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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Q Database problems

Posted by Crillo on Saturday 10 May 2003

Due to unforeseen problems with Q this evening, we have had to roll back to an old copy of its database. This backup was made approximately 68 hours before the time of this post. Anybody who created a Q account less than 68 hours ago should say HELLO to Q again. Additionally, any chanlev changes etc. made since the backup was taken will also have been lost.

We acknowledge this may cause problems for some users and apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please log in to post comments.
hm i didnt seen any different :) seems im not important to see an different :) everyone else gets every day new flags i guess ;) later Jey

Sniper_Jey^UT said on Saturday 10 May 2003

We\'ll get over it I think, at least the database isn\'t back to stone age :-)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Saturday 10 May 2003


meep said on Saturday 10 May 2003

its fine. just say hello to q again with the same nickame u 1st did it with and then when u get the email change ur password again and shits back to normal

quitemellow said on Saturday 10 May 2003

nothing new i think.... only 1 problem more in q-net

MF^ZonK said on Saturday 10 May 2003


clan|LeGoLaS said on Saturday 10 May 2003

#6 : Please don\'t start slagging of QuakeNet again. These things happen, even in large profit making organisations. QuakeNet, as you may or may not have noticed, is free for use and non-profit making. All the staff who maintain the network and support users do so in their free time, and naturally do not get paid for the work they do. Cutting QuakeNet and its staff a little slack wouldn\'t go amiss :)

magpie said on Saturday 10 May 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

sHazZeD said on Sunday 11 May 2003

I hadn\'t inspection by! when that occurred what can be i do. Please msg pL-Sou1reaver or visit #Primitive-Leets

Sou1reaver said on Sunday 11 May 2003

Wow, never seen anything like this before. Quakenet has always been pretty stable allround, especially when it comes to user auths and channels. Good thing there are backups ;)

Kanarie said on Sunday 11 May 2003

I\'ve created my channel and have 4 ops, all in the last 48h. How do I get op again ?

S_T_O_N_E said on Sunday 11 May 2003

My friend is now having problems, he gets in the channel but he can\'t talk or anything. It gives him a error messge upon typeing a message and hiting enter. any way to fix this?

Gillagad said on Sunday 11 May 2003

This isn\'t a Q&A.; Direct your queries to the appropriate places.

Deckard said on Sunday 11 May 2003

Hmmzzz It seems that my account has been removed of the database but now the problem is I can\'t get Ops in channels no more cause I owned the L\'s in some channels but my auth is gone . Anyways to solve this ?

|T-J| said on Sunday 11 May 2003

#14 yeah, well this is just an comments section but most people state thems probs or question or what ever. mate`s mate`s .. :}

pG-djx said on Sunday 11 May 2003

I\'ve created saturday a channel, get the l bot, and set auto op. but know no one can get auto op in my chanel. and i cant Auth with my nick. Q said that my nick or pass is wrong or that im already authed. but I werend.

vg-QuizzBot said on Sunday 11 May 2003

Chanlevs only take a couple of minutes. Other than on the larger Comunities. I myself have a comunity and would like \"Q\" but i am sure you guys are doing all you can so take your time guys!

[utd]Matty said on Sunday 11 May 2003


AfroB said on Sunday 11 May 2003

PLZ WHEN THE Q REQUEST PAGE COME BACK TOO ........ plz... its very long for that...

wD`Anoson said on Sunday 11 May 2003

#20 and all other people that are still asking questions here: Deckard already told you that this is the wrong place to ask.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Monday 12 May 2003

Well, no worries Qnet you do a really great work. The only thing I wonder about is why you haven\'t already a fully automated backup solution... a poor bash script can backup your database everyday...

Silex said on Monday 12 May 2003

It does have an automated backup as far as I know, but there was a problem with it.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Monday 12 May 2003

heh atlest its 68 hours :P not like uk2 rolling back thier webservers by 6 months !

Bitey said on Monday 12 May 2003

How much is the Q database? Just curious..

dopeh said on Monday 12 May 2003

For Some Reason It Has Banned Meh

Pasta|Mc|Jamez said on Monday 12 May 2003

mir doch wayne!! egal macht den rotz mal bald wieder an bevor ich ausraste. roger that? ;) my stat: OMG

GP|k0Ax said on Monday 12 May 2003

Get The DataBase Up Again?

GothiC-SKOOD said on Monday 12 May 2003

Wen did Q go on ??? I need Q !!! damn ... #hoden-am-boden <---

unreal|moses said on Monday 12 May 2003

I was already wondering when chanlevs I had deleted like 2 days ago appeared again^^

RealmHunter said on Monday 12 May 2003

Help: since the roll back, a key is on my chanel and i can\'t go on..........Plz help me : #-ftg-

sqweed said on Tuesday 13 May 2003

@sqweed /msg L recover #yourchan ;)

GP|k0Ax said on Tuesday 13 May 2003

when does the #QREQUEST is up again our chnnl wants a Q :p where finally ready is the request down :( Greetz, fl0pie

flopie said on Tuesday 13 May 2003

hell?! when will the q bot services back? because i want to have it! plz answear me

r3|HomerJay said on Tuesday 13 May 2003

im in #arsenic and i whant 2 move my Q bot .. how can i do it when Q services is down ?? ,, msg me on #arsenic plz .. !!

`XtC said on Tuesday 13 May 2003

yes plz msg me 2 #team-nbk

r3|HomerJay said on Tuesday 13 May 2003

any news on when the Q registration system will be back up ??

OrigFirestarter said on Wednesday 14 May 2003

I\'ve learned that there is no date set yet &#133; but the R has to be backed up first.

mgtatdev said on Wednesday 14 May 2003

i can`t auth with Q ! no Q command works! Has anyone an idea why?

BrokenArrow said on Thursday 15 May 2003

humpf... well hope gets good soon..

diovkrad said on Saturday 17 May 2003

ok, this is not the place for asking questions. But is itok to ask here that do you have any idea when Q will be back in business ?

adrien_ said on Sunday 18 May 2003

Ive lost my +n Wtf so cant make masters an so on and i dont got +m either :( so i cant control anything and im the CL and owner :(....

Dragoniz^ said on Sunday 18 May 2003

#37 i have the same question ?? when ????

[noClan]Blade2 said on Monday 19 May 2003

grr not kewl !

[SkY]^PyRoMaN^ said on Tuesday 20 May 2003

we need q realy for our channel #owny www.myowny.de ....L Flags are full.. :(

liq` said on Friday 23 May 2003

WTFF!!!!!! I need a Q bot. will it take long to fix it????? #zone-nordic

zN^re-flex said on Friday 23 May 2003

Could you guys please update the story sometime, cos we have sort of a Q movement problem too :) and for the other peepz maybe nice to hear something :) gr33tz Diseasedjah :)

diseased said on Friday 23 May 2003

Soule Soule Soule Perfomre #ncz ^^

eXg|cassius said on Friday 23 May 2003

omg you are fast to fix the Q servah ! :(

Xinferis said on Saturday 24 May 2003

It\'s now 25 Mai. I just hope Q will be fixed soon :)

DennisTheEagle said on Saturday 24 May 2003

Negative. I need Q Bot to #Snoukka channel because L Is full all times :(

tMe said on Sunday 25 May 2003

np :)

maupy said on Sunday 25 May 2003

yeah, i see that now, there is a BETA version of Q!:D Only wait until it is complete!!

[MOP]NaTuRaL|CS said on Saturday 07 June 2003

When can i request Q ?? it is always down when i try :( ... why dont let Q was as it is right now and start a new letter ??

Spo0kY^ said on Thursday 12 June 2003

Month gone now.. Still no new Q requesting process? Wonder how long this is going to be like this. Please fix the Q!

zippo said on Thursday 12 June 2003

I agree with zippo,i need Q in my channel and you need to fix it before i get sick lol :)

[XXI]73d3Lho said on Tuesday 17 June 2003

When is Q back for good? Beacause i would like to get Q to my chann... Or when can i request Q? plz answer me..

DayWalk said on Thursday 19 June 2003

vittu kun palaa t&#228;&#228;ll&#228; kun ei ymm&#228;rr&#228; yht&#228;&#228;n mit&#228;&#228;n saatanan haxorit

DjOca said on Thursday 26 June 2003

Can\'t you just put the old Q back? And while the old Q is back online, you fix the newest version of it? Build a testing net, something like \"Quakenet-testing\", only for operators of course. And when it works, take the old Q off and bring your lastest work to daylight..

zippo said on Thursday 26 June 2003

And, put some News.. This Q thing have been without news for ages. Some calculation when Q requesting is back online etc. Thank you for your time

zippo said on Thursday 26 June 2003

Hi. We in the clan NoBo want request for Q. but its not working :( PLZ fix the bug :)

[KMB]-Mephisto said on Friday 27 June 2003

though i can\'t can\'t get Q when will it be back up and running? Talk to me on #q3f2 or #BC-Master-admin

BlackCat_ said on Sunday 29 June 2003

Can you speeed for FIX the Q because it\'s verry bad with L

aP-msO|Ligne[V] said on Monday 30 June 2003

yyy comeooon

PsyC0 said on Friday 04 July 2003

...is druggy druggy druggy druggy

X9-Spectre said on Friday 04 July 2003

when will the new Q version come back?

dani[ said on Sunday 06 July 2003

We need the Q! :)

Sanderr said on Monday 14 July 2003

well when will q database be back up again

duckyduckduck said on Monday 21 July 2003

jeez Q ever gonna be back up ? :s

AnGel|mirc said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

argh.......ich badly need the Q - Bot for my Channel! when does one can Q again calling upon?

Mafia-wsdf said on Friday 25 July 2003

Still the Q-requester\'s down Waiting for months now and L can\'t handle it no more. Between 75-105 people on the channel every day. Please bring out the new and improved Q

[EOD]Jeronimo said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

Man plz fix it soon =) #vReality needs Q, we have Finally completed our Homepage!

NiMz- said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

#72 is right! Hey, guys, please fix it, people need you and your bot. I wanted to put Q cause we finally made a home page and got enough people on our channel (#n7.ut). Please fix the bot and make this service available again! :| thx for attention, GL with fixing bugs!

AlaRmA said on Wednesday 13 August 2003


Mc`Jushma said on Monday 13 October 2003

cannot he have the Q anymore??

Greeton said on Thursday 23 October 2003

Please ! speak french !! Why did you retired Q ? please !! need Q on #-ssj- ( 50 people all days )

fan2ssj said on Monday 27 October 2003

is there any way to get a good replacement for Q , becouse we have around 110 idlers and more then 30 ppl who need ops L is full :< please help me :D

HeuF said on Monday 27 October 2003

Same problem here Heuf, around 80/110 idlers and 50/60 members, but only 30 can be registered, i have a Q in a old channel, i just need to change it to the new one, but still cant.

Gizmo|irc said on Monday 27 October 2003

or can one ask for Q because it is not any more in the service?

cc`luc1f3r said on Monday 16 February 2004