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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Snoke delinks

Posted by Ferg on Thursday 04 September 2003

From Friday, snoke.de and snoke.nl will be delinking from QuakeNet. We thank Snoke for all they have done for QuakeNet, and all the support they have given. This also means you may notice some disruption to the website whilst it is being moved to a new provider.

Update: If you can see this you're seeing the new server -Y

Please log in to post comments.
:[ thx

alder said on Thursday 04 September 2003


The-Don said on Thursday 04 September 2003

It was really a nice time and I hope we delivered a nice and fast service for you all. I wish snoop good luck in the future and on his new ways.

mike said on Thursday 04 September 2003

my friend good luck from here,too. long live snoke \\o\\

alder said on Thursday 04 September 2003


Dollar said on Thursday 04 September 2003

thats not good :/ snoke was the best irc server i think, but much success @ future

jsz said on Thursday 04 September 2003

damn :(

sat said on Thursday 04 September 2003

it was a nice time with it...thank you Snoke

r3Fl3X said on Thursday 04 September 2003

thx 4 the smooth time on snoke snoop!

duk said on Thursday 04 September 2003

It was a really nice time with snoke, so now 2 servers lower :

FDNL^robbierzz| said on Thursday 04 September 2003

good luck in future and thanks for these great time

andre said on Thursday 04 September 2003

sad to hear

Al_Berto said on Thursday 04 September 2003

/me says bye bye sniff (:

Kr3L1S said on Thursday 04 September 2003

Bye snoke.de/.nl, you have always been nice clusters to connect to. /me waves

Jack-The-Ripper said on Thursday 04 September 2003

it\'s a dream? PLS say it\'s a bad bad dream! :( :((

netzi said on Thursday 04 September 2003

can anyone elaborate on why snocke is delinking or aer the reasons private?

plugwash said on Thursday 04 September 2003


amerce said on Friday 05 September 2003

hmm … no good news. i think snoke went bust, didnt they? nevertheless, good job snoke!

mgtatdev said on Friday 05 September 2003

Why? I consider it great nonetheless, the IRC servers ran smooth, but Snoke\'s webserver was so far from stable that it got annoying. Why don\'t you guys host the new website on a machine at your /24 instead of a Tetracite one? That\'s what it\'s for. :)

gem said on Friday 05 September 2003

:( /me waves *snief*

`StArFighTeR` said on Friday 05 September 2003

everone thanks to u snoke! all idlers WAVE

Criver said on Friday 05 September 2003

Snoke go m0o!

dopeh said on Friday 05 September 2003

man :( will there be any more dutch quakenet works? snoke always works fasted for me... and what is the actul reason why they stop hosting quakenet??

JA|blade said on Friday 05 September 2003

#24: looks like the posts with the reason got deleted :o

Dollar said on Friday 05 September 2003

17, 24: snoop left Snoke, no admin, no servers 25: nope they were killed by the move of the page I hope you had all a pleasant stay with us. Bye.

mike said on Friday 05 September 2003

wtf? :( /me waves

sLy` said on Friday 05 September 2003


andr0S said on Saturday 06 September 2003

But since snoop went to splatterworld, why can\'t someone from splatterworld take snoke over then?

dopeh said on Saturday 06 September 2003


mik said on Sunday 07 September 2003

pff, no great loss tbh :D

Shreky said on Sunday 07 September 2003


rnd said on Sunday 07 September 2003

omg, there goes THE dutch IRC server :/

|RsD^WildCard| said on Sunday 07 September 2003

thx : (

GloboX said on Sunday 07 September 2003

thx for the great server u provided us :)

Songoku said on Monday 08 September 2003

when comes the Q Request back ? :( still waiting and no informations from Quakenet :|

nexius said on Wednesday 10 September 2003

Too bad, snoke was one of the best servers to connect to. The only one without any lag for me. Now i\'ve got to connect on those darn laggy uk servers :s A real pitty...

pHantoml0rd said on Wednesday 10 September 2003

it\'s really too bad...what\'s the reason?

r3Fl3X said on Wednesday 10 September 2003

r3fl3x read #26 comment

HBboy said on Wednesday 10 September 2003

is ok :D

tiggE said on Friday 12 September 2003

\"those darn laggy uk servers\" :( btw, hello pHantom!

BioBaby said on Sunday 14 September 2003

Snoke owned all. Damn.

SgtStrider said on Monday 15 September 2003

Ye.. thanks to \'snoke\' - I hope they will come back again in the near future .

brain^on said on Monday 15 September 2003

I hope Q request will be back its will be cool again, hehe :-) , we all have been waiting for Q request in 1-2 years ago now :p i know, QuakeNet have problems with the Q system, but all want Q now, if QuakeNet opend Q again, its will be overloaded i think..But but, thanks for my comment ;-D

JzN said on Wednesday 17 September 2003

#44, the \'Comments\' button appears directly below the news item for a reason - they\'re supposed to be relevant to the said item. Post your nauseating Q request gibberish into the forums, if you really must post it at all.

Deckard said on Wednesday 17 September 2003


issu3 said on Thursday 18 September 2003

oh thats not good :/ snoke was the best irc server to connect to after splatterworld servers. i hope there will be a future with snoke :))

RsT|Nighthawk said on Thursday 18 September 2003

Hm, thought snoke is delinked Why there button-sponsoring is still on the right :D?

dbz-gt said on Monday 22 September 2003

:((( i think it was the best irc server...

underworld said on Saturday 11 October 2003