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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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mIRC exploit released

Posted by Ferg on Monday 13 October 2003

There is currently an exploit circulating for mIRC. This exploit can cause your mIRC to crash, and may also be more serious. Information regarding the exploit can be found here.

There are currently no fixes for this exploit on mirc.com, however, you can stop the exploit by adding "/ignore -wd *" to your perform list, without the "s.

There has been a new version of mIRC released, over night, to fix the issue. You can download it from www.mirc.com

Please log in to post comments.
omg, :P

|zipnix| said on Monday 13 October 2003

thank god for irssi x)

iGMAS said on Monday 13 October 2003

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Procedure said on Monday 13 October 2003

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ShakeyJake said on Monday 13 October 2003

me too...one Time today... omg ^^ I put it in perform ^^

mein-auth said on Monday 13 October 2003

What does that line do: /ignore -wd * What is it I will be ignoring?

HolgerK said on Monday 13 October 2003

How comes it turns 1/2 the people in my room user lists blue and some rooms non are now blue :/

MZhukov said on Monday 13 October 2003

#7: It ignores all DCCs from all users on all networks (d = DCC, w = all networks).

magpie said on Monday 13 October 2003

If you are using newer mirc version with nn script and everybody in channellist has a red nick ( means ignore DCC and Chat) after typing /ignore wd* type /ignore off to solve this problem. Of course once you do that, everyone can hit you again with that attack so don\'t come crying if you fall for that trick

snoop said on Monday 13 October 2003

For NNscript users: Go to adressbook and delete the ignore nick. If you have done that, all colours will be normal!

sLychen said on Monday 13 October 2003

isnt it possible to block the exploid from server side ?

A-n-A said on Monday 13 October 2003

if it was then they wouldnt be asking us to add that perform list :)

brsxlordy said on Monday 13 October 2003

no I mean anything like this: //mode $me +r

A-n-A said on Monday 13 October 2003

#14 - usermode +R will limit the number of users able to exploit you, but authed users still could, it is not a decent solution. The only way to be 100% secure is to ignore all DCCs.

MikeC said on Monday 13 October 2003

Oh god...

r3Fl3X said on Monday 13 October 2003

Bugfix: http://www.cyberscripters.net/mirc6.1+%20bugfix.txt This Bugfix only works with mIRC 6.1 and 6.11 NOT with mIRC 6.0, 6.01, 6.02 or 6.03 because of a new /debug feature in 6.1

Sephiroth said on Monday 13 October 2003

New mIRC version out (v6.12), fixing the problem - http://www.mirc.co.uk

Zip said on Monday 13 October 2003

Clearly IRSSI is the way ahead. :)

Cheez said on Tuesday 14 October 2003

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Flyper said on Tuesday 14 October 2003

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[CeX]Death_Ray said on Tuesday 14 October 2003

I have added the ignore line into the perform now I dont want to download the new mIRC version becuse NNScript doesent work then ;)

Senitel said on Tuesday 14 October 2003

6.12 seems to be OK. I haven\'t found out how to exploit, though, I tried to do something like overflow with a mIRC 1.9(!) against 6.12, but in fact the 0ld mIRC crashed :D The good side of the exploit is that random \"hi asl\" fellows that hardly know anything about computers are cast out, otherwise the exploit is very annoying one.

ultrix said on Wednesday 15 October 2003

that is some fuckep up spam you got there!

NacTa said on Friday 17 October 2003

I think perhaps they need a \"You may not post more than one comment every 10 minutes\" rule.

Cheez said on Saturday 18 October 2003

\"-O- (Broadcast) this news goes to all of you dumbasses using Internet Explorer: If you see someone pasting a URL containing \'billiard-cafe-friedberg\' - try not clicking it. It\'s a virus that exploits one of the about 4394729354723437439 bugs in Internet Explorer to spread itself. And as a general advice: DO NOT USE IE. AT ALL.\" 1. thx for \"dumbasses\"... very nice 2. I dont think it is quakenet task to mind about what browser we are using. 3. as a professionnal website developper the

[MonSieuR]Kapi said on Saturday 18 October 2003

developper, and after having tested a large number of browsers, there is actually *no decent aternative* to IE to access and have a correct display on every site of the web. That\'s too bad but this is a fact.

[MonSieuR]Kapi said on Saturday 18 October 2003

a) Post in the right place. This is for comments on the mirc exploit. b) If you were anywhere near the \"professional\" website developer you claim to be, your code would work in any browser. There are several viable alternatives. I myself use Opera and Safari, depending on what platform I\'m working on.

Cheez said on Saturday 18 October 2003

unfortunately opers are human and occasionally have stupid moments as well. The O Broadcast was not agreed and is not the view of QNet as a whole, especially the completely inappropriate \'dumbass\' comment.

specceh said on Saturday 18 October 2003

I agree with #1112. That broadcast was more than poor. @speecceh: kick that dumbass!

Lufi said on Saturday 18 October 2003

#1112/1113: Well, I daresay that \"your\" problem is that you take the IE-display as \'correct\' and everything else as \"false\". But the thing is, that browsers just differ from each other and you can´t demand that every browser handles html like the IE does (the IE doesnt even stick to WC3!). A professional site-developer always tries to make his site look correkt on almost ALL commonly-used browsers of our time, like #1114 already said. I use IE, Mozilla, Opera and... lynx :> (but thats a s

Moloch said on Saturday 18 October 2003

\"This exploit can cause your mIRC to crash, and may also be more serious.\" what do you mean with that sentence? Can it cause other programs/games to crash?

|RE|-LuNaPoNy^ said on Saturday 18 October 2003

#27 The correct display you talk about is the \"home-made\" standard IE runs with .. not the w3c standard ... So if it wont show correctly in an alternate browser its prolly becouse the site dont run with the standards. Btw, try out Mozilla Firebird. The best alternate browser ive tested this far

drago said on Sunday 19 October 2003

Its a crash bug in 6.12 too ...

drago said on Sunday 19 October 2003

would be nice if we could undo this : /ignore -wd * somehow. now everyone in my list is marked red (jay)

PaB|Cogito said on Monday 20 October 2003

PaB|Cogito, you can, see /help /ignore for all the available options (clue: see the -r switch).

salteh said on Monday 20 October 2003

Where is the Q request system ?

SgtStrider said on Tuesday 21 October 2003

hmpf, i hate these kind of people who only a new q request system! q is only a bot so dont irritate us any more with that! its boring!

Arschkrampf said on Tuesday 21 October 2003

... only want a new...

Arschkrampf said on Tuesday 21 October 2003

ctcp *:dcc send:*: if ($len($nopath($filename)) >= 225) { echo 4 -s $nick tried to crash you with an illegal dcc send of $nopath($filename) | halt } in remote doesn\'t work.

[ca]Leader said on Wednesday 22 October 2003

hm. i thank god that i use linux and xchat... :)

[MH]SEth said on Monday 27 October 2003

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x-c-flash said on Tuesday 28 October 2003

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x-c-flash said on Tuesday 28 October 2003

ownd ;D

mY-NinJai said on Thursday 30 October 2003

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Gandalf- said on Friday 31 October 2003

thanks to all x-chat developers for x-chat 2.0.5 (for wind00ze) :o)

n3v3rm1nd said on Monday 03 November 2003

can you unban me on Quakenet Server Thx Advance :)

|ReSPuBLiC| said on Wednesday 05 November 2003


G-G-G-Unit said on Monday 10 November 2003

sorry guy`s

G-G-G-Unit said on Monday 10 November 2003

mhh it\'s just your incompetence that you are showing us, with your infantile \'fl00ding\'. s0r pleas0r shut0r th0r fuck0r up0r as we\'ll all live in a better world then Peace V

ningo said on Sunday 16 November 2003


Teddy[HW] said on Monday 17 November 2003

woepsie, meant to be posted in irc, not this topic :s srry

Teddy[HW] said on Monday 17 November 2003

i added /ignore wd* to my perform list.. but when i want to disable this ignore function. i cant. How do i \"un\" ignore`? i tryed to remove it from my perform, and reconnect, but it doesent work :( some one plz help me

Vium said on Wednesday 19 November 2003

We need perform on #ex.team THX

spectro said on Wednesday 03 December 2003


Zkreem said on Friday 02 September 2005