/

Primary said on Friday 09 May 2003

Bye chat.uk

Jack-The-Ripper said on Friday 09 May 2003

We offered our server for QuakeNet but they did not answer since then (1 month ago) so you neednt worry for QuakeNet they really knows what they are doing..One server is nothing to them. Or they do not care..

felyx said on Friday 09 May 2003

Sad, but no can do :/

blackop said on Saturday 10 May 2003

#15 felyx Do you think Quakenet lets non-dedicated or slow IRC Servers link? Probably you just want oper status But its sad for chat.uk

[XQX]Securitron said on Saturday 10 May 2003

what a pity ,it was a very good server. Rest in peace, good job =[

linkr`z said on Saturday 10 May 2003

/me byebye to uk.quakenet.org =[

linkr`z said on Saturday 10 May 2003


kjuze said on Saturday 10 May 2003


roundabout said on Saturday 10 May 2003

:( it was the fastest server... :(

AbjecT said on Saturday 10 May 2003

lol was it hell

morfee said on Saturday 10 May 2003

#17 [XQX]Securitron Do you think it was non-dedicated and slow? Do you know why we wanted to link to quakenet? I think no. 100mbit is slow? So pls dont write silly comments if u do not know what happend.

felyx said on Sunday 11 May 2003


z0ke said on Sunday 11 May 2003

Hey its sad that was a good chat room But i hope i can make up for it with #onlinechat keep the chatters on mirc happy :)

ScotCop said on Sunday 11 May 2003

Rest in peace...

kalimannen said on Monday 12 May 2003

100mbit isnt slow but \"it was the fastest server\" and anyway, isnt the MINIMUM quaknet server connection speed 100mbit?

morfee said on Thursday 15 May 2003

no i think its minimum 10mbit in the App atleast.. but not IRL :) RIP Chat.Uk

Knight^goQ said on Thursday 15 May 2003

look carefully, quaknet, so technically im right :)

morfee said on Thursday 15 May 2003

Your services to this net shall forever be remembered. RIP

Pulze said on Friday 16 May 2003

hummm bad news :> i worked for an isp in germany some years ago and it was the first who went into bankrupcy of the so called \"new economy\" - i hope everyone @ high velocity will soon find a new job

jmeister|TMG said on Sunday 18 May 2003

This is very bad news indeed as this was a great server. Well..RIP :)

Mcn00b1 said on Saturday 09 August 2003