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Fake QuakeNet Websites

Posted by cro on Monday 21 July 2003

Recently there have been a number of faked QuakeNet websites being touted around, usually with promises of a free Q bot if you visit and sign up.

These are attempts by some individuals to steal Q auths from gullible users, and as such should be treated with disdain, and the people advertising these fake websites should be ignored.

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no, that isnt true, my friend has his auth stolen and L kicked without going on some website, they found out his channel and i dont know how but stole his auth details. maybe one you feds could do something? its happened 3 peoples channels who i know, and none of them signed up for a\" q bot\" anywhere

EvilPoo said on Monday 21 July 2003

there are some Q or L script (eggdrop) , so maybe they run some of them

g0dlike said on Monday 21 July 2003

Aye, I noticed there\'re lots of fake ones these days. Foo to them.

dopeh said on Monday 21 July 2003

In reply to #2. That would be your friends\' fault. They prolly blindly /msg-ed their Q account password to a script kiddie. So it\'s their fault.

Abdul[Bp] said on Monday 21 July 2003

If you would just work on the Q thingie...

CtrlPhrK said on Monday 21 July 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Paradoxal said on Monday 21 July 2003

you must have the stupid trait if you admitted to doing that on the Quakenet website :-) Also yes, when *will* Q be back.. we miss him :\'(

SuperNoodle said on Monday 21 July 2003

The users who matches this doesn\'t read the news here ):

Sephiroth said on Monday 21 July 2003

( 16:37:03 )( ::: notice: (`O) send you a notice ( Broadcast: The new Q is available for request now. You can request it in our services section on our wegpage http://www.quake-net.eu.tc . Please read the news before requesting a new Q. ) very funny but that\'s \"the method\" :>

G-Lined said on Monday 21 July 2003

Here´s anotherone ( 21.07.2003 ): «[-16:41-]» -\"`O:#ich.trinke.jeden.tag.vier.1337er.ownage- Broadcast: The new Q is available for request now. You can request it in our services section on our wegpage http://www.quake-net.eu.tc . Please read the news before requesting a new Q.\" I went to #feds but about 20 users in queue before me. I´m SICK of this suckas... And even more annoyed of those kiddies that visit such sites. -> KekS *helping against account-h4xx0rs*

[cf-PeOpLe] said on Monday 21 July 2003

( 16:37:03 )( ::: notice: (`O) send you a notice ( Broadcast: The new Q is available for request now. You can request it in our services section on our wegpage http://www.quake-net.eu.tc . Please read the news before requesting a new Q. ) very funny but that\'s \"the method\" :> <---------- i got the same

syK|Syxxpacc said on Monday 21 July 2003

One of this Channels are : www.q-bot.de.vu It\'s a Site like this, with the self request page. Also it\'s a copy of the Original Site of Quakenet.org !

fhgu|michi said on Monday 21 July 2003

I think that prob with fakers should mean that the Q-Netops must release the new Q-Bot (and trusts) quiker

iL^chris said on Monday 21 July 2003

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iL^chris said on Monday 21 July 2003

#15, all your channels will be stolen? What do you think\'ll happen? You\'ll get beta Q?

slug said on Monday 21 July 2003

i dont think that the friend of #2 wrote his auth to anyone one of my friends got q hacked too and i know that he would never write hi auth down he even was afk when he got hacked the reason was a trojan linked to his irc so u dont need to write down ur auth to be hacked please dont think that there are only some kiddys who try to get q auths this way...

nb-G|Deus said on Monday 21 July 2003

an friend of mine happend this. i joined feds and post the website and that they should warn the useres. but no one answers, thats about 1 mounth ago... maybe quakenet should change something and send an broadcast message to all users if thinks like this report to them.

^eraser^ said on Monday 21 July 2003

#16 ok but when did you releaste the realy q- beta (and the trusts by the way)

iL^chris said on Monday 21 July 2003

It\'s very easy to distinguish between this fake messages and the real ones. The Bots of QuakeNet has only ONE letter (e.g.: Q, L, O). The address of the user is also different. The fakers probably have adresses ending with users.quakenet.org or any other domain similar to quakenet.org.

Brezelman said on Monday 21 July 2003

Yes... #18, the quakenet staff should use... or recruit a Good oper, just to help in #feds... because at the moment... it\'s just stupidly crap !

[CeX]Death_Ray said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

The problem with those people is that they don\'t know what they are doing. Copying a copyright protected homepage is illegal and there might be consquences for the people doing this. #20: It\'s right what you said, you shouldn\'t send your auth password to anyone but Q@CServe.QuakeNet.org. No other service and no staffmember will ever ask for your password. #21: most problems can also be solved in #help so please state your question there and a #help staffmember will tell you how to proceed.

skater_x said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

Well hope you shutdown all the Q bot things

Jaz0r said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

Peoples actually falling for this, actually deserve their auth to be stolen... Its on the website, motd andso that you shouldn\'t auth anywhere but Q@CServe.quakenet.org....

[XQX]Securitron said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

Hm well, I know about theese websites. But you it&#180;s very easy to realize that it is a fake-page: - Domain (eh?) - JS Errors - Other working links

p3nis said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

As soon as I heard about http://www.quake-net.eu.tc I contacted the abuse-section for eu.tc-addresses, but they don\'t seem to care at all. QuakeNet staff do all they can, but with ignorent abuse sections, why bother? The page won\'t be removed anyway... Argh @ thouse lamers

Cm[uM] said on Tuesday 22 July 2003

maybe no one should be allowed to use Q- or Q_ or -Q _Q ... you know what I mean :)

FrEaKyHuRrIcAnE said on Wednesday 23 July 2003

people must be REALLY Dumb to actualy think that those services are real tbh ...

FZX said on Wednesday 23 July 2003

hrhr. Where are those stupid idiots who believe in other Q\'s??? Come guys, creep out!!! LMAO

SYn|dEf^ said on Wednesday 23 July 2003

Yes i got this Problem too. I visited http://www.quake-net.eu.tc and tryed to autenticate me. But it dont worked so i thought me that it is a fake and i changed my Password after it. Its terrible what some people do to get Q Auths...

Killtech said on Wednesday 23 July 2003

Smart fix, but the way to get it removed is maybe to fix the Q request system again ?!?!

Anno said on Wednesday 23 July 2003

#27, tried using this nicks ? :) its not possible at all. Same for some other nick combinations like all with Q and Bot in it afaik

[KMC]Punisher said on Wednesday 23 July 2003

Actually, I don\'t blame people for falling for sites like http://www.quake-net.eu.tc. Except the different address, it\'s all the same, besides from some things, \"Ower new Q Bot...\". You say \"Well it say you shouldn\'t auth anywhere but Q@CServe.quakenet.org\" but you authed to post here, right?

Gnell|moo said on Thursday 24 July 2003

Anyway, u guys should get the \"Q requestingsystem\" back on the line...

[AotM]Bass said on Thursday 24 July 2003

#33, You really have a point there ;) Now I\'m not any better of any of the others here ;)

i|Avatar said on Thursday 24 July 2003

Those who did this, they suck. Why copy a *GOOD* site and try to steal auth-accounts? Don\'t know how they think...

r3Fl3X said on Friday 25 July 2003

joo joo

huppu^ said on Sunday 27 July 2003

I was almost afraid to login here :p (double check on the domainname) I can understand some peoples didnt see the ` in `O. I can say, I\'m reading quite quick, and I would not have seen it. I\'m not intersted in Q anyway, cos i already got one, nanannana :p

Abatcher said on Sunday 27 July 2003

Can any admin tell us how many request there are at the moment? i would be intressted in this statistic :)

]yackz^mith[ said on Monday 28 July 2003

Hmm not good..

Ace[somfan] said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

If Q was available, such fake sites wouldn\'t exist &#133;&#133;&#133; just my 2 cents&#133;

mgtatdev said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

I gotta give a 3rd cent (; &#133; #21 i totally agree with you!

mgtatdev said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

I suggest someone makes a O broadcast and tell all users wich is currently online that ALL services/faq\'s can be read on www.quakenet.org and nowhere else. And that there\'s a lot of worms \"out there\".. Maby have a tutorial about the security on Quakenet and how to see if there is a fake Q or not. Because almost every day when I\'m in #help (helping) I can see that there is (a big number) stolen auth\'s and fake Q\'s. And I think the tutorial-activity on Quakenet is a very good id&#233;a.

Cherokee said on Sunday 03 August 2003

thats very poor of the \"faker\"

SS-Comet said on Sunday 03 August 2003

some people really need to get out more :)

HodGje said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

/me agrees with #43

mgtatdev said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

People are not gullable its just that everyone thinks that its true because it seems quite promising. These people are just sad people who have nothing better to do then steal peoples auth password and username so that they can go and overtake some channel. My friend also got his auth stolen and he was deverstated as the next day his clan channel was messed up badly. He sweared revenge on that person and the next day he got hacked by that same person. And he is still trying to get his connection

Mcn00b1 said on Saturday 09 August 2003

:D agree with #46

KazaaNova said on Tuesday 12 August 2003

The Fakers are so stupid. :( www.clancodes.de rulz :=)

Kaja said on Thursday 14 August 2003

I did that so i realey wan&#180;t a free Q bot

GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH said on Saturday 23 August 2003

I wan\'t a free Q Bot my chan #lck-kaldorf =(( But were 11 on this chann =((

underworld said on Monday 25 August 2003

when Q is enable i need a Q for sponso !! u work on it since too many times . u sleep on u work or wat ?? plz hurry up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

botpick said on Tuesday 26 August 2003

Learn english (I can\'t speak proper english too, but yours is terrible :P)

]EFW[5n41p3r said on Tuesday 26 August 2003

I want a Q bot :>

Skumbanan said on Thursday 28 August 2003

I guess a lot of people wants a Q atm.. But the request is down and they are working on it. And if people whine, it really wont go faster. Please remember that the service you\'re using is 100% free and the ircops also got lifes. Just be patient!

Cherokee said on Friday 29 August 2003

how can I adduser to my channel????

crls said on Saturday 30 August 2003

#56: RTFM! (http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=52&expand;=yup&l;=0)

Isaenforcer said on Sunday 31 August 2003

i got a t-dialin host.

rnd said on Sunday 07 September 2003

\"[15:43:09] -Q`change@#platinum- Warning: oV3rTaker (HelmutAAz@Helmut--.users.quakenet.org) authed with your password. To recover it /msg Auth-change \" \"[15:55:02] -> *auth-change* lepre sux suxme suxme\" \"[15:55:12] /msg q whois #lepre [15:55:22] n00b\" lol Auth-change (~auth@[TSS]Cr4sh3r|aw.users.quakenet.org) .....................

Lepre said on Monday 08 September 2003

Its good, IRC Opers have do \"Q_ Erroneous Nickname\", its verry good, ;D thanxs for my comment..

JzN said on Wednesday 17 September 2003