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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Temporary Trust Request System

Posted by cro on Friday 25 July 2003

We have enabled a temporary Trust Request Application form that can be used to make an application for a new trust on QuakeNet. You can find the form at http://trustrequest.quakenet.org/.

A few words of warning though:

  • If you apply more than once for the same trust, you will be rejected.
  • If you flood the trust request system with applications, you will be rejected.
  • Make sure you read the Trust FAQ FIRST
  • Read the notes on the application page carefully.

This is a temporary request form, and may not always be available. If you cannot access the form, do not complain in #feds. If your trust is rejected, look VERY CAREFULLY at the reason for rejection, and at the application you made. Rejections will not be discussed in #feds, and any such requests will result in you being banned from the channel.

Make your comments below.

Please log in to post comments.
We will Q :((

SoF|MasterP said on Friday 25 July 2003

Gee, you guys are never satisfied, are you?? On everything that happens some of you have at least one thing to complain about! Learn to be gratefull with the things you get. This is making me so tired.. Thanks qnet staff, keep on the hard work.

dopeh said on Friday 25 July 2003

yes i agree with dopeh They are working hard for us and cant make all in one sec. Gj Qnet hyrus

[MoD]^hYruS said on Friday 25 July 2003

thx! i\'m waiting for months for a trust.. :) but: i think that form doesn\'t work corectly :( or is that my fault^^ ?

BiGmo said on Friday 25 July 2003

@ #5 u can\'t use / , . \' ; < > ? : \" ] [ } { = + - _ ( ) * & ^ % $ # @ !` ~ anywhere mayb that\'s ur prob. Nice Qnet :>

FDNL^robbierzz| said on Friday 25 July 2003


asdfa said on Friday 25 July 2003

nice work

BPieper said on Friday 25 July 2003

What about those with existing trusts? Or is this the first of many additions to how trusts for both existing and new holders will work?

James[UH] said on Friday 25 July 2003

Does this mean the automated system is being implemented soon?

Kingpin49^ said on Friday 25 July 2003

Trusts are a contentious - and very hard to manage - issue, so we are taking small steps to ensure we get it right and can manage the sheer number of trusts that people actually want. This is simply the first step.

cro said on Friday 25 July 2003

The automated system is / was / is being developed to cut down on the support time required. Trust adding was suspended because of the time needed to manage them, why start adding them again if the automated system isn\'t ready :]?

Kingpin49^ said on Friday 25 July 2003

When i try to submit i get : Warning: Only standard characters are permitted in the description box (line 1). The only non A-Z a-x 0-9 characters i have are @ . ( ) and - How am i supposed to submit my site like erquested of Shell providers if i can\'t have . or - !?

Dataforce said on Friday 25 July 2003


Xniper said on Friday 25 July 2003

N1 Quakenet...

Tankred said on Friday 25 July 2003

good job QuakeNet...next1 is Q9 =)

r3Fl3X said on Friday 25 July 2003

Na endlich is da ma was passiert ! Egal ob automatisch oder nur erstmal so, die Leute brauchen Trusts, und das net nur f&#252;r irgendwelche Kiddies die rumspammen. An dieser Stelle muss ich ENDLICH mal nen THX ans QNet abgeben. Mein Trust Request ist jedenfalls raus, mal schaun ob er angenommen wird.

M4e|Lord_iMac said on Friday 25 July 2003

#12 it will never be totally automated. opers will still have to look over it and hit accept/deny.

slug said on Friday 25 July 2003

#18 I figured that much :] would it be wrong to assume that the automated system is coming quite soon?

Kingpin49^ said on Friday 25 July 2003

please read what I wrote... -it will never be totally automated.-

slug said on Friday 25 July 2003

I read what you said slug. I\'m aware it will never be *totaly* automated - however, I take automated to mean more automated than popping into #feds and hoping an oper will help ;]. Is the system coming soon or...?

Kingpin49^ said on Saturday 26 July 2003

well...nice work so far... apart from these things i wonder why #despv can have a Q-bot when there was an L-bot some days before. A helper from #help told me that the ircops can put Q into chans where it fits...well. there are 7 ops on that chan, so L would be perfect. I can&#180;t add my clanmembers cause L is full and #despv gets Q only because they are kind of \"pro-gamers\". Something&#180;s wrong here...

[BSZ]Burner|AFK said on Saturday 26 July 2003

#21 god, have you read the news that your commenting on? If not please DO and maybe you won\'t need to ask such questions.. #22 This is really not the right place to whine about that.

kjuze said on Saturday 26 July 2003

I would like to thank the qnet staff for his great job ;)

_Striker_ said on Saturday 26 July 2003

Good job Quakenet ;P Only thing is missing is the Q-request..

Binkkis said on Saturday 26 July 2003

#23 Of course I read it. Perhaps I wasn\'t clear originally - I have been talking about the system to *manage* trusts, not request new ones... Appologies if that wasn\'t clear.

Kingpin49^ said on Saturday 26 July 2003

is it a temporary system for longrange trusts or a longrange system for temp trusts?

[TGHL]Shad said on Saturday 26 July 2003

#27 Use your common sense. Before this news item was there, people could only request shortterm trusts. Since this has been announced, most of us are happy that we can request a trust *again*. What diffrence would it make if it was for the temporary trust request only?

dopeh said on Saturday 26 July 2003

#22 bloody F***ing right! i\'m manager of a multigaming-international pro clan, we have L, with (wen they r all on) around 50 members.. and we\'re sorta fading away.. the main reason is this Q shit.. y have trusts when u can sort ur Q properly.. which is needed... trusts.. OMGF buy 50 bncs cheap prats! i find this amazingly stupid..

[CeX]Death_Ray said on Saturday 26 July 2003

nice - i requested and it is denied with no reason? nice... and now? what to do now?

Xena said on Saturday 26 July 2003

holla :)))

GDF_Neo said on Saturday 26 July 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Mumu^video said on Saturday 26 July 2003

#32 probably you don\'t have installed an identd deamon.. For myself i can\'t get it installed :<, but that is the prob :)

FDNL^robbierzz| said on Saturday 26 July 2003

Dear #29 You may be one in need of the Q request system, but tons of others may be, even more, in need for a trust. Instead of Q you can get L + eggdrop. Instead of a trust, what would you recommend eh?

dopeh said on Saturday 26 July 2003

How long one must wait here for the email if one has applied for trust? Wait for the first time pair months to trust there are and what comes a normal form left immediately with the email...

GeKx said on Saturday 26 July 2003

Good Game Qnet staff, thanx a lot :>

[DFT]MaStAkILLa said on Saturday 26 July 2003

I read the whole trust FAQ, God damn boring stuff, don\'t think I want one. =)

Hammer2_0 said on Sunday 27 July 2003

hmm if i should mention a webpage you should at least allow using a standard character like \"-\". #22 since #despv is quite big, i guess they needed/wanted the protection features of Q. :)

ICU said on Sunday 27 July 2003

Hi, this isnt a rant, but why is one of the biggest IRC networks on the face of the plannet having to limit there services usage. I hate to say it but mabye thats why the last user peak was in May of this year. :( People might be getting a bit \'pffed\' with the lack of Q. I dont need Q, but some people do, and at the moment QuakeNet is missing its most Usefull and powerful service. Hope you guys/girls get round to sorting it out. Sorry for ranting :( :PP

Raider-Bitch said on Sunday 27 July 2003

nice work qnet team :) trust are hard to manage..yes i know this :) somany are waiting to get a trust..now its time ^^ :)

r3druM[TM] said on Sunday 27 July 2003

hi, nice work. but will everybody who want to use the trust for private bnc\'s and meet the requirements get a trust?

|Stinger| said on Sunday 27 July 2003

hmm is the connection limit now 4 ? If the 5th Bouncer gets connected, i get a g-line.

|Stinger| said on Sunday 27 July 2003

Finally it is here :) So i can get trusts for my bnc...

CypheX said on Sunday 27 July 2003

I am glad that there is somethin moving right now. I am running a league and I\'ve been waiting quite long for the possibility of requesting a trust. Nice work but one question concering the form: If it shows any warnings does that mean that the form is not submitted by the script or is it simply a warning?

DMF|DarthHunter said on Sunday 27 July 2003

Thanks for the chance to get my whole small network in qnet :-) Tea and cookies after the request-acception or not ;)

CoolCat said on Sunday 27 July 2003

Hi n1 work my trust is aktive but i don&#180;t got a mail and i don&#180;t know my trustid etc... and the second problem is that my provider won&#180;t start a identd server. Can you disable it for my trust or delete the trust so that i can connect. Now i can&#180;t do anything :(

JH2000| said on Sunday 27 July 2003

How long time does it take after det submission to have an active trust? And, if i dont get a respond email, how can i be sure that my host is now trusted?

CypheX said on Sunday 27 July 2003


JFL-Izual said on Sunday 27 July 2003

weeeeeeee :) nice work QuakeNet

[KMC]Punisher said on Monday 28 July 2003

n1 work IRC Opers !!!

Kaspersky said on Monday 28 July 2003

Warning: Only standard characters are permitted in the description box (line 1) but i\'ve got in box 1 (Trust name:*) only mylof whats wrong

iL^chris said on Monday 28 July 2003

#34: nothing, nobody needs them, except for large NAT\'ed organisations, like universities that have only one IP allocated. Quite unimaginable, really, but nonetheless. The beauty of the internet is that everybody with a normal homeconnection has got an -own- IP. Sacrificing your cool p0p0.de hostmask against your own IP with mode +x (and not having problems with trusts) seems out of the question to most people.

IRC-MASTER said on Monday 28 July 2003

il^chris: that means you have an illegal character in the \"description box (line 1), not in box 1. it\'s the first row in the last box your errors in.

cg said on Monday 28 July 2003

I have Request the Trust but i wait for a answer 4 days...... Please answer! :)

V0TER said on Monday 28 July 2003

#54: We\'re getting many trust requests at the moment as it wasn\'t possible to get trusts for a longer time. Please be patient and just wait some more.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Monday 28 July 2003

#39. because QuakeNet is run by volunteers. This means we supply exactly the amount of services we think we can cope with on a part-time basis. It would be entirely different if we were commercial, but we\'re not.

cro said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

#53, thanks - I had the same and didn\'t work that out :)

ech said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

nice work quakenet staff :)

^eraser^ said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

will everybody non-commercial-bnc get trust if he meets the requiremeds? and anohter question, if the trust volume is too high (in the opers opinion), will the one get a lower-volume trust or will the request be rejected ?

moehrensuppe said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

Please, make a Germanquakenet site for the German User like me! Thank you!

GSJLink2 said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

the FAQs are available in german, no need for a german page

moehrensuppe said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

#60, I know a better one. How about, you learn the fuck English and be happy? Sounds way better in my ears.

IRC-MASTER said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

#62, you\'re absolutely right. Here in Germany, everyone has to learn english so that shouldn\'t cause any problem. Concerning the trust system, still one question: If the form says that there are any invalid characters or if it shows me any failures, does that mean the form isn\'t submittet or is it simply a warning but still, the IRC-ops receive the request?

DMF|DarthHunter said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

#63 Isnt submitted.

CoolCat said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

Okay, thanks. Then let me see where I made any mistake :)

DMF|DarthHunter said on Tuesday 29 July 2003

Well - the problem should be in the description box \"why do you think u get one?\" :)

CoolCat said on Wednesday 30 July 2003

we will Q :\'(

BDs^DrAgOoN said on Wednesday 30 July 2003

nice work!

GD|KROM said on Wednesday 30 July 2003

its about time :)

_Alan_ said on Wednesday 30 July 2003

Just a friendly piece of advice, use \"We want Q\" instead of \"We will Q\". If you keep using this, people in your future life will pick on you.

IRC-MASTER said on Wednesday 30 July 2003

dooooh We want Q ! :\'(

LoneK said on Wednesday 30 July 2003

hey, good work on the trust system, but the queue is full everytime i try, wouldn\'t be so bad having to wait but my host get\'s g-lined all the time for \"too many clones\" when it has 2-3 connection to the quakenet servers :( be nice if Qnet could get more staff (volunteers) to deal with stuff, like Q requests and Trust requests...

[dt]ViRuS said on Thursday 31 July 2003

What about existing trusts? Will they still be managed over #feds? Good work btw

Mase444 said on Thursday 31 July 2003

Any chance of making links in your announcements open in a new window? I keep clicking on them then closing them afterwards. Means I have to re-open my browser and type www.quakenet.org all over again. :)

Cheez said on Thursday 31 July 2003

Couldnt you guys please fix the Q problem we are a multigaming clan for a long time, but we changed the name to an other channel and now we are screwed with L :( allwasy full, so some members dont even have @ :s bleah hate it very much and i see i\'m not the only one or just get the old Q back in order :)

diseased said on Thursday 31 July 2003

I requested a trust last sunday but until today nothing has happened, should i continue waiting or should I request again? Or is it possible my trust already has been added or rejected and I get no reply?

halloichbined said on Thursday 31 July 2003

I have the same problem as #76 .. come on Qnet ;)

[Ds]sPhiNX said on Thursday 31 July 2003

yehaw.. my request was accepted @ 07-31-03

k1w1 said on Thursday 31 July 2003

Mh, the same with the Q req.

sLy` said on Thursday 31 July 2003

Mh, the same with the Q req.

sLy` said on Thursday 31 July 2003

be happy that youve already been able to fill out a form, im still waiting that the queue gets empty and the form gets back up :)

rkaiser said on Friday 01 August 2003

HI, i have requested a trust in German not in English, now i wait more than 4days was that the mistake ?

andrexxl said on Friday 01 August 2003

^^ i will be happy if i could request a trust.

SteadY said on Friday 01 August 2003

very nice quakenet! especially for bigger clans !! n1 !

shur0y said on Friday 01 August 2003

well over all, Q is nice i knew it self i have some but L + Eggdrop(s) has more effective because S recovers a chan in 1 command and Q needs 3 for it i think for the coderstaff wirte a module (command) to do it in 1 command :) but even, thats a good job what you done. that you can request againa \'trust\' than more as i can remeber me 1 year or so... ok stop now the story or i cant stop anymore :) with friendly Greets Domi

djdomi said on Friday 01 August 2003

ehm i correcte me: because S recovers a chan meand even because its recovers a chan

djdomi said on Friday 01 August 2003

q net ownt hard... !! ^^

Packmann said on Saturday 02 August 2003

man was wollt ihr denn wartet einfach alle ma ab O_o

eX-ce-L said on Saturday 02 August 2003

#82: It\'s not really a mistake but it\'ll take longer as only a few IRC ops are able to understand German.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Saturday 02 August 2003

We requested trusts for my shell compagny more than 6 days ago, and we still haven\'t received any answer. is this normal?

NaPaLM- said on Saturday 02 August 2003

NaPaLM-... ich warte auch schon seit sonntag letzter woche. auch noch keine antwort. einfach warten

TheDeaD said on Saturday 02 August 2003

hi i have requested my trust last sunday in english. but i have not added my homepage and my irc channel because i was not allowed to add \"-\" and \"#\". so i could not add my homepage and my irc chan.(url of the homepage has a \"-\", the chan has the same name like the url) i have not get any answer :/ how much time i have to wait? greets openeye

openeye said on Saturday 02 August 2003

People - relax - i waited a week and got missunderstood :-) Requested a Trust for my LAN and got one for a LAN-Party :)

CoolCat said on Sunday 03 August 2003

#56 yes, im i agree, must be hard to get a stable system working for a 22k+ channel \"bot\", which probably handles more information than the companys network i work for! Sry for any hard feelings.

Raider-Bitch said on Sunday 03 August 2003

processing the QUEUE needs too much time *gg** *waaaiiiiitiiiiing * ;)

shur0y said on Monday 04 August 2003

I neeD q plz !

soddo^away said on Monday 04 August 2003

Hi, Why do so much people need a trust? I have a root server and I need it really! I tried to get one 24 hours a day. But i&#180;m the whole time in the queue! How long do i need to wait. Thats just crazy... Plz, make something to speed that up... Sorry for my bad english ;)

exios said on Monday 04 August 2003

i request 1 weeg ago but no answer @ the admins u can send all req. an ok that u get the req.

iL^chris said on Monday 04 August 2003

#97 fullack

pakje said on Monday 04 August 2003

#97 : you\'re the one and only person on the world who have a root server...

Dr|rIppA said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

Hi guys. :-) Great initiative Q-net! =) It is by far the most advanced and developed ircnet. =) A quick question: If my trust is recently expired, should I use this system, or can I talk to you in #feds? w. kind regards. =)

Flipper said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

Leider habe ich keinen Trust bekommen :/

Drogi said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

when the queue get clear? every day at 0:00 pm or...?

Shadow-Hunter said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

#103: I\'d say as soon as the IRC ops got through all those requests. Since the request system has been disabled for a long time you may guess how many people have requested a trust. Annotation concerning the request form: You should allow the characters # and - since those are needed when writing the channel and homepage address...

DMF|DarthHunter said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

but i lost my trust dunno how, but i g-lined if i get more then 3 connections :( so i\'ve to wait a veeeeery long time, dont i?

Shadow-Hunter said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

thats right #102 talk in german when everyones been talking in english.. idiot.

Fiddles said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

Can an admin / helper explane why it takes solong for the quene to \"clear\" because a lot of us are waiting ... and its so frustrating to see every time \"quene is full\" :S

NightWing said on Tuesday 05 August 2003

#107 I\'m no longer a helper but I\'ll answear your question anyway since I have experince have \"qnet queue\" related issues. It\'s because when you start doing the queue, say you do 5 cases it takes 10 minutes. Then you update thinking it now should be 5 less in the queue, but no, while you been working it\'s been filling up again. So you start over again and again and again. And after a while you get pissed that your working your ass of but the queue is still full. So you stop doing the queue

kjuze said on Wednesday 06 August 2003

Just when the trust requesting had been suspended, some oper said that the restriction on generic hostnames would be removed when the automatic system came. When will this take place?

MrFrenzy said on Wednesday 06 August 2003

to #109 i think what you catched up was about the trust system that propably will be integrated to asuka some time. but thats up to the programmers of asuka and not to quakenet. but its done when its done :)

rkaiser said on Wednesday 06 August 2003

Very good news :) Nice work.

Banshy said on Wednesday 06 August 2003

*yeeeeehawwwwwww* i`ve requested my trust :D after 6 months of wait... so long... greetz cdogg =)

cdogg said on Wednesday 06 August 2003

Thx to all those ppl who worked on the trust! now i\'m in. :)

bsecow said on Thursday 07 August 2003

thx for an so fast accept of my trust. :) nice work quakenet, hopefully Q comes back as soon as possible ;) so far

^eraser^ said on Thursday 07 August 2003

#108, how could you expect otherwise? You\'re working for a very big network here; you are supposed to get lots and lots of requests. This is part of the game... actually it is the very essence of the whole game. You\'re not being a queue worker for nothing, how\'d you imagine operators feel? Oh, just in case you\'ll ask: I do, pretty much.

IRC-MASTER said on Thursday 07 August 2003

someone here who has got a trust with the new system? And is the queue full the whole time? But the idea is very good!

CyNap_xxl said on Friday 08 August 2003

is the L empty? or no more L left.we will L in #dark! :\\ or we will Q sorry foor my bad english.

[wolf|_michi_] said on Friday 08 August 2003

#115 well first of all when I started with help/queue Qnet wasn\'t this big. I don\'t like your way of debate. It\'s not the essence of the game the spend hours and hours and hours of your free time. I was just trying to answear why the queue sometimes might feel slow for the users. To you it might look full all day long, but really we did several hundred request a day, atleast. And about the operator part, I don\'t think the workload is that much more of a helper and queue worker.

kjuze said on Friday 08 August 2003

May I ask how long the queue is? Meaning the number of requests when it\'s \"full\".

mastermnd said on Friday 08 August 2003

#118, you\'re a helper. This means you will have to help out. Hours and hours may be a bit of an overkill, however I do think that this is the price you pay. I agree with you on the workload thing, although I wasn\'t trying to point that out. I compared \'doing the queue for a day\' with \'handling German kiddo\'s all damn day long\'. :)

IRC-MASTER said on Friday 08 August 2003

number #119: Why would there be need for a new version ircd to drop the rule about generic hostnames? Are you sure we are talking about the same thing. I\'m having a hard time seeing why as2-4-5.bonet.se would be less applicable for a trust than I.am.a.very.leet.mirkker.living.in.the.us.

MrFrenzy said on Friday 08 August 2003

#121: Since BoStream (bonet.se) offers static IP-adresses, at least for their Xstream-service, the host should be accepted as it is as static as any \"1337\" host as you said. Isn\'t it? If not, could someone please explain.

tsko said on Saturday 09 August 2003

#120 Just to clarify, I\'m not a helper anymore, so there is no missunderstanding. Well it\'s not overkill, in my active days it wasn\'t seldom that you worked ~5 hours a day, often less but sometimes even more. But I don\'t get the part that I hafto help and it\'s the price I hafto pay. Pay for what? I\'m not getting anything for it. Well, #help crew also handles ALOT of \"German kiddo\'s all damn day long.\" You can\'t just work the queue, you have other tasks too. Take care :>

kjuze said on Saturday 09 August 2003

#AnoD , Q bot request pls ,

anod|Coyote said on Saturday 09 August 2003

Sry for the question but are you still working on the Queue actually ? because its full the whole day =(

Sigger said on Saturday 09 August 2003

WE WANT Q !!!!!!!!!!! thnx !

pie`maxje said on Saturday 09 August 2003

#125, please read #108 and #118 to see what kjuze tried to explain.

dopeh said on Saturday 09 August 2003

Die sollen lieber endlich mal wieder Q herbringen..kann doch nicht sein das wir seit Monaten auf dem bl&#246;den L rumh&#228;ngen und nix geht

[TR-HC]HUNT said on Saturday 09 August 2003

[TR-HC]HUNT. wir haben seit ca. januar auf den trust gewartet. also heul net rum. L tuts doch auch.

TheDeaD said on Saturday 09 August 2003

We want Q Bot :(

rTo`elite said on Sunday 10 August 2003

we want we want we want ..... if i\'d be a oper i\'d do nothing for such, always crying for more, kiddies. be patient or search yourself another network.

Fehlerzeile11 said on Sunday 10 August 2003

How do i get a Bot to my channel #shalandria?

shalan said on Sunday 10 August 2003

hey, u wrote: look VERY CAREFULLY at the reason for rejection ..... in my email is no reason, just rejected! thats not fine guys ;(

As7 said on Monday 11 August 2003

#132: Look here: http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=3

cob`muemmel said on Monday 11 August 2003

I really hate Qnets services because: There are a low queue-limit on everything, It never gets cleared etc. etc. If they could have a bigger queue limit and i would be happy... But thanks for the hard work keeping the network and the services alive!

DeXtErMiNaToR said on Monday 11 August 2003


KazaaNova said on Tuesday 12 August 2003

You disable the trustsystem/queue for like 7-8 months and then you open it for maybe two weeks and then disable it again? :(

cjb said on Tuesday 12 August 2003

Instead of moaning aoubt no Q and the quee being full why don\'t you try runnin an irc network and see how hard it is to have a few million users use it. and trin to keep control of them so if any flood you can disconnect them..it is a hard job....and at the end of the day they\'re not gettin paid so if you can do better get of your asre and do it :)

FeKK0r` said on Wednesday 13 August 2003

Then let me ask you one question: Why does Quakenet not look f&#252;r additional helpers? Make a newspost \"searching for staff\"...I am sure there are people who would spend some spare time in order to do something for the community. And if there are more helpers, then it\'s less work for each one.

DMF|DarthHunter said on Wednesday 13 August 2003

#139: Well, helpers don\'t work in the trusts queue at the moment.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Wednesday 13 August 2003

But they should imho Im waiting for my trust 1 week now

Meltdown said on Wednesday 13 August 2003

They used to work in queue a while ago..

dopeh said on Thursday 14 August 2003

I know that you shouldnt ask when you will handle my Trust Request. :) But when I have waited over 3 weeks, I dont know what to think. If you are gonna handle my request, you can ignore this post. But if it was rejected you can at least tell me. The waiting are killing me :) [XF]Rico @ #to.xf

[XF]Rico said on Thursday 14 August 2003

Today i have got an answer and my trustrequest is denied without a reason. i just wanted to run a bnc for our clanmembers but it seems quakenet do not like that. i thought quakenet is a gamers irc network but gamers from our clan will not get a bnc. and why do they denie my request qithout a reason? i could not understand ... :-/

[LHS]Buster said on Friday 15 August 2003

#144: Could be becauso of possible abuse. The helpers cannot be certain about your clan being serious. There are enough kiddy-clans who would use such a trust just for spamming and stuff like that. I requested a trust for a multigaming league aswell as for shellprovider two weeks ago...still no answer. I\'d rather like to know if it\'s accepted or rejected instead of not knowing anything :|

DMF|DarthHunter said on Saturday 16 August 2003

I have mailed info@quakenet.org, and recived a mail that I dont understand:: Greetings,This message has been automatically generated in response to the creation of a trouble ticket regarding: \"[QNet info] Trust\",a summary of which appears below.There is no need to reply to this message right now.Your ticket has been assigned an ID of [quakenet.org #8438]. Please include the string: [quakenet.org #8438] in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. To do so,you may reply t

VisioN|TriX said on Saturday 16 August 2003

What should I do?

VisioN|TriX said on Saturday 16 August 2003

1. Go to school an learn english 2. Read the Mail again

|[THC]|Dark said on Saturday 16 August 2003

How can I write a description in the trust system? It allways said the following sentence: Only standard characters are permitted in the description box .. Whats a standard charakter? I wait to use the system since over two weeks, and now i cant send any request :(( pls help and tell me whats wrong. I only use normal chars and ,.-# ..

CyNap_xxl said on Sunday 17 August 2003

- is a bad icon for the script, dont use it just simple punctuation marks

Sigger2 said on Monday 18 August 2003

Yeah, that\'s a bad fault. My domain I wanted to add in the description field is egaming-league.net. And now I can\'t add it because the \"-\" is not allowed. Not really intelligent, just thinking about the huge number of urls with this character :/

DMF|DarthHunter said on Monday 18 August 2003

Yeah Queue is enabled and i have a request out God is with me *gg*

[EGN]Viper888 said on Monday 18 August 2003

I know that everyone of the Opers works for free, and therefore cant be expected to jump when a luser screams jump. :-) How about charging a fee for the special services? Hire 1 or 2 ppl to work at the queues and other services fulltime, and charge perhaps 25 euro for a trustapplication and 20 for a Q? A gateway for Visa/Mastercard payments should be possible. I would gladly pay, if there were an official applicationfee for the trustapplication I have sent. :-)

Flipper said on Tuesday 19 August 2003

#153 - I doubt QN will ever be commercial. Don\'t expect that to be taken into consideration..

dopeh said on Tuesday 19 August 2003

Hey wir wollen Q wieder wir brauchen sponsoren und die verlangen Q ! Komt ma plz aus tasche danke ! man man !

SeARcH- said on Thursday 21 August 2003

#155: 1.) english 2.) I think Quakenet gives a fuck about your sponsoring problems. Get another sponsor if this one wants Q, even if he knows that the Qrequest is down at the moment.

Isaenforcer said on Thursday 21 August 2003

it\'s quiet hard to get a sponsor these days. i had a meeting with nokia last week regarding our new multi-million euro sponsoring contract but they won\'t sign it until we get our Q.... (; german on... \"wenn du schon so nen bl&#246;dsinn erz&#228;hlen musst -SeARcH- dann wenigstens auf englisch damit hier jeder dr&#252;ber lachen kann... =)))\"... german off.

Lufi said on Thursday 21 August 2003

#157 God, that\'s funny! :o)

kjuze said on Thursday 21 August 2003

MuuH : ) n1 @ #157

[leer] said on Thursday 21 August 2003

\"there can be only one\"

SantiClaws said on Sunday 24 August 2003

i got glined all few minutes due to a full trust good work quakenet, i can&#180;t increase the limit cause queue is full realy good work! I know that increasing an trust takes about a half minute. Take more ircops when you are unable to do this!!!

Ferien said on Monday 25 August 2003

Trust request Queue is full, please wait until it is not. DO NOT ENTER #FEDS DEMANDING THAT THE QUEUE SHOULD BE PROCESSED. ----------------------------- since 1 week every *#?0&#228; time (100 ?!) i try to access trust request system, would be nice, if it coming up again :| cant believe its realy full ALL the time 24h/7d week. BTW: found no real limits/requirements for trustgranting (non comercial BNC 4 own clan ect.) in FAQ or news ..elsewhere... a short summary would be very usefull ! thx

Spoofi said on Tuesday 26 August 2003

how long is queue full? i want to (re)request trust pls and other people too i think, pls open it! thx

Kicka said on Thursday 28 August 2003

#155 Welchen Anbieter verlanget heutzutage Q f&#252;r Sponsoring ??? Schlie&#223;lich achtet man auf andere Merkmale eines Clans oder einer Community damit sie gesponsort wird. Ahja und bitte, z&#252;gel deinen Ton, du bist hier in einem freien und kostenlosem Ircnetz also hast du keine Anforderungen zustellen. Wenn es dir nicht gef&#228;llt dann geh bitte!

ArtSeid said on Friday 29 August 2003

i know you are busy working on the queue and I don\'t want to annoy you, but could someone please give a statement about the current status anyway? would be great, thanks a lot guys!!! 8))

Lufi said on Friday 29 August 2003

ive sent u guys a few emails about increasing my trust limit or add\'ing a new group! but i still dont get any reply from you guys :o(! ill hope that you see this comment and please return back to me on irc.. Thanks /TaZ

_taz_ said on Monday 01 September 2003

#164: Einem kostenlosen. Nicht &#252;bertreiben. And, as #162 said, there really is a need for an official overview about who has a chance to get a trust and who doesn\'t. Concerning the new trust request system... haven\'t tried it, but looks pretty nice.

Scytale said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

The new request system is quite nice, but processing the queue takes too much time!

Spirit86 said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

Hm now it\'s down?

dennis2412 said on Saturday 06 September 2003

Hmmm, when i try to use it, i just get a lot of PHP-errors.... :/ ...

Darkie^Clone said on Monday 08 September 2003

After a few weeks of waiting (qeue is full....)...today were able to request a trust. And now comes a mail: Please rerequest your trust, your request was not logged due to an error on our part. Do not respond to this email. :-( And now? Queue is full, please wait until it is not. Thats not funny ^^ :/

Azaradel said on Monday 08 September 2003

yes thats bad, i god this mail too :(

Kicka said on Tuesday 09 September 2003

yes thats bad, i got this mail too :( (sry for repost, no edit function)

Kicka said on Tuesday 09 September 2003

when comes the trust system back?

myseVer said on Wednesday 10 September 2003

i have now tried for 2 weeks every day about a hundere times to get into the queue but i always got to the disabled.php and it was always full. I won\'t go to feds because i don\'t want to be g-lined and if i go to #help they only tell me to try again. i\'m really satisfied with quakenet but sometimes things just need too long to be done. perhaps you shoud really look for some people that help you. there are many voluntiers, perhaps you shouls take some. and sorry for my bad english

b4e|Garfield said on Wednesday 10 September 2003

im requestet trust 3 weeks ago, and im never becom an email... :| ... must i whait a longer time for an email or start an new request ? ... i dont know what shuld i do

ampash said on Thursday 11 September 2003

i was able to request a trust a few minutes ago. thx q-net. i hope the request will be granted. =)

Lufi said on Wednesday 17 September 2003

finde auch das mal endlich wieder Q an die sonne kommen sollte.also Quakenet nu lasst uns nich auf L sitzen

[cdp]Fatman01 said on Saturday 20 September 2003

If you consider who really needs a trust and who doesn\'t I find it that you can solve the problem. The ones who need it are organisations in one form or another, ie schools, companies etc. Demand that people supply an organisation number along with the request for trust. That would remove all home users that doesn\'t really need trusts and thus greatly reduce the amount of work needed to validate trusts. Perhaps I\'ve overlooked something, but consider the idea.

ZkilfinG said on Thursday 02 October 2003

The URL http://trustrequest.quakenet.org is down... how can i get a trust ?

KristianI said on Monday 17 November 2003

been waiting 3 weeks now, not back up yet :\'(

Stormtroope said on Monday 24 November 2003

i dont want to be g-lined!!! PLZ ! unban me !

Paulie89 said on Friday 05 December 2003

I am the president of a french company, and I need a trust in order to be able to sell bouncers, eggdrops and shell accounts. I have allready sent requests for a trust before but without an actual answer et I actually really need one as it\'s for the business I have started. Sincerely H\\N-FraKtaL #Host&NetWork;.

{team}fraktal~ said on Thursday 11 December 2003

Sorry for my channel :\\. Wrong C/C

{team}fraktal~ said on Thursday 11 December 2003

We are an german BNC and Eggdrop Provider and need \"trust\" on your network. everything im typing in \"Brief description of purpose\" it says its incorrect. \"Only standard characters are permitted in the description box (line 1).\" I need please help

theterminator said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Trust is always full :(.. I wanna chat again....

duckie~ said on Saturday 10 January 2004

Just tell me.. When the trust will be open :\\

oxothuk said on Tuesday 13 January 2004

Moin. I\'am a BnC Provider, so I need TRUST... When will I get the chance to request \"trust\"??

raf-malcomx said on Friday 06 February 2004