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port80.se delink

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Merry Xmas!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New server brings additional German capacity

Posted by Crillo on Friday 04 July 2003

Tonight we announce the linking of a new server to QuakeNet, snoke.de. This is due to the expansion of the snoke.nl hosts, enabling them to kindly donate another server. The new server is located in Frankfurt, Germany, and provides an additional 20,000 slots for users to connect to. This allows us to further expand our capacity and the QuakeNet community.

You can connect to this new server via snoke.de.quakenet.org, or the de.quakenet.org round robin.

Please log in to post comments.
Seems like Snoke did it again ;) Nice work ppl, keep up the supprot towards Quakenet! :)

Nr|Five said on Friday 04 July 2003

Niiice work :) Thanx to Snoop :)

netzi said on Friday 04 July 2003

schön schön schön ;) endlich mal ne gute nachricht ausm quakenet

X9-Spectre said on Friday 04 July 2003


k4Sk4d said on Friday 04 July 2003

All hail our snoopman! Nice done.

dopeh said on Friday 04 July 2003

yeah let more german idiots into quakenet and let them take morechans but i think germany don\'t need a sevrer O_o cya

Net-MAster said on Friday 04 July 2003

/me high-fives snoop ;)

The-Don said on Friday 04 July 2003

#7 Thanks for calling me an idiot.. Due to a new server it doesn\'t say that there are more germans, because they can also use other servers, so your comment is shit... Sorry for saying this, but it was more than unuseful. Germany needs servers, because there are a lot of users from germany. regards, pickel

HK_pickel said on Saturday 05 July 2003

Would be great if someone could sponsor with a stable webserver too! ;) I mean the IRC servers seems to be much more stable then the webservers, should be the other way around?

kjuze said on Saturday 05 July 2003

nice work ppl :). and to #7 It isn\'t true that there will be more germans now, but i do think so that most of take-overs are done by the germans (I don\'t say all germans do that). Much germans hate it but some of them like it, and the ppl who like it i hate :/

FDNL^robbierzz| said on Saturday 05 July 2003

Hi kjuze, its a bit annoying when people talking shit like that and if you whine about shit not working ie. unstable webserver it gets me pissed off and this was a bit like that. You can\'t claim shit if you\'re not paying anything and oh some infos our web box the server is stable as hell but the code could be much better but i don\'t wanna talk about it actually. So please don\'t talk shit about our webserver if you know nothing about it. kthxbye

snoop said on Sunday 06 July 2003

#12 Obviously I was wrong and for that I\'m truly sorry. However I do not agree on your statement that I\'m talking shit, I wrote \'it seems\' which is not trying to state facts imo. Furthermore I do not see why you hafto take this aggressive posture against me!? And if you can\'t deal with people wondering and \"talking shit\" maybe you could inform us what the problem is via webpage etc, this would improve our understanding of the work put in by Q-net staff.

kjuze said on Sunday 06 July 2003

hehe very nice. im german, too. and YES iam of course a very bad overtaker and i have a small p.. ;>

HollinG said on Sunday 06 July 2003

...is druggy druggy druggy druggy

X9-Spectre said on Sunday 06 July 2003

Let\'s hope for the new Servers @ abovenet (mfnx germany) that the \"announced insolvency\" will not occur ...

Marius said on Sunday 06 July 2003

Nice work snoop, can\'t be wrong to increase the network capacity with another snoke server :)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Sunday 06 July 2003

Good job QuakeNet staff. =)

r3Fl3X said on Sunday 06 July 2003

yeah its great, maybe the new server will stop some of these lame netsplits

TheBen said on Sunday 06 July 2003

...is druggy druggy druggy druggy

X9-Spectre said on Sunday 06 July 2003

yeaH nice one snoop! If you now coud remove your t-dialin ban in #snoke, all woud be fine.

nAv1 said on Sunday 06 July 2003

rofl die anderen sehen was ich schreibe :D

made said on Sunday 06 July 2003

before linkin a new server i would fix the Qrequest problem .. but this isnt my problem! i am on the new network (4gamersnet) have fun on quakenet! TO QUAKENETSTAFF 4gamersnet vs. Quaknet <<-- This is a fight!! ;)

andr0S said on Monday 07 July 2003

Hey Net-MAster, I remember someone using your nick took over my chan one week ago ;(

moep`da said on Monday 07 July 2003

let quakenet take over teh world!!

EraZ said on Monday 07 July 2003

#22: Could you elaborate? Next time you have internet time at you institution that is. I kinda fail to understand the logic of increasing the German server capacity while at the same time decreasing the German userbase (with wide g-lines).

FredT said on Monday 07 July 2003

you will soon regret that you glined me and havent answered to my mails AHhAH AHha hAhahahahHAHAhahahah

X9-Spectre said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

i had much time to plan/script

X9-Spectre said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

#23: As far as I know, 4gamersnet uses OUR IRC daemon and OUR services, so they shouldn\'t be that arrogant towards QuakeNet staff maybe.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

jeah we use YOUR services and YOUR IRCD, but the staff is friendlier!! the quakenet staff should learn to be polite... not a single person, but the whole staff is deffenitly NOT polite! so the important thing on a network isn\'t at all the ircd or the services it is the staff and the tendency in the whole network! think about this! regards

andr0S said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

It\'s easy on small networks - no lamers, no abuse etc., why should anyone get angry there sometimes? I wouldn\'t talk that way if i didn\'t work for a large network, #30

Jack-The-Ripper said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

I love the new server :) only one hop away from my irssi :) And especially to all calling the germans abusers in general: On one of the channels I\'m on, the main-abusers aren\'t connecting from *.t-dialin.net. Ok Ok some of them are, but also I see from *.dk or *.fi especially users wanting to fill there chans while flooding others with channames. If the community doesn\'t act as ONE, there\'s no chance to get rid of it. MfG Tobias \'Netzi\' Friedrich

netzi said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

thats right jack but the opers should can do it (FAQs: Experience and expertise in psychology ) so i know that you work hard and just wanna tell it to you and be better next time :) we can talk in 2 years if 4gamersnet is as big as quakenet :)

andr0S said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

#12 Thanks for reacting as a 12 years CS noobs when you are a ircop and people wait for some wisdom. Kjuze just say it would be nice to get some sponsors for the web part too .. nothing bad in his words

IQS|Krusty said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

#30 As a former member of qnet staff it seems obvious to me that you have no idea what your talking about. First of all it\'s bs to say that most of the staff are unpolite, maybe somenone gets angry sometimes but it\'s not a fact that all of the staff is always hostile. As far as I can see this is the case in every large organisation so I don\'t see why qnet should be different? And if you take under considaration that noone that works for qnet gets paid for all the countless of hours they put i

kjuze said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Almaron said on Tuesday 08 July 2003

thx #7 .. i cant understand why u say things like that. quakenet connects ;) so im glad to see good news :P well done qnet :)

tMx-TheChaos said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

A new server, eh? Nice, but sadly it seems I can\'t connect anymore. I do use t-dialin, so is that the problem? A general ban of some kind? I really hope to be able to connect again sometime soon.

Seyrenia said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

hmm, i don\'t think that QuakeNET has decided to ban all t-dialin now :)

netzi said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

X9-Spectre said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

omg pls all stfu kthx? useless shit you are talking here.. go chat!

alder said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

wtf?! more idle german bouncers!

R4nger said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

:D I\'m german 2. thx 2 qnet

dwing_ said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

don&#180;t spamm

Aktalak said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

NaSk0 stfu ;>

HollinG said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

why u spamm ? Well maybe no more netsplits? XD mfg Yannik

fruit`cs|Yannik said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

ROFL ! We dont need new Servers ! WE NEED A TRUST SYSTEM !!!

M4e|Lord_iMac said on Wednesday 09 July 2003

a lot of hate against germany.... respect! but somehow I can understand it... all those 13year old kids using bouncers and creating chans vor fun! but PLEASE - there are real nice germans! it&#180;s just, that most of them aren&#180;t in the qnet - I wish the Counterstrike \"scene\" would have been left behind in their ICQ war arranging era

[p][bad] said on Thursday 10 July 2003

wow NaSK0 you really showed how mature you are by spamming all those posts here, I think everybody will respect you for this btw please remove his friggin posts

XaN said on Thursday 10 July 2003

ehm das muss jetzt mal gesagt werden; was habt ihr gegen deutsche? ok es gibt ne menge pubertierender deutscher kinder im qnet, aber sind die deutschen nicht eh sehr present? also ich hab keine zahlen, aber ich denke mal, das ein grossteil der user deutscher herkunft ist und somit gibt es nat&#252;rilch auch viele deutsche \"kiddies\".. ich finds sch&#246;n wie wir behandelt werden, zudem die deutsche geschichte nicht perfekt ist. ich will damit sagen das wenn sowas aus einem arischen munde kommen w&#252;rd

HollinG said on Thursday 10 July 2003

men w&#252;rde, es sofort als extrem rassistisch aufgenommen wird. denkt mal dr&#252;ber nach.. :>

HollinG said on Thursday 10 July 2003

...und JA, wir b&#246;sen deutschen &#252;bernehmen auch bald das quakenet ;>

HollinG said on Thursday 10 July 2003

/me agrees with HollinG Stimmt da hast du vielleicht Recht, nur sag das mal den anderen im Qnet. Die weisen dich ab, so oder so! Ich wuenschte mir es gaebe keine Rassistischen Auseinandersetzungen mehr im Qnet, wenigstens hier. Das waere super!

Der_Haus said on Thursday 10 July 2003

You might not remember, but this is a multiple language Forum, please write in english, btw I do agree with you .

moep`da said on Thursday 10 July 2003

Hey, NaSk0. Respect! You managed to spam quakenet.org. You\'re my hero. Now go back to your sandpit. People like you (not always _the_ germans) contribute much to a good network!

DaRul3r|afk said on Thursday 10 July 2003

@ NaSk0 wunderbar, sch&#246;n kannst du spammen. Dank dir hat Deutschland noch nen schlechteren Ruf als pubertierender Kinder-qnet staat. @all non-germans: there are also \"normal\" germans which are older than twelve years...

Cfreak202 said on Thursday 10 July 2003

no shit sherlock?

alder said on Thursday 10 July 2003

and err could someone remove these n+1 comments pls?

alder said on Thursday 10 July 2003

LOL :D anyway, IM STILL WAITING for a Q, YES we need it.. much idlers in our chan, and our L is full aghr :@ and we going to have a bnc with private IP/vhost for our clan, so i like to have a trust for it! PLEASE FIX IT

FST said on Friday 11 July 2003

i tought they said Quakenet had enough servers?!?!

FST said on Friday 11 July 2003

belgium rules btw :P

FST said on Friday 11 July 2003

Hmm what can I say&#133; Of course it is good for the QuakeNet to be able to provide 20000 Users more. Nice work, snoke! To the \"other discussion\" here: I agree with #1505, #1513, #1516 and #1517. What I want to say additionally, is that #40 is partly right: \"80% of the quakenet opers are arrogant and impolite\". I think this can be defined as a FACT. There ARE some kind opers, but most of them really don\'t know how \"kind\" is spelled. I don\'t want to say, that every single oper is to hel

mgtatdev said on Friday 11 July 2003

single oper is to help users. I won\'t say anything against the staff, if there would be maybe 30% developpers-only and 20% server admins-only. But I think there should be at least 50% who are really opers to HELP. But there are not even 10%&#133;

mgtatdev said on Friday 11 July 2003

Something I wanna tell you in an extra post (cause it might be deleted, as I know QuakeNet): I really wanna know how stevoo as become an oper. Why? OK &#151; read the general FAQ and look for the requirements to be an oper. Then you will know.

mgtatdev said on Friday 11 July 2003

hehe, idd. i see alot ircops not sitting in #feds , oh what does it matter, in #feds you wouldnt get help anyway these days, almost allways moderated (without enybody voiced). Its like work or something, you have to work hard to get the job, but then... \"how did he get that job?!\" , same with some IRCOPS here... its a fact, so there are users that think, but, i can do bette then those ircops here! but how do i get in?! they wont let me in...

FST said on Friday 11 July 2003

oh, maybe if you own a hosting company :)

FST said on Friday 11 July 2003

Eines Tages werd ich mich rechen, ich werd die Herzen aller User brechen, dann bin ich ein opper, der nur dumm idlen tut, doch dann ist es zu sp&#228;t, zu sp&#228;t, zu sp&#228;t, zu sp&#228;t, doch dann ist es zu sp&#228;t! sowas wolltet ihr h&#246;ren oder?:D

coplaner said on Friday 11 July 2003

Thanks for deleting this nasko crap :) The new Server is great. I think, if 4gamersnet will grow, they will have the same problems like Quakenet, and they have to code their own services... (But if the ability is given...? God knows)

Isaenforcer said on Friday 11 July 2003

#67 In english it will be much l337er ;)

Isaenforcer said on Friday 11 July 2003

Thx NaSk0 but we already know now how much you suck! #67 don\'t talk that shit, and \"rechen\" is spelled with an \"&#228;\" (\"r&#228;chen\"). (;

mgtatdev said on Friday 11 July 2003

Good one, know its easier to take that the chat.uk Server walked down. :)

Workenforcer said on Friday 11 July 2003

#67 in english: (translated by http://translate.google.com/translate_t) with much errors =0) a daily become I rake, I become the hearts all user break, then I am more opper, who only stupidly idlen does, but then it is, too late, too late, too too late late, but then it is too late! So that wanna you to hear don\'t you?:D

[STARS]Ice_Weas said on Friday 11 July 2003

First, Congratulations. A new server. Great. It is quite fun to see how the german people are trying to express their happiness about another server on broken english. Don\'t they learn english in school?

roundabout said on Saturday 12 July 2003

And btw, why don\'t people just get a fucking eggdrop(even a simple mIRC bot?) instead of whining about Q? You germans have so many shells that you can host them on. It is like it gives some sort of status to have a Q in a channel.

roundabout said on Saturday 12 July 2003

nice work Quakenet

`StArFighTeR` said on Saturday 12 July 2003

It\'s a shame that ppl are basing their opinion about Germans just on prejudices... @roundabout why should they waste money for an eggdrop if they can get it for free...

jeriko said on Saturday 12 July 2003

@roundabout (#74) An eggdrop is not a Q, and you should know that. If you don\'t, shut up! @roundabout (#73) They do. #72 Don\'t talk that shit, even if the post you are talking about was not really \"sensefull\".

mgtatdev said on Saturday 12 July 2003

Hey I am ReAlly sorry if some german idiots overtake channels !!i am a german 2 and they overtaken a chan i am in like 3 times.So dont write so stupid things like hitler..nazi... Not all germans are nazi\'s there but the intelligent part of quakenet users know that ^^ :) i am very happy about the new server and hope we will getting reduced netsplit\'s :DDD GrEEtZ ThE HoLE QUaKEnET

MicRudUne said on Sunday 13 July 2003

ehm, #78 \"...Not all germans are nazi\'s..\" iam german too, and know that not more than one or two percent are nazis. some ppl maybe think that we are all nazis but we are modern, tolerant people like the americans or frances for example. and excuse $me 4 my bad english :)

HollinG said on Sunday 13 July 2003

#78 I have to quote you too ... \"Not all germans are nazi\'s\" this sounds as if there were about 30% nazis in Germany, but this is TOTALLY WRONG! There are not even 1&#137; nazis in Germany. Germany has the least share of nazis!!! I HATE nazis, i really do! (\"greetz\" to stevoo&#133;)

mgtatdev said on Sunday 13 July 2003

\"tolerant people like the americans or frances for example\" ROLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING HAHAH!

kjuze said on Sunday 13 July 2003

pls do not query me anymore cause \"..tolerant people like the americans...\" ^^ i was under alcoholinfluence yesterday :P

HollinG said on Sunday 13 July 2003

Could you please not use the comments section as a discussion area ? Use the forum instead. Thanks

Nomad said on Sunday 13 July 2003

Go go go QNet :D

Shadikka said on Monday 14 July 2003

Y34H... QU4K3N3T F0R 3V3R :)

kardoffl said on Monday 14 July 2003

Well done

Sanderr said on Monday 14 July 2003

The only one thing i want on QuakeNet is peace, that means: no harrasment, no racism (for example our \"beloved\" germans...), no god damn overtakes.. and some more. Dont u think we need it?

Der_Haus said on Monday 14 July 2003

I\'ve never seen a racism post from a german here. The only guys who are acting like nazis are ppl like you! Everytime when read through the comment section in the q-net news i see posts like yours. Have you ever meet a german oder talked to one, except those one or two kids in the q-net who are overtaking channels oder flaming arround? These guys are not germans, they dont speak for our whole country. This ppl are idiots not germans! These ppl are idiots like you...

Lufi said on Monday 14 July 2003

... think about it. cheers, your friendly \"nazi\" from the neighborhood ;>

Lufi said on Monday 14 July 2003

damn german history.. ok back to topic; nice. :)

HollinG said on Tuesday 15 July 2003

/me agrees with Lufi . . . . #90 yea german history is really damn &#133; but it is past! its over! when german ppl hear about someone that he is a nazi, they WILL get him down and down and down. nazis are _hated_ in germany. and i know what i\'m talking about. maybe someone knows the song \"spiesst die nazis auf\", which means something like \"gore the nazis\" (translated using my dictionary :P). what i wanna say: NAZIS are *NO* GERMANS! think about it!

mgtatdev said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

endlich mal ne gute nachricht :))

underworld said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

bla :)

[Chill|t0b1] said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

Sorry, just why the fuck are we talking about GERMAN HISTORY? What the hell is with \"Germans and racism\"? Germans like #92, #67, #56, #53, #52, #51, #50, #22 and #4 aren\'t Germans, they\'re morons, so we can flame these particular people to any extent. If you want to have a go at something, please get a fucking grip and get your act together, not just grab something out of the air. To all the people uttering this \"former staff\" crap, you shouldn\'t know anything, times have changed.

TOBi0 said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

I advice you to check your postlen next time :P

mgtatdev said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

btw #94 &#133; I won\'t call all Germans who aren\'t able to speak english call \"morons\". Ofcoz they are to speak english here (comment rules), but if they can\'t they are not inevitable morons.

mgtatdev said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

Most nazis live in america and they are in an organisation called KKK (maybe NRA too, if you have watched Bowling For Columbine)

FrEaKyHuRrIcAnE said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

#96, then what do you suggest I call them, \"highly intelligent creatures\"? If you\'re not able to speak sufficient English to make yourself understandable in English, and you KNOW it, and \"english\" is even EMPHASISED in the rules, and you DO post in German, I wouldn\'t exactly call that intelligent. That\'s stupid, cq. moronic behaviour.

TOBi0 said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

Oh, and while I\'m at it, folks who say Germans are nazi\'s should be suffering terrible pain. Back then (before you and I were even born!), there was one man with obscure ideas who pulled lots of the \'good guys\' along in his slipstream, so stop fucking whinging about it, it\'s like, history.

TOBi0 said on Thursday 17 July 2003

@ #50 plz speak english, this is an multi language server and multi language comments, too!

^eraser^ said on Thursday 17 July 2003

Wouldn\'t it be wiser to first fix the old servers ? Now we got like 200% netsplits ;x

SgtStrider said on Thursday 17 July 2003

#98 I never called them intelligent &#133; but I don\'t think that it is a requirement to speak english (in general). I have to agree with you, that these guys are to speak english _here_. But nevertheless they are not \"morons\" (as you callid them) only because they are unable to speak english.

mgtatdev said on Thursday 17 July 2003

#48: you hear german and talk instantly about kids that\'s as childish as the kids themselfes. In addition I\'d like to mention that you have to expect the most kiddies being german because I think most people on Qnet are from germany. I have never seen a takeover and I\'ve never been lamed on. You\'re probably in the wrong channels. :)

DCM][teK][BP said on Thursday 17 July 2003

nice work ! :)

nexius said on Friday 18 July 2003

#100 yeah i know, but iam not good enough in english to write this text correkt in this language. if i had any grammatical mistakes in it, it could be that there are failures in the arguement. i would it just write \"right\" :) jo heut englischarbeit geschrieben. 5 denk ich mal ;>

HollinG said on Friday 18 July 2003

HollinG: du scheinst voll in Ordnung zu sein, und das ist die Hauptsache. / You seem to be cool guy, that\'s what matters. #100: No need of reminding a comment, which was posted 7 days ago, of the multinational nature of this network, especially since that job has been taken by others already if you scroll up. So do post sincere and useful instead of useless, time wasting and resource costing comments only. Thank you.

chronoss said on Saturday 19 July 2003

mgtatdev \"@#77\", I also meant a L bot. Go away.

roundabout said on Sunday 20 July 2003

Isn\'t it strange that i can \"auth\" on the site even if my Q account is suspended because i bothered HBboy a little? No? Ok. :p

roundabout said on Sunday 20 July 2003


BPieper said on Sunday 20 July 2003

/msg q suspend #NaSk0 flooder -Q- You don\'t have access to this command. :-(

Cfreak202 said on Sunday 20 July 2003

haha what a poor guy, got to much sparetime.

n0name said on Monday 21 July 2003

rofl 2500 spamcomments by NaSkO. Nasko, that means for you a permant G-Line from QuakeNet because your IP and Host has been logged too! :)

FrEaKyHuRrIcAnE said on Monday 21 July 2003

and a g:line from the forum and comments section would be nice for spammers like him /msg Q chanlev #channel #nask0 +b nah more like /msg Q suspend/deluser #Nask0 (note: that Q account doesnt even exist) and /msg O fakeadd NaSk0 lamer@got.his.nick.blocked NaSk0 is glined from quakenet

RiderPatrol said on Monday 21 July 2003

I\'ll repeat what Nomad has already said for the benefit of those that didn\'t read it: Could you please not use the comments section as a discussion area? Use the forum instead. Thanks.

Deckard said on Tuesday 22 July 2003