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Q requests re-activated

Posted by Ferg on Monday 01 December 2003

From today, the Q requests have been officially re-opened for public access. To request Q, type "/msg R requestq #channel" on IRC, replacing #channel with your channel name.

The new request system works as an upgrade to L, you must already have L on your channel to request Q. When you issue the upgrade request, the chanlev on your channel will be copied from L to Q and L will be deleted.

To request Q, you must have an average of at least 100 users on your channel, measured over a 14 day period. There is also a web-based request system due to be launched shortly.

Thanks for your support

The QuakeNet staff.

At present the requirements are set very high. This is to allow the system to be tested. The requirement will be reduced over the coming weeks.

The requirement for Q has now been reduced to 70 users, measured over a 14 day period. We have also fixed some bugs in the request system which caused false rejection of applications, these bugs were caused by funny nickname characters.

The requirement for Q has now been reduced to 50 users, measured over a 14 day period.

Please log in to post comments.
gg :)

nomad said on Monday 01 December 2003

nice :)

cryten said on Monday 01 December 2003

Good work.

BoNaN said on Monday 01 December 2003

$me got the wallop :)

zipnix said on Monday 01 December 2003

Yahooo !

luckzclansuche said on Monday 01 December 2003

wieh, gogogo request Q!

Kr3L1S said on Monday 01 December 2003

jeah!! Give it to me baby!

TeraX said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 users?? That\'s quite a bunch! But it\'s nice having it back, will probably keep some of the whining away ;) (Not that there isn\'t anything to whine of again...)

jfs said on Monday 01 December 2003

Great, good job staff.

GraveBackup said on Monday 01 December 2003

Our staff is not as lazy as you might have thought :)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Monday 01 December 2003

!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 100 users?!!?!?!?!?!? it used to be 25!!!!!!!!!!! i can understand 50.. but 100?! you got to be kiddin.

zoR said on Monday 01 December 2003

Nice! =) But, too high average!

r3Fl3X said on Monday 01 December 2003

well, nice but the average is really to high... it should be about 50 idlers or so

{Bhf}tuut_tuut said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 users is lower then i thought - #12 L and a eggdrop with a good config will be very good in a channel with 50-150 users you don\'t need Q in there

Sephiroth said on Monday 01 December 2003

and The L ?!? I need it!!

Univ-MaSaMuNe said on Monday 01 December 2003

nice! but the 100 idler limit is much to high :/

D31n3MuDd4 said on Monday 01 December 2003

nice work dudes :)

Maastaaa said on Monday 01 December 2003

Yes, the average is very high, why you dint make it to 50?

lff`SoLiDSnAkE said on Monday 01 December 2003

n1 :)

Coaster said on Monday 01 December 2003

oh my god!! i have waited for sooo long and now the limit is 100... well thx for nothing m8s

electricone said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 users thats very much and to have them there for 2 weeks thats gonna be hard

SpeXx said on Monday 01 December 2003

well done :)

nAv1 said on Monday 01 December 2003

Where can I found L ??

Univ-MaSaMuNe said on Monday 01 December 2003

hmmm will the trustrequest be re-activated too soon ? :(

WWSIS-Skill said on Monday 01 December 2003

Crazy ? I have wait us so long and then this VERY high Limit of 100 User on 2 Weeks ? Q.Net i think this suxx :/

}CKO_Flashi{ said on Monday 01 December 2003

Q is not and should not be any kind of status symbol. It\'s a tool to manage a channel, but it certainly isn\'t required for any channel, given the options available in L, asuka and any proper client-bot put together. The high (but quite fitting, IMHO) limit is to avoid wasting resources on channels that don\'t need the excessive processing power the Q bot currently requires. But there still isn\'t anything Q can do that a well-coded client-bot can\'t do.

jfs said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 is not too high, Qnet is growing all the time :] Just hope that the request does work (;

BaFe said on Monday 01 December 2003

remember this is Q, not Q9. while the current Q service will cope with new channels for now its still a bit of a resource hog.

specceh said on Monday 01 December 2003

when ist the trust request re-activated ????

insa2k said on Monday 01 December 2003

when ist the trust request re-activated ????

insa2k said on Monday 01 December 2003

The limit won\'t be 100 for ever, we plan to reduce it a lot once we\'re sure the system works properly.

splidge said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 are ok. For 4Years 25 are harder to get as now 100 with all the bouncer and kids.

bio^genom said on Monday 01 December 2003

At first, i hope the german lamers won\'t ask for Q anymore :) *$me prays to the staff of quakenet* Q is now a Service for all channels or still only for clans and game related channels?

TheAim said on Monday 01 December 2003

heh, I\'m guessing that if the requirements were 50, people would just say \'why not 25! this is mad, q-net sucks\' anyway...

salteh said on Monday 01 December 2003

Is it possible to move a Q with the new System? The FAQ says that you have to use the Services-Link that doesn\'t exist anymore...

Braindead_One said on Monday 01 December 2003

And the L ?????? :\'(

Univ-MaSaMuNe said on Monday 01 December 2003

Is there a CLoneScan aktiv ? Because to get 150 Bouncer isn´t a problem for kids :) little question why dont we get S in #mytsunami ??? have 120idler (2weeks)

bio^genom said on Monday 01 December 2003

wow! I can´t believe what i´m seeing. Is it true? :P

asdfa said on Monday 01 December 2003

a 100 rate is likely high I think, we got around 90 idlers tot 130 person in our channel but not allways :( it aint fair :)

diseased said on Monday 01 December 2003

This is so nice, idont have to let my bot whois everyone for q-auth blacklist anymore

FST said on Monday 01 December 2003

I think it is shice that i can not move Q , i have onoth Q\'s but , why i can not move them???? THX 4 help

eX0tic said on Monday 01 December 2003

hmm thats to easy to get Q. I think only clans and gamer communitys should get Q like bfore.. :/ and whats about requesting Q in chans with more than 30 characters? will it ever be possible?

blue said on Monday 01 December 2003


teamcef`Bear said on Monday 01 December 2003

hmm the idler average should be at least 30 coz L cant take any more than 30 channel flags for users. 100 is simple too high :(

systemfeind said on Monday 01 December 2003

I think 100 is good limit... If you are under 100 u dont need Q ... keep 100 as a limit.

rexas said on Monday 01 December 2003

you dont give 30 users a flag because op4free isnt allowed

bio^genom said on Monday 01 December 2003

sry, but where is the challange? i was waitung for Q a long time, coz it was hard to get. now, everybody could get it after a few days idlerchanging etc :> i\'ll wait and drink coffee Oo ehm.. whats with Q moving? do u have a userlimit there, too? i hope not :/

HollinG said on Monday 01 December 2003

HI, now i wanna tell something to this too. A BIG THX and RESPECT to the whole Quakenet Staff. All Opers, all helpers and all other guys, working on this and on Q9, big thx. You did and i hope still do :) a good job. Continue this way and Quakenet will grow more and more. Doom_Bringer ( can be found at #help.script )

Doom_Bringer said on Monday 01 December 2003

cool idea :P

chuckeh said on Monday 01 December 2003

great job :)

globox said on Monday 01 December 2003

hmm @ #34: You\'re my hero, really, i love stupid humans :P

Kampforca said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 users are too much ! i think 30-50 users is ok :D --- Term!nator

UF-Terminator said on Monday 01 December 2003

Very nice. I\'m glad to see Q again. L was always finde, but Q also has some advantages. It was a long time without it (approximately 1 year) but I hope the new Q will run as you want it to run :)

DMFDarthHunter said on Monday 01 December 2003

#48, Since when is having Q on your channel a challenge? Looks like I missed something. :\\

Voronoi said on Monday 01 December 2003

100 Users is ok. There\'s no need for Q in a 25 users channel. gj, Quakenet. :]

DaRul3rafk said on Monday 01 December 2003

Lets geta a nice Q-moving system up instead ^^

s0ren said on Monday 01 December 2003

wow 100 :x bah my channel has around 80

HeuF said on Monday 01 December 2003

i think, if your going to have it at 100, then you should Upgrade Ls user limit, as we have a chan of 80-90 and our L is full, but then we are only 10 under Q, its quite annoying ;[

{TDR}Taxman said on Monday 01 December 2003

I say u should get request should be on 50....

CL-krusty said on Monday 01 December 2003

Request should be on 50+

cj said on Monday 01 December 2003

agree with #61 100 is too much :/

KBSaLiX said on Monday 01 December 2003

nice work but 100 users? O_o

M0B said on Monday 01 December 2003

nice with Q again but now it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a new channel... can´t move L.. and can´t request L... and can´t get Q if you don´t got L... So out company can not get an own channel :/

Erling1 said on Monday 01 December 2003

at last! after years of waiting (:

sozou said on Monday 01 December 2003

aehm guys, log in on the rigth site with you Qauth nick and pwd then you can request L. So my lovely Qnet Staff we have around 100 useres at our chan but i wont think that they are interested in buying a flatrate so they can ever stand in the irc and w ecan reuqest a Q. set the limit to 50+ useres, i think this will be better ;>

eD`banzai said on Monday 01 December 2003

Weee L is avalible :)

Erling1 said on Monday 01 December 2003

limit 100 is okay, but i need a channel service for a channel with more than 30 characters to protect it. Is there any chance to get Q?

blue said on Monday 01 December 2003

Please read the whole article for those asking for new Q channels ... \'There is also a web-based request system due to be launched shortly\'. Also see splidge\'s comment about the 100 avg requirement. It is under review and will be lowered if it is seen that Q is handling the number of upgrade requests.

specceh said on Monday 01 December 2003

Great that Q is back but the limit 100 is to high i think. lower it to old limit (25) and its great!

Zavatar^here said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

UPDATE: At present the requirements are set very high. This is to allow the system to be tested. The requirement will be reduced over the coming weeks. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ppl look at that. and stop complaining about the 100 users limit? thats just a waste of time.

theprince said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Nice to see that the Q-request is open again. There is a backside though, I believe it will increase advertising, since many people think that Q is more \"leet\" than L. That\'s a pitty imo. L is more than good enough for small channels, and I do believe many owners of small channels will be advertising to get L. I hope high requirements will stop this, and I really hope you won\'t reduce the requirements much. Honestly I hope you wouldn\'t do that at all...

CheF^ said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Edit to my last post: (...)and I do believe many owners of small channels will be advertising to get L(...) I ment Q, not L.

CheF^ said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

finally Q request is back, good job Qnet, I hope the requirements will be reduced fast cuz 100 users that\'s enormous ! :D gl Qnet ;)

supernain said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

can i now move my old Q bot to the new clan-chan or it is not possible?

{RAF}-Pac- said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

nice work ;)

n3wton said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

great work there q.org, But if this system-tool is going to be for everyone, and be used as \"bling bling\" on every 25-30 channels. Why not make One new servicebot? Like F or something? ;) for the absolute comunity-channels with 400+ channels? Is this an ideá? hope so. Loads of r.e.s.p.e.c.t to everyone of you.

eliassen said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Is there a Clone Scan ? I have nearly 200 Idler 120 of them are Bouncer and can\'t request Q :/ Thx Bye

Recoilmaster said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

2 damn high requirments :( Plz put them down to 50 or 40 :/

owner said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i think the limit 100 is a little bit high, but! when the limit goes down i think the limit 70 idlers is a little bit more perfect :P

qu3ri said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Good job, QuakeNet. Even though the limit is set a bit high, people will, imo, always be complaining the requirements are too high anyway.

dopeh said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

100 users limit wont stop cs clans from geting the Q :) Even the most n00b cs clans have like 100-200 ppl on channel(most of them clones).

{slayer} said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

lol, like all channels/clans where cs-related

h4Xx said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Is it possible to use verbosity of a channel as a criterion for getting Q?

Korsakov said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

The limit is perfecty I think. I don\'t know if there is a Clone Protection in the QRequestSystem. Would be better, or not?. So that the shit CS Clans can not request their Q, if they have 100 idlers, but 80% are clones... I hate that... :X

smue said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

NNNOOOOOOO!!! the limit 100 is to high, the limit should be 50-70 not more. i hope quakenet change this limit soon as posible

qu3ri said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

bad!!! 100 users? very bad

{00}krafti said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

dudes read what they say, it is still in testing phase. it will be reduced....

wappie said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Nice taht u have editt the requerment from 100 to 70 Useres in the channel!!! THX i\'am still waiting 4 S and Q :)

eX0tic said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

read:this is A TEST :) just to check if the system works, don\'t bother whine about it. They will reduce the average user limit.

SoSStephaN said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

GJ :)

{ROKKA}Delux said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

100?! I think it\'s too much too... Anyway, I suggest you to close #qrequest (just another wasted memory...)

nadavs said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Thats best what you ever doing..!! \\\\o Quakenet o//

sifa said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Hi! I think a limit of 50 is good. mfg

gh0st2k said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

WTF 100 users?? nooo... 50 is better...

Ruutana said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

nice work!! :)

nkie-bot said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i think the limit of 70 users is ok.

Nonnzen said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

really good job, *request* :-)

trixo said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i think reducing the limit from 100 to now 70 was the right decision. in former times it were 15 but this number was MUCH to low. Now Q will be kind of \"higher\" bot for bigger chans.

TrustNoOne said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

I think, a limit of 50 users would be great :D

LordArion said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

instead of pushing the userlimit high (yes i know, tahts a test:> ) you could remove the unused Q\'s better. ok, there is no traffic or what, but the chanlevs often are very full i think. a little question: will the homepage-requirements change, or must i have a website to get Q in the future?

HollinG said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

There should be a possibility to see the average usernumber of the last 14 day :D

LordArion said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Nice nice plz check you support on #feds 4 german supporter my english its bad :)

G-lined2003 said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

70 is still very high! how many flags can be saved in L ? i guess 30! and now look, if i have a channel of 60 idlers and i want to give 10 ao and 30 vg, thats bad :/ will the idler limit be decreased once again ? o_O

D31n3MuDd4 said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

hi, did your 100 users for Q work fine? 70 is good... I have 77 in my channel right now... but I always have more than 68 and has never went any lower in like 2 months.... :D put it down to 65 for a week lol :P

cj said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

A51vampire said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

#104 simple answer..dont use L/Q for assigning +av, use a script that checks idents or hostmasks. +av is no security risk therefore you do not need Q to do it. As for why you should give ppl +av, well the purpose of the flag is to allow trusted indivuduals to talk during +m, not as a flag to say \'this guy is my friend\'. The servers and services expect the former so if you want to use those flags in other ways its really your problem.

specceh said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

EXCELLENT JOB QUAKENET ! Couldnt rephrase the answer :D Damn, this is a great gift in december :P

SgtStrider said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

yes nais one people.. Quakenet ownz.. i think the average of 70 people is good, because if you have L and have 50 people in your chan you don\'t need Q.. what specceh said is okay,.. I think Quakenet is on the better Way. Yet only one Supporter who closed german search chans must be suspendet, then Quakenet is the Best :) .. you know who i mean :> .. ok that was my statement! thank you and go on Quakenet.. :) cya d3sti

eXdesti16 said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

you have on the busy time of the day around the 100 till 120 users on my chan. but at night when everyone is a sleep you\'ll have like 30 so you average would be like very low again :) then is 70 still high not everyone leaves his pc on or they have a bnc to cover them up :\'( then it\'s still very high the 70 users

diseased said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

#35 you were right, they\'re still whining :P

bS`Crappy said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i take it with the webr equest based system or shortly after it will be possible to move Q from one channel to another? If so is it likely the limits will still apply, since it is a move and not asking for another Q (hence less resources used) or lower limits?

bry said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

What?? 70 users its still to high 25 was bettter... why not 25?

ganstarusakko said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

agree with #112, exact same situation... + our L is full atm

bzz-pack said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

#110 i mean

bzz-pack said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

I will wait 4 the day when Q needs an average Usernumber of 30-40 People - i\'m waiting since 1 1/2 year, i think - so i can wait this 1-2 Month more :) A BIG THANKS TO THE QUAKENET STAFF, that you do all this 4 free :)

owner said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i think 70 idlers are to much. 50 does it . but Q is back nice work !

gswatcher said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Welcome back Mr Q :)

slowhand said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

To you people complaining about Q\'s certain requirements, just think of the time, effort these guys put in, and the fact they do it for free. If you want Q to join your channel with little if any requirements, make your own server and stop with the constant complaining. They pay for their boxes which host services, or servers, so atleast show some respect and decency and be patiant with what they have to offer, and with what interest they have in both bandwidth usage and CPU time. Just my two c

eviley said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

HMmm 70 is not very high , but the big problem is \" how many people are going to spam channel for \"REQUEST Q in #.... , need Performer.. \" And its not funny to see each minute this sort of spam .. Q request IS back , now SPAM \"#\" is back too :/

U-proutie said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Simple solution to people spamming, tell them no. Qnet could... I suppose make a constant requirement for the time Q is in the channel, so once the average of 70 is complete and Q is added, if average drops below 60/70% of the first requirement, it leaves and returns L with original user flags, then people who spam till they get Q will lose their channel. Q is just as good as L only some different functions, just get L and make a simple script for other commands.....

eviley said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

There are even plenty of eggdrop supply channels within Qnet which will offer free eggdrops which offer the same commands as Q, if not more, just use one of them?

eviley said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

evilay bad idea!, You can always have a badder time of the year with leagues, sometimes a league and it gets full, the other times with no league there are less users, but Q is still required then for all the ops voices etc! To the others, please quit the whining the 70 ppl average is enough!, where the fuck do you need Q for when you don\'t got more then 70 ppl @ ur chan, then 50% of the ppl must have a flag in L. And in the night the average will go lower doesn\'t matter, you can make that go

Jack` said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

DAMNIT!! 70 is allså to much maan comon now i need Q desperatly... aaahhh

electricone said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

I\'m glad the Q Requests are back up. Stop a load of people asking for it in #help. If you wanted to use Q-Auths for opping/voicing people it is possable for a bot to get the auth name of a user from the whois command. Using this all you need is L and your bot. L to op the bot then everything else can be done via the bot. Personnaly the only time I would have Q in a channel is when you have a Very large amount of users that have to be in a channel at any one time (300+).

Sephectja said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

what\'s the use of the high requirements set for Q? There\'s S as an extra for the real big channels. Just ask the old amount of 25 or 30 or whatever? cause this is way too much :|

eurikm0 said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

nooooo not 100 users?? 25 it was already... plzz change...

RaXXXO said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

nice work, ircops

scopeh said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

no nononooonooo 70 is too much ;(

demilich said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

70 is good! Keep it pals :]

BaFe said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

crap now we need a lot of idlers in our channel :\'( i neva gonna make that :\'(

NiFkE said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

Well get L u moron #131,#124. Jeez you think you NEED Q, GET AN L ITS PRACTICALLY THE SAME!!!, Qnet u shuda named it L - L33TSERV then these QHuggers wud go for it, they think as its a \'leight\' version its no good, damn u blind kids! Or maybe opers shud just make a brail version of L so you ..... can tell its just as good!

eviley said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

What about moving Q from one channel to another? A friend still is \"owner\" of a Q-bot in a channel and would like to move this Q to another channel..

fgmoenni said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

I think the limit of 70-100 is fare.. Smaller channels dont need Q. Good to see Q back so i can request it to my channel wich have average on 190.

Fall said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i love aLL quakenet OPs :D but next time faster if you can :D THX

boeck said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

we have around 70 on average 90 - 100 on peaks but it says 2 weeks average and i know we have that :S

HeuF said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

wasnt it 25 Users in 2 Weeks ? or something smaller , like 15 Users ? Why 70 Users now ?

}Bow{Noneet said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

well, nice but the average is really to high... it should be about 50 idlers

{OCF}_CHIVAS said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i think 70 idlers as an average is way to high, i think it should be more like 40 or something...

Resz0r said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

2 bad that the L don\'t remembers that my chan had over 150 in user peak for over 14 days :(

Ferr said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

btw, it is 2 many with 70 users i think... about 15-25 is enough.

Ferr said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

70 users 2 weeks... impossible...

Skrible said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

I think the old requirements must back ! 25 users is a right limit, users who say 100 oder 70 is ok, hace a chan with Q oder have so many Idler and wanna nick the people who does not meet the requirments! ! So IRCop pls the old and best requiermentsf or Q. My clan meet ht eold requeirments and we have waited a long time... and now ? no Q :(

zooyorkIRC said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

nice nice and how I request L???

noONE2k said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

[off topic] the trustrequest page is available again. does that mean we can request trusts again? :-) PS: nice work, quakenet. the 70 idler limit is fine imho.

n3v3rm1nd said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

hehe i need q :D

cxspider`off said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

i think 50 User would be in the future a well middle between the old and the new requirements :)

owner said on Tuesday 02 December 2003

for all you people whining about the average requirements being too high - allow me to quote our favorite boyband singer justin timberlake, cry me a river. learn to live with it or stick with L

stevoo said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

oh shit? 100idlers ? kiddin with me ? plz.. 50 i will understand that but 100 ??

DzQ said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Time to update the Q-FAQ-section

{aVest}OmNi said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

70 users are too much ! i think 30-50 users is ok

Turbomummo said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

#151 nobody is interested in what you are thinking though. nice to see the q request up again good work staff :)

Denied said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

omg stevoo, u\'r favourite too? =O

h4Xx said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Nice work Quakenet Staff. It\'s nice to see Q available for requests again, and fully automated this time, whiii :o) I also like the idea of the \'L to Q\' upgrade system. Keep it up! ;) And please ignore those who are crying about the requirements of Q. Let them be in their ignorance. I think it\'s just fine the way it is, now. Quakenet Quakenet you\'re the man \\\\o Quakenet Quakenet does things no other irc-network can o// whiiiiii \\o/\\o/\\o/

Whizzell said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Stop whining about the requirements being set to high. Channels with an average userbase of 25-30 are absolutely NOT in the need of Q! Op 2 to 3 users you trust and no more, do not give away your auth data, secure your network with a simple firewall and do NOT click any links you don\'t trust. Being aware of these simple rules WILL hold your channel and your auth secure in 98,9% of all cases. If you want all your users to have voice, install an AutoVoice Script (although AutoVoice is bad...) :P

Sp33d3r said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

:((( i have forever 60-120 idlers and web so why dont Q , my web is www.quake-eu.org , before was 25 idlers and web :((((

Carlusha said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

lol @ 148 i needed 5 mins to recover from laughing =) besides that I ask myself why ppl cant just read the news first before posting bull**** it is said that the limit will be reduced bit by bit so why don\'t you just lean back and relax a little? it will certainly be further reduced once they are sure it works fine, it\'s better to slowly introduce a service and ensure its stability rather than exaggerate and blow it isnt it? and besides that no chan with less than 50 users is subject to overta

s0krates said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

gj quakenet ;], why did that take so much time? :> but GJ FFS!? :))

louUUf said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

#155 \"install an AutoVoice Script (although AutoVoice is bad...)\" I tried to avoid posting here but autovoice scripts are better as it reduces the amount of +av flags neeeded in channels where L is present and no damage can be done by using one of these scripts, so really people dont need to be added into L or Q for that matter just the +ao users & i agree with others, 100 is way too high but will be lowered in good time so live with it people.

Hoggeh said on Wednesday 03 December 2003


BGGGrilli said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

#159 I was talking about AutoVoice Scripts which voice everyone, not only special people, as they a) increase the traffic on a NetSync and b) are bad on text floods in your channel as +m only affects the Unvoiced. Voice is most commonly used as a status symbol (\" hey I got +av in #!!!1one 8>\") but in fact they don\'t need voice. I repeat this is only about Voice-Everyone-Who-Joins-Scripts ;)

Sp33d3r said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

omfg ... 50 i will understand that but 100 users ... ?

athrax said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

My clan exists 2 years. We dont kick inactive membs and most of them keep hanging around so our L is full with +ao now. We always met the old Q criteria but never requested one because we didn\'t need one (L did its job). Now our L is full and it would be easi if we could get a Q. Int he evening we have 110-120 idlers but can\'t get a Q becuz it drops during the night (few bnc`s) It would be nice if the average would drop, or if the average of top 5 hours of a day would be taken or so...

bzz-pack said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

@ #144 You must log in (be authed) to see and use the \"services\" link in the right upper menue for L request. without authing link is invisible. @ q-net staff big thx, 100 was a good limit, too many people think this is a status symbol, its just a tool ! btw, to increase the number of flags @ L to 50 would help a lot for all L users and will dramatically decrease whining :) or is this a resource hog problem ?! i reqest Q back in 3 seconds yesterday, n1. /me is happy

spoofi said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

@ #148 I guess it\'s just feedback that people give. I don\'t know why you allow comments on newspost if that\'s the attitude of qnet staff (consider all feedback \"whine\")? my 2 cents...

bzz-pack said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

@164 idd good idea, we wouldn`t need a Q if qnet would allow more flags on L ...

bzz-pack said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

LOL!! 100 is too high, 50 would be much more better, so please change it :

Azettaja said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

We need perform on #ex.team thx

spectro said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

50 User !

smue said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Oh my god, why can\'t you noobs READ THE F*CKING UPDATES? \"LOL!! 100 is too high, 50 would be much more better, so please change it :<\". One day after they reduced it to 70. So, PLEASE READ THE UPDATES. Thanks QuakeNet staff.

r3Fl3X said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Yeah great :) We are waiting so long for Q ! Now its also aviable ! N1 Qnet staff :) but know: Q @ 75 is much !

niLz-pg said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

We are very excited that Q is now requestable - well done Quakenet! Greets Opsio.de

milchbauer said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

To everyone who think that the-75-limit is too high, get L instead. You won\'t be needing Q. Q aint more status than L, and I don\'t think that you need more than a 30-userflag access either

Zebulator said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

#Q-Request-CoMMunity << joint ma, pls n0 join/part, alle die nen Q wollen da rein!

bignicky3 said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

uuuhhh finaly....nice work ;>

Metalpower said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

nice done. :) The requriments are high, but okay, not that strech as the \"25-users request\" was(\'bout blabla hp fullfill my ass blabala). But the old one was better imo. I\'d like the 25-users which requrired a hp which showed diverse infos about the clan/community/organisation whatsoever. keep up the good work qnet-staff(even since i hate some of you most of all in the whole wide world) :)

s0ren said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

very nice, really ! Btw, are we able to move Q from a channel to another right now?

nufaN- said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

50 userZ plZ ! ;&#183;)

bbazsy said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

If y0u only need 50 Idlers q would be available for everybody ... due to theses nice BNC performs o_O #e-aim pLz we need Q ;D no plz do not close that channel ;D just kidding :D hf and good work QuakeNet ;D

mY-NinJai said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

@#173 Not true, we always qualified for Q (old rules) but never asked this because we didn\'t need it and didn\'t care about the status (status ? :)). Now we (old clan, lots of inactives who still idle, so a lot of flags needed) do need one. Only have 100-120 idlers in evening, but more like 20-30 at night :(. We never reach 70 but we need 4-5 extra flags on L. (just increase allowed flags on L ?)

bzz-pack said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Hello I have already a Q-bot on an old channel, how can I move it to my new channel ? Thanks

_Striker_ said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

sorry I don\'t search on the forum and I\'vs just find my answer : \"Please note: this new request system CANNOT be used to move Q\" Have to wait again :x But nice work dudes :)

_Striker_ said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

is ok with 100 i think ... there will be too much \"kiddy\" chans with Q when the requirements will be too low... so 100 is ok... 70 hmm s&#236; ...but not more lower please...

dilor-rules said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

It&#180;s good to have Q Back but a hundred idlers !? thats alot! You should change it to 25 or 50...

jontE--- said on Wednesday 03 December 2003


SnY- said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Welcome back Q :D

killerchiller said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Nice. :)

rock-is-leet said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

its 70 atm but i think 50 is better =)

zhade said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

nice work , hope they will reduce the idlers to at least 50. =)

limey- said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

nice work @quakenet staff. It\'s good to see, that you can request TheQBot again. I don\'t want to whine about the limit of 100 or 70 or any limit, but please launch the web-based request system as soon as possible :)

spazza said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

Excellent, I have been waiting for Q to come back for ages. Altho currently all my channels have Q...hmm, what was I waiting for then....

Ap0kalipSe said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

is there anyway to check yur average idler stats?

heuf said on Wednesday 03 December 2003

You should update the Q-Faq or even refer to this News. The requirement of 70 users is ok I think, don\'t change it to less than 50 without adding some other requirements like there were before.

fx}{zYk said on Thursday 04 December 2003

Yeah \"gg, n1, 10q\" that\'s the greatest fucking news I\'ve heard all year... \"we have Q again!\". I\'m so fucking happy, my life -still- has no point. Seriously, is anyone else not just groping their own testicles at the thought? You can finally have the letter Q in your nicklist. WHOOPEY-FUCKING-DO! WHAT\'S THAT GEORGE? NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION? STFU, WHO CARES! WE HAVE SOME SHIT CALLED Q! IT SETS MODES AND SHIT JUST LIKE L DOES! EXCEPT IT MAKES MY PLAYGROUND CREDIBILITY GO HIGHER! Go

Deckard said on Thursday 04 December 2003

O HIGHER! Man, I need to go sit down before I shit a bnc company.

Deckard said on Thursday 04 December 2003

rofl Deckard

Lanmate said on Thursday 04 December 2003

yeah endlich!

{tester} said on Thursday 04 December 2003

i dont get it.. how many ppl i need in my chan for 14 weeks 2 get the Q? Bah i want Q!

blurgreeN-- said on Thursday 04 December 2003

#195, :)

gem said on Thursday 04 December 2003

@ 194 and other orange comments Quakenet staff has become arrogant. I think if it stays like this I think we should move to other networks.

bzz-pack said on Thursday 04 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

firewalkers-de said on Thursday 04 December 2003

i\'d like to move Q. when will this work? #201: clones?!

elitaer said on Thursday 04 December 2003

#200 Good. Go away and don\'t come back.

cheez said on Thursday 04 December 2003

nice.. :)

{gf}-master- said on Thursday 04 December 2003

when the regular Q rela version will be up?

Diemens1oN said on Thursday 04 December 2003

please reduce it to the old channel requirements, 70 users is also very very much

vid0r-- said on Thursday 04 December 2003

long wait but it\'s nice :D

TorNaK said on Thursday 04 December 2003

well i think its nice. BUT 100 ON A CHAN ? wasn\'t it 25 before?

edat said on Thursday 04 December 2003

tbh, can\'t u read? they said it wnt be forever its dropped from 100 to 70 in matter of days since it has been released... hope it just drops to 60 within the next few days so i can request Q :D & not alot of people can get \"well scripted clients\" gg :D

MC-Sk8r said on Thursday 04 December 2003

kewl but i think 70 users is also too much, 50 useres would be better ;>its also enough

laofreak said on Thursday 04 December 2003

Jeez, people treat Q like its some fancy toy. You even say \"I have 50 _idlers_\" .. if they truly are just idlers then you obviously dont need Q.

stalks said on Thursday 04 December 2003

70 - 14days ... c\'mon in night or day very many shut down their PC ... and when i have 100idlers even then in morning is only 40 ... then i dont get Q? it must be channel full of BNC\'s or some very big big channel

zhade said on Thursday 04 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

limey- said on Thursday 04 December 2003

70 is to much .... ay think that all de people will be agree if it is 50 ... Before all these was 25 an now 70 ... is too much i think

ration said on Thursday 04 December 2003

omg ... you still didn\'t get the point, did you? Q is not a status symbol but a tool to control your channel. i can\'t believe you have a chan with less than the 70 required users AND more than 30 chan-op\'s. voice can be given to any f****** user by an eggdrop. you don\'t need Q unless you have more than 30 members in your team - and if you do have that amount of members you should have more than a 70 user average, shouldn\'t you?! whin0rz. sry, but it\'s some kind of truth ... just my $0,02

n3v3rm1nd said on Friday 05 December 2003

Our clan has 45 members and our channel has about 80 users during the day and 40 during the night.

El_Hombre said on Friday 05 December 2003

doesn\'t Q come to my channel when i have free-op channel?

zhade said on Friday 05 December 2003

Even 70 Users are still too high, there should be a \"Half-Q\" or anything like it. Cause only 30 registered chanlevs for L is much too few.

{Tfed}Alberto said on Friday 05 December 2003

40 idlers would be good to have Q

_EnCore_ said on Friday 05 December 2003

lol some pepole can\'t read ffs. They are going to lower the people to request Q later. They are just testing the system right now. SO READ BEFORE YOU WHINE. Then the Q-net staff have more time to fix the Q-system maybe!!!!...

zaap-org- said on Friday 05 December 2003

u noobs just got totally pwned by deckard tbfh lol

eviley said on Friday 05 December 2003

@ #214 and all the other guys: just stfu and be happy that Q is requestable after this long time.

owner said on Saturday 06 December 2003

Any idea what the new user requirement will be? 50? 35?

desolate said on Saturday 06 December 2003

i dont want to whine but 70 is too much! there is one channel, clan channel what has 150 (0 clones) users in day/even but in morning theres 60 only

zhade said on Saturday 06 December 2003

#223 Why not 2 users ? You and L ? LOL....

Romano said on Saturday 06 December 2003

I think that it is necessary that L should have command, like \'/msg L usersaverage #channel\', so you can see which is the current users average on your channel, and how long it has been that. What do you think ?

Toppenz said on Saturday 06 December 2003

#225 I don\'t need Q, I was asking out of curiosity.

desolate said on Saturday 06 December 2003

the idler exchange with bnc is going to high i think :/ every user who wants a Q let join his bncs ... is this a bnc network or a chat network :/

i-el1te said on Saturday 06 December 2003

i think they would better cleanup the whole Q system for al that requirement and then change the f*cking requirements! 50% of the channels are death and still Q in it :s so m any channels that aint used and still having a bot, a cleanup would be very good and then lower the requirements a bit to like 40-50 users!!

diseased said on Saturday 06 December 2003

#229 Q leaves automatically after 40 days of inactivity in the channel (by that I mean 40 without someone in the chanlev joining the channel). So if a channel has a Q in it, chances are it is still used, and if not it won\'t have Q for much longer.

desolate said on Saturday 06 December 2003

:( i prefer 40 users for 14 days it\'s better :/ Now we can\'t request Q because we aren\'t too much every day :/

S-K-bOt said on Saturday 06 December 2003

I really think Q bot is worth alot. It\'s better with 100 then 40. Since many low channels think it\'s \"cooler\" with a Q bot then an L. But maybe 100 is a bit to high... Maybe 70-80 would be good. Good work guys!

twogood said on Saturday 06 December 2003

rofl Deckard, calm down.

s0ren said on Saturday 06 December 2003

Another quick question, How do you go about moving Q from one channel to another now? As that was in the auto mated system and there has been not mention of a new system?

Hopper- said on Saturday 06 December 2003

@ 230 yeah maybe they leave with unactivity but if someone joines and is the only person Q bot will stay in there :s so that\'s a losing activity eh :) and still the 70 users is a high average especially at night most of the ppl turn of their pc :) so there would be a user average of 20 to 40 maybe :) and the highest peak on every day around the 100 still you aint no average of 70 after that :)

diseased said on Saturday 06 December 2003

70+ as limit is good, lower restrictions for the 70+ Channels and higher restriction for the 50+ chans. L is a a good service, too. You don\'t need Q all the way, I don\'t understand this hysteria about getting. For small channels I really like L. ;) Thx QNet Staff for bringing Mr. Q back ;) GJ and don\'t mess with that whiners. ;)

Thalinas said on Sunday 07 December 2003

hmm, why do we see this discusion about Q and the size of min. requirements, some of those who have Q allready dont mind the limit is high, those who want Q , want it to be lower. Surely you all got to notice that noone realy needs Q, not even if yuo have 300 on the channel, so plz. stop the nonsens about Q being a status symbol, it aint the point, the point is can Quakenet handle the huge amaount of Q channels or do they have to set a limit ( any eggdrop can together with L , meet the features

klaphatten said on Sunday 07 December 2003

Even though i\'m annoyed by all the whiners who consider Q as a symbol, I really have to admit you can\'t compare an eggdrop with Q. Firstly Q can\'t be kicked nor deopped, wich makes it perfect for channel protection, unlike an eggdrop. Also an eggdrop can\'t really scan for Q auth\'s, so you would need a seperate login system for the eggdrop, wich is IMHO, quite a hassle. And then you have the uptime issue, as far as 100% uptime is possible, Q has it, an eggdrop doesn\'t come even come near to

TravisDane said on Sunday 07 December 2003

I guess we\'ll have to just keep playing the waiting game until the average is back to 25.

{LA}Snake said on Sunday 07 December 2003

it is not that you have less then 70 idles you can have more then 30 members we have a multigaming clan and that has mor then 30 users then L bot can accept or they must also have an unlimited userlist in L or lower the Req for q to 50 persons overal average :)

diseased said on Sunday 07 December 2003

yeh, where is the feds of \'96? hanin around with opers, users, and trojans? no bouncers, broccoli from the Q... hamsters and sex... ? time gone fast :(

Baby said on Sunday 07 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

lpko said on Sunday 07 December 2003

wird das mit dem request bei einem net split mit beachtet ? Ich h&#228;tte in einer woche requesten k&#246;nnen aber durch den netsplit waren nur noch 49 idler da . #z|K

zik said on Sunday 07 December 2003

@243 AVERAGE Number of User - was soviel heisst wie der Durchschnitt der User &#252;ber 2 Wochen. =)

owner said on Sunday 07 December 2003

Damn! That was real bad for me! Man i have tried in 1 year too get my own Q bot and now i see that i will never have one! Thanks allot! :(

LostKid said on Monday 08 December 2003

now, how to make the transfer of Q of a channel towards another?

MsOh4r4 said on Monday 08 December 2003

All you people can do with L.... Peoples dont need +av cause its useless :) L + Eggdrop = enough. Actually Feds should assign Q\'s, stops LOTS of whining. :)

{xqx}securitron said on Monday 08 December 2003

+b flag for L would be nice, but then L would have to have more \"space\" for users; banning just the worst lamers only would still fill the puny L up :

tupsumato said on Monday 08 December 2003


ice7cold said on Monday 08 December 2003

2003-12-08 10:03 | {xqx}securitron [IP logged] All you people can do with L.... Peoples dont need +av cause its useless :) L + Eggdrop = enough. Actually Feds should assign Q\'s, stops LOTS of whining. :) ==>> i have 0 +av and still i don\'t get enough space just for auto-op :) and in our privs we got Q :s and we can\'t move it bleah

Diseased said on Monday 08 December 2003

well, its back. Thats a good start. We had like 60 as average a while it seemed like. And we didnt hav eenough space for all of them in L... But hey... were waiting =) hopefully we get a human chance on Q later on. GG on ya crew

p0xsobrius said on Monday 08 December 2003

Thanks for bringing the Q request back to all that users. Would be nice to be able to request it having less than 70 users average, but I guess enough people before me said that, so lets just wait and hope :)

{dkZ-SoF}Paeppi said on Monday 08 December 2003

>13:46> -R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. - , good job qnet ! :D

i-el1te said on Tuesday 09 December 2003


IcEb3rG said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

hello, i think 25-30ppl. whould be fine. 100/70/50 ppl. is kind of much, too much! remeber: That is one of the meras, if my eyes are not cheated by some spell!

TaikaJim said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

Please stop whining about the requirements! 50 is absolute minimum! Dont lower it again. I think Q is for big channels not for the small ones. 50-100 is fine. btw: i dont like these #mychan channels, and all chans with 1337 in their name too. (hope those senseless chans will be closed)

decki-pwn4g3 said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

High requirements by all means, but small channels really don\'t need Q when there is L, so that\'s ok. But do QuakeNet staff really think it\'s enough to put the requirements up to this level, without touching the channels that already have Q, from the old days when there still was no L? What about all 5- or 10-ppl channels that have Q. What is fair in that? Replace those god damn Q:s with L:s, and let them re-request Q when their small channels have grown bigger.

The_Sorce said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

5- and 10-ppl channels are bragging about the Q in their channels and 50-ppl channels have to stick with L, because of these new requirements... Geesh something really is going the wrong way with this system... Apply the new requirements on the old channels too, ffs... Just because a channel is older than L, it shouldn\'t be immune to new rules and requirements. That\'s my opinion, and I\'m pretty sure many ppl share that opinion with me.

The_Sorce said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

hi, my channel has over 50 users and I still cant request Q... but I have it had well over a long period of at least 2 months and I currently have 85 users at least... is the 2weeks reset whenever the Q came out?

cj said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

I imagine Q uses the chanfix stat system (same system for O\'s requestop and L) which only keeps records for 14 days. It counts users from different hosts, IIRC.

laser said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

i love you, quakenet stuff! ;) nice work!

by-zonk said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

hmm, what a fuck? is it 50 or 100?

uiC said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

Thanks for reducing it again, now 50! :) (It would be nice if you\'ll reduce it to 30, but this is ok too.)

r3Fl3X said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

as someone already said: If our lovely operstaff got the Qrequest back for us, it was 100. Users came, and say 100 is too high. Staff lowered to 70, user came again and says 70 is too high... now our staff lowered to 50 users come again amd whine 50 is too high...

decki-pwn4g3 said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

plz set the limit to 600 users about a half year ore disable Q-Request again. Now the ... write all the time amsg that someone join his/her n00b-channels. Tnx. Regards, StorM@DkH

StorM said on Tuesday 09 December 2003

R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q <----50? ich dachte 70 lol!!!

{00}krafti said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

I wouldn\'t even care if the Q requirements would be as high as 500 users, as long as those requirements would be applied to old channels with Q too... QuakeNet staff once said, a long time ago, that Q requirements are high since Q is CPU intensive and can\'t handle too many channels... Then why the fuck do the 5- and 10-ppl channels get to keep their Q:s? Give them the less CPU intensive L ffs.... Let the requirements apply to all channels!

The_Sorce said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

#267(The_Sorce) Don\'t cry 4 me Argentina so please don\'t cry my little Baby.

mY-NinJai said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

#268 wtf!?

The_Sorce said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

Quakenet has set a new Limit, so only 50 idlers will be needed now: Notice von (R) : Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. I think it should be so. dont go down to 25 users. So long DE@THJack

DEATHJack said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

it says 50 users but we\'ve had more than 60 for longer than 2 weeks now and it still doesnt work... y?

baen said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

#267 totally right!!! the chans u rlly needed Q during the lastyear couldnt get it cuz the Q request was down and that was just becuz of the many channels with over 25 ppl. qnet should take Q away from the channels that have less ppl than the requirements are. so chans that have less than 50 idlers should get Q... jus my opinion...

baen said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

give me Q! :D

Pigge said on Wednesday 10 December 2003

thats because i think the userdatabase started from the 1st, so its only been 10days & its min of 2 weeks i think, if this is right you won\'t be able to request till teh 14th anyway

MC-Sk8r said on Thursday 11 December 2003

It should be possible to check how your average are doing imo

Sekt0r- said on Thursday 11 December 2003

what the... even 50 idlers is WAY too much.. i remember back then it used to be 25 users per one week i believe..

ti-elad said on Thursday 11 December 2003

please stop it, get an attractive channel like #help or #help.script (those chans are full of nice dudes and i dont think our staff did advertising on them) even i never did advertising for my chan and ive got approx 100 friends (not idle bncs, but friends who chat each other)

decki-pwn4g3 said on Thursday 11 December 2003

No no no! Please: 50 is too low! All people with 20 average users on their chan does SPAM all the time \"yeah, we\'ll get the Q\" - 70 was MUCH better, i hate spammers. Hope you could change it back to 70 :o This really, is sad but true...

BaFe said on Thursday 11 December 2003

70 is too much imho...25 was a lot better..

CTF-H04X said on Thursday 11 December 2003

hum the limit to 70 or 100 was better, now we only get spammed like 10 months ago, cuz limit is too low...

supernain- said on Thursday 11 December 2003

I would also like to be able to check on what the average is

SuperNoodle said on Friday 12 December 2003

Tbh we like many other clans have waited an awful long time for the Q request system to come back. We have on average 70 -100 users at peak times,but this falls to maybe 50+ what people fail to take into account for are the 56kers who cant stay connected. Also people seem to think bnc\'s are a way of improving your channel numbers and consider it cheating to get a Q, in fact for most people they use it as it should be used which is a messaging system, allows people to turn off there pc\'s at ni

unit3029 said on Friday 12 December 2003

Thing is most people with bnc\'s log in under them too, yet theyre penalised as clones because they have the same vhosts! Another thing.. most of you who have Q got it when the old request required what 25? or thereabouts. If you pop into some of these channels now you\'ll find half of them have less than the required amount that was needed to gain it. TBH i too think it should go back to the 25 limit, as it was before.

unit3029 said on Friday 12 December 2003

Or to keep things even, remove Q from channels that have less than the required amount to gain it!!! thatd scare a few peeps tbh. 1 last thing, an extra feature to L to find your channel average would be a good idea, although there are bots able to do this for you, but again take into account the poor 56kers with the 2 hour cut offs ect etc .. nuff sed

unit3029 said on Friday 12 December 2003

job well done :)

client-u7 said on Friday 12 December 2003


Fugitif- said on Friday 12 December 2003

i also think that it should be reduced to 25 users as it was before.

dtkn}priv4t30wn said on Friday 12 December 2003

mmh :/ 70 was fine ! omagad lol

LoneK said on Friday 12 December 2003

I think would be better to lower the average AND add other requirements like homepage etc. Woukld be better. Now everybody gets lots of Bouncers in his prv chan and waits for Q. That`s not the sense i think =)

justone said on Friday 12 December 2003


face` said on Friday 12 December 2003

i want to say that L and an eggdrop isnt enough coz some of us dont want to spend money on a damn eggdrop sp plz lower the requirements to 25 again and cleanup all the chans where only 5-10 user are in with a Q... THATS useless and nothing else. thx

systemfeind said on Friday 12 December 2003

I think that they should change to 25 users over 14 days. Because on the night about 04:00 there are not s&#229; much people in a channel if youre not a member of #SK or something like that!

rhln said on Saturday 13 December 2003

ROFL dude\'s you dont understand the mewaning of Q? Q IS FOR BIG CHANNELS! No need to change 25 users because every channel has in day 25 users. If you dont have 24/7 50+ users you dont need Q! FFS! And channels with 5-xx users & Q is oldschool and no need to clear

zhade said on Saturday 13 December 2003

Imagine if the requirements were lowered, and then you can get Q. Then, a few months later, they were raised again (to a level where you no longer could request Q if you didnt have it already). I know you would get very pissed off if QuakeNet just came along and removed your Q because now you don\'t met the requirements. In days gone by, when QuakeNet was a few thousand users, any channel which was gaming related could get Q as there was no L in those days.

salteh said on Saturday 13 December 2003

thx for lowering the q to 50 i was sitting between 50-75 users :) damned at night much less ppl then during day and evening :)

Diseased said on Saturday 13 December 2003

thats really nice! but couldn&#180;t you imagine to raise the S-Requirements, too ? i guess 120 users is very high!

D31n3MuDd4 said on Saturday 13 December 2003

Please make it possible to see the average usernumber of the former 2 weeks :]

LordArion said on Saturday 13 December 2003

Knowing your average wont achieve anything anyway. You can get Q or you can\'t. If you can\'t, try in a few days, and keep trying. Knowing your average isn\'t going to get you Q any sooner.

salteh said on Saturday 13 December 2003

i just try to get Q on #clansilly ... But allways: -R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. I m sure that my channel has qualifies... What the problem ???

toupik said on Sunday 14 December 2003

The problem is you think you quality but infact you don\'t. Try later if your channel gets bigger, else use L.

salteh said on Sunday 14 December 2003

how do i request L (which command)? thx 4 answers..

sal3 said on Sunday 14 December 2003

14 day`s is too long i mean baut its great that Q is back

gurked said on Sunday 14 December 2003

#301 Login to this webpage with your auth, then click the \"services\" link on the left.

Mrpizza said on Sunday 14 December 2003

kiddy qnet irc ops why do you close my chan ??? #saddam.pwned only why we get a joinflood from 60user in 5min. ??? thats just kiddie

tsu-owner-n said on Sunday 14 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

bio~genom said on Sunday 14 December 2003

I think it would be great if the time would maybe be decreased - I\'ve got a tourney channel and we\'ve got like 150 ppl on weekly tournament days, but only about 40-60 on the rest of the week. We could really need q... w/e, maybe we\'ll be happy with L one day lol

QFiXQ said on Sunday 14 December 2003

Hey i have great idea :) As you know it\'s christmas and make a gift and but requirement for Q 25 users over 14day. Not forever just one month or sth :)

zhade said on Sunday 14 December 2003

50 users is too high again 30-40 seems be a good average because we cant have always 50 users on chan , plz help us :)

sour1s said on Monday 15 December 2003

hi! i have over 150 user in my channel and that over 2 weeks but i cannot request y y ????

insa2k said on Monday 15 December 2003

If you dont have 50 users average then you dont need Q. Dont wine coz Q cant berequested. I think even 50 is too low!

decki-pwn4g3 said on Monday 15 December 2003

Is this average permanent?

~aza said on Monday 15 December 2003

50 users oO&#176;&#176;Oo Isn\'t 30 enough ???

TippedTerox said on Monday 15 December 2003

loahl, please guys. First you whine about 100 users, wanting it to be lower - like 70 or something. Then the staff say \"okay, 70 users now.\" - but you still want it lower. Now they are down at fucking 50, and you still want it to be LOWER?! Omg, we got L for stuff like that. Whats it all about with that Q? Wanting other people to see your big-bad-and-dangerous chanflags? Is it some kind of symbol? Is it cool to have the letter \"Q\" in your namelist?! Please, get a grip.

s0ren said on Monday 15 December 2003

#313 well said I think the limit should be about 60-70 users.. you dont need Q if you have only 30 users in your channel!

{ViBig}ultra~e0 said on Monday 15 December 2003

nice work.. :) but i want move a q into an other channel. #help had said to me that this isn\'t possible anymore.. It\'s a pity. but thx to bring the system back :)

{MD}ThUnDeRbIrD said on Monday 15 December 2003

jippi i have Q bot..i love Qnet

{00}krafti said on Monday 15 December 2003

no news about moving Q from a channel to an other ?

_Striker_ said on Monday 15 December 2003

non strike on peut po... D ailleurs tu pues ... :p

toupik said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

#300 we have 90-100 users the day and 40 users the night... Where is the bad quality of my channel ???

toupik said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

I do not understand qnet - on the one side they don\'t wanna have idlers wasting traffic - on the other side they set so high limits that you are forced to have idlers wasting traffic. With a System like this all you need is to know a kiddie that puts tons of idlers in your channel. Wish it would be judged more by quality then by a number.

{gxa}-jakeonlin said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

#320 \"you are forced to have idlers wasting traffic.\" forced????? are u forced on Qnet to have a Q bot? i dont remember the time when someone from the qnet crew told me to have one or ... so if u havent got a big channel, u wont have Q thats the rule. and i have to say its no need for Q at all, L is enough, it keeps Ur chan open, and protects your op status. what more do u need? u can change all the channel modes, u dont need a bot for doing that. (it was only an opinion) make love AND war;]

moogijoe said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

#321 it seems you dont have a working clan or channel and you dont know about the differnces from L and Q. So when you cant add peons or ops anymore because there are no more allowed what do you do? Oh ya, for some reasons i miss the open gamesnet without limitations like it is here. But i have to arrange myself with it. Protect the op status? When thats all what you need you are fine with L - n00b

{gxa}-jakeonlin said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

I think the scoore is already too high ..... its better with 25 users or 30 users for ONE or two weeks ....... thX

pferd said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

Just hope i got that right: The new Q request system requires L in the channel... Now what do you do with channels with more than 30 letters in its name? I know one popular channel, with more than 200 Users and still it can\'t get L let alone Q... Will there be some possibility to get a Q for this channel as well? Even if its not game related (still a lot of gamers are there)

{voa}migga said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

its better 30 guys for 2 weeks... 50 for 14 days its really hard :o plz change it

{roa}psycotiks said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

I think 50 is good =)

skrible said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

what is about havin an website and that the channel needs a relastionship with gaming, and not for example \"my friends and i idle her, so we need Q\" ?

drbrahman said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

can I make a new request when my first request was wrong?

}{brainbug}{ said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

\"14 day period\" if think it will be better to change period time, from 14 days to 7 days :)

n3k-rx said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

i think that 40 would be perfect

mailmanmel said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

yeah, either 40 or that the timelimit is lowered to 7-9 days.. :)

illlo said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

yeah 14 days is to long, 7 will be better for sure

zhade said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

Hm, I can\'t understand that, first the limit is 100 idlers, and you are moaning 50 would be perfect. Now it is 50 idlers, and you are still moaning about the Limit. If it were 10 users some would still say it\'s better, Q will be added to a chan if someone joins the first time or something else.

isaenforcer said on Tuesday 16 December 2003

dont you just love people who moan at people wanting the limit lowered!! funny they got Q in the old days wiv the minimum requiremnts of 25. again channels like mine have upto and over 100 users at night, falling to 50-60 in early mroning hours, and half are bnc\'s on same vhosts. and yet were not hitting the average, vstrange

unit3029 said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

wohoooo Q request is back :D great :D hmm but i dont know why i cant find more people friends with free channels to join mine ;) would be nice if you could set up the channel limit to something like 25 or 30 ;) \\o/ great work guys :)

ev1lk1ng said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

The biggest mistake was to reactivate the Q-request. Ppl. will never be pleased. I mean they should be happy they can even get a service for free. The bots didn\'t get coded by them selves. Somebody did the work. And Q isn\'t a status symbol. I can promise they ppl whining about too high limit, they dont need Q. It\'s not meant for small channels. Be glad they reduced to 50, or stfu.

h4xx said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

das neue system kriegt von mir direkt ein \'sehr ordentlich!\' ty developers

alder said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

agree with #335

{hg}xareon said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

Can some admin lock this topic? IT IS VERY POINTLESS WHINE! __________________________________________________ PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT QNET DONT PUT REQUIREMENT TO Q 25 USERS ( i hope) BECAUSE IF YOU DONT HAVE 50 or more USERS IN YOUR CHANNEL THEN YOU DONT NEED Q FOR FUCK SAKE! Q IS FOR BIG CHANNELS! __________________________________________________

zhade said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

n1 Work Qnet,...I love Q and S :)) You will Give us a H-Bot :)) Help :)) Cu to all, and be a proGamer

xc-nico said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

Gj quakenet! :) We love ya! :))) Still need the last 10 idlers pr. day though :( (I really miss Q..) :((

darkie~clone said on Wednesday 17 December 2003

yea i think ppl witch don have 20 users and have Q should be removed cuz simply they don`t need em

ramone_ said on Thursday 18 December 2003

Some months ago, when old Q request still was running, the minimum average of users was NOT 25, like everyone here says. It was: The channel may not have less than 15 users during a 2-week period, and exactly WHEN YOU WERE REQUESTING, there had to be 5 opers and 20 users at least. remember the old times ;)

{dkz-sof}paeppi said on Thursday 18 December 2003

yep, just remove Q from channels, which don\'t need them anymore :/

j0k3ra said on Thursday 18 December 2003

#257 2003-12-09 17:10 | The_Sorce \"But do QuakeNet staff really think its enough to put the requirements up to this level, without touching the channels that already have Q, from the old days when there still was no L? What about all 5 or 10 ppl channels that have Q. What is fair in that? Replace those god damn Q:s with L:s and let them re-request Q when their small channels have grown bigger\" err, what do you think that happens to L:s cpu usage if Qnet staff would replace every old Q with

sidious~ said on Thursday 18 December 2003

#257 2003-12-09 17:10 | The_Sorce \"But do QuakeNet staff really think its fair to put the requirements up to this level, without touching the channels that already have Q? What about all 5 or 10 ppl channels that have Q. What is fair in that? Replace those god damn Q:s with L:s, and let them re-request Q when their small channels have grown bigger.\" er, what do you think that happens to L:s cpu usage if the Staff would change every old Q with L?

sidious~ said on Thursday 18 December 2003

if staff would replace every old Q with L, what you think that happens to L\'s cpu usage if you change about 2000-7000 Q\'s to L ?

sidious~ said on Thursday 18 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

sidious~ said on Thursday 18 December 2003

Omg its so funny to read your W H I N E !!! No need to remove Q channels who has less than 50 users! Why? Because they are OLDSCHOOL, RESPECT THEM FFS! I understand if you wanto remove Q when there is 1-5 ppl but not 5-50. Everybody who whines here has some not-known clan-channel who has 15 usrs in channel. PLEASE STFU AND DONT WHINE! AT THE MOMENT IS EVERYTHING OK FFS!!!! Why need to remove Q from old chans when Q-System is up and running .oO

zhade said on Thursday 18 December 2003

14 days you/they should be us at least 50 players??? or enough one day in that 14?? #&#248;gravity

noisemak said on Friday 19 December 2003

I have had over 70 users for 3 weeks now! and still cant get Q? this is very lame, but I have got the users, I just wish Quakenet would make it alot easier for the users, without the users you are nothing!

cj said on Friday 19 December 2003

Make it 40 !! :D

neto|lazy said on Friday 19 December 2003

Q in empty channels is removed in the occasional database cleanup. we have never applied retrospectively any changes to Q requirements so its unlikely we will here. just be concerned about your own channel and send a letter to santa for Q9 :)

specceh said on Friday 19 December 2003

#257 we reserve the right to change the Q requirements at any time for any reason :) L could probably handle all of its existing channels, all the Q channels and many more. thats the point of the Q9 work - to make a Q with similar or better capacity to L, with all the extra features you all want.

specceh said on Friday 19 December 2003

#327 we tried that and it was a nightmare for the staff who had to check all the websites. QNet is too big for a queue for service requests and we have also grown wider than our original gaming roots.

specceh said on Friday 19 December 2003

isnt everythink ok now? marry me if you need a Q without avg. 50 pps, i got \"Q\" at front of my last name ;) to the staff, nice job. reg\'s M.

baby said on Friday 19 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

pr13ster said on Friday 19 December 2003

#347: As far as I have been told, Q is way more CPU-intense than L, mostly because of the many many many more functions in Q. Of course if small channels\' Q:s would be replace by L:s, L\'s CPU usage would increase a lot. Though, not as much as Q:s CPU usage would be decreased.

the_sorce said on Friday 19 December 2003

#349: So you mean small oldschool channels should get to keep their Q:s, just as status symbols? Fact is that the L-functions are enough for small channels and Q-only functions are only required by large channels... Having Q stay in such small channels just because they are oldschool is just a stupid way to waste CPU power, so that oldschool channels may keep their status symbol. So stupid...

the_sorce said on Friday 19 December 2003

#357 mmmmm ..why you need Q if you dont have enought ppl? And your little channel is full off clones.

zhade said on Friday 19 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

mind-of-dead said on Friday 19 December 2003

does net split change sth? Like i have 60 users usually but every night is net split ad then is 30 users. And btw if you have ca 70 users day and night 40 or sth it dont change nothing, you will get Q. Average users must be 50

zhade said on Saturday 20 December 2003

50 is still a bit too high. If there is 30 users on channel over the night, then over a day there must be 70 users on channel, to achive average +50, right?

spucek said on Saturday 20 December 2003

#363 yes thats the theory. It has obviously been coded to be affected by planetary alignment, weather patterns and hanging a mystical crystal over your keyboard, but you do need >50 during peak hours to hit a 50 average.

specceh said on Saturday 20 December 2003

hmmz, is there any kind of probs with Q request (like channels with brackets) as i have a good 80+ in the day and no less than 35 at night, yet i still havent hit the average of 50...... Btw is there any way to find out the average users?

benbo said on Saturday 20 December 2003

pls setup a funktion to check the average users in own channels

stirb said on Saturday 20 December 2003

This is fucking nice!! I loce Q.net ! :P

ia-mitzu said on Sunday 21 December 2003

agree with #336

zhade said on Sunday 21 December 2003

if 3 brothers shares an internet connection(each has own PC and own auth to qnet), and they have same IP , count they like 1 user or 3 users?

spucek said on Sunday 21 December 2003

Well I think 50 is really too much or even 25! As I requested the Q for my channel 5 people for over 2 hours were needed :)

{cwl}-virus- said on Sunday 21 December 2003

#369: No, that are clones and Q Request detects clones...

smue said on Sunday 21 December 2003

Quakenets peak is 216751. If you where on every single channel at once that exists on QNet (180232 channels formed (taken from /lusers)). 1. Think how much your computer would lag (alot) 2. You will be using up ALOT of bandwidth 3. The more users that you have stored in your aop/avoice list will consume a very large amout of hard drive space. For these reasons QNet staff have set a limit on Q so not everyone has it. Be happy with what you have... and dont complain...

sephectja said on Sunday 21 December 2003

nice that Q request is back but it would be nice if you could lower the requirements to 40 though we have about 50 idlers constantly in #aabenraa, #un$erious and in #clan-overload we cant get Q because the system isnt working 100%... so is it possible?

anno said on Sunday 21 December 2003

#372: I\'m not sure how the Q system is managed, but I rekon it is not run on a computer that connects to the network externally, instead it is probably ran along side of the IRC Server on the same system, so bandwidth wouldn\'t be much of an issue (not mentioning the connection between different hubs BTW). Also, I really don\'t think there\'s a shortage of harddrive space to store the user database of Q, even an amount equal to all the users of QuakeNet alltogether could easely be stored.

travisdane said on Sunday 21 December 2003

The main problem would probably be the processing power required to manage the huge amounts of channels on QuakeNet, and AFAIK they are working on a more effecient version of Q to keep the load to a as low as possible.

travisdane said on Sunday 21 December 2003

can request Q.. there more than 50 average.. stupid sytem ;// dont work right.

pri` said on Sunday 21 December 2003

Why does Qnet suspend me 2 Q&#180;s ??? in channels where i don&#180;t spam/flood or make anything else ??? that isnt ok ;( ( #bi0 & #mytsunami ) pls give me them back. When i talked to a helper, he means that i used trojans for more idler or something like this, but i was this 2 days on Lan, and when some not operated idiots join with more then 1 client we cant do anything (perhaps kick them ) So please give me my 2 Q&#180;s Back. I never brake the rules and i never will brake them. greets

bio~genom said on Sunday 21 December 2003

just got our Q, new request system ownz :D

glady said on Monday 22 December 2003

#NyL@n < pls PerForms!!!

daf-nyl0n said on Monday 22 December 2003

can yoe make the request of Q to 30 User?? please!

{fgs-vit}wanted said on Monday 22 December 2003

Yes 30 People it\'s better. When can I request? I\'ve 75 Poeple over 14 Days!!

sonix- said on Monday 22 December 2003

omg whats the problem? 30 users is WAY TOO LOW, 30 is better for L Please understand that 0-50 = L & 50-1000 = Q You dont need that fucking Q if you dont have anought users! Everybody whines abou that theu have 100 users in day and 30 in night ..lol? So its nice because Q wants AVARAGE USERS 50 not 24/7 50

zhade said on Monday 22 December 2003

I also think, that 50 is a good number of users. 30 is to low, you can use L instead and 70 are to high. 50 is perfect...

smue said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

50 seems just fine, 30 is deinately too low, since L can easily cope with a 30 person room. It just so happens that my clan channel has about 80 ish in the day and 40 ish at night, at night we dont use it so im not bothered but in the day we can have anything upto 40 clan members online and other users who are entered on chanlev, L doesnt handle this and having auto oping scripts is dodgy (i have good experience of it) I would like to know how exactly the average is worked out, hourly, peak,

benbo said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

don\'t cry - just exept it :)

owner said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

#385: Learn english... -_-

smue said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Now we had about 70 to 80 Users for more than 3 Weeks but we still cant request Q allways same error: Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently.... But this cant be right. Please check this. and please dont say \"you just have to wait\".

ogc|xantos said on Thursday 25 December 2003

@ #365 well it is the same like in our channel always the same error!! :\\ our chann #ai102 has 0ver 60Idlers through 3 weeks and we can not request :\\ perhaps it will be checked too.

dtkn}priv4t30wn said on Friday 26 December 2003

i suppose that ppl are going to make idling bnc\' in their chans so as to request q, is it forbidden? because i\'ve read something about that, can so tell me if it is :p

snshn said on Saturday 27 December 2003

OK, I just spent 20 minutes reading all you whiny euros and how you \"need Q\". Who cares? Quakenet should just cancel all their chanservices, and you should have to pay the terrible &#163;12 per year it costs to get a shell account. Somehow I reckon the number of channels who \"needed\" Q would drop quite spectacularly ;o)

gav said on Sunday 28 December 2003

Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. <--- But I have more than 50 in my chan...why i am not able to request Q ? #avirex4ever

mcu|avi said on Sunday 28 December 2003

I just joined, and there were 50, spot on. I\'m guessing this drops at night. I\'d explain what an average is, but I really can\'t be arsed. And there is no way that all the other 49 people except me need ops. Just make do with what you have and get over it. :o)

gav said on Sunday 28 December 2003

how long does it takes? I see, at night in my channel are 54 poeple! That\'s enough or?

sonix- said on Monday 29 December 2003

u mean: \"That\'s enough, isn\'t it?\"... -.-

spazza said on Monday 29 December 2003

give me Q!!!! :D

shabaz said on Monday 29 December 2003

well... its everything all right what you said Qnet staff! BUT: can anybody tell me how to have 50 users over a 14 days period, if there is one netsplit after the other?? that cant work!! sorry but i am not the only one who has that oppinion! greet priv4t30wn

dtkn}priv4t30wn said on Tuesday 30 December 2003

well then just fking wait until they have fixed the request bugs. I dont understand why everyone wants Q instead of L ?? L is just as good, and you can easily fix a bot that can do more funny shit than Q. I guess kiddies just want Q, to showoff^^

evil-venom said on Tuesday 30 December 2003

396: There was indeed a formidable netsplit yesterday, but it was the first in quite a while, and AFAIK it only lasted about 30-60 mins, if that single netsplit got you under the 50 people average your channel is simply not big enough.

travisdane said on Tuesday 30 December 2003

\"To request Q, you must have an average of at least ...\" U see word \"average\" ? :\\ So dont panic about netsplits...

spucek said on Tuesday 30 December 2003

My channel average is +- like 48 users... lol, bad luck... can\'t you lower the average of Q just a bit?? After all this happens it was 25 users... :(

feltes said on Wednesday 31 December 2003

my chan average is about 100 and i still cant get Q... [16:29] -R- Checking your L access. This may take a while, please be patient... - [16:29] -R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. i don really understand that. so please check whats wrong with #gv-clan

baen said on Wednesday 31 December 2003

#401 baen : u have 100+ users more than 14 days on channel? And u know that clones doesn\'t count in avg. calculations? &#151;&#155; found (43) clone(s) in #gv-clan on QuakeNet

spucek said on Thursday 01 January 2004

i think that everyone should see his/her channels average somewhere.. it really sucks that i can\'t see it..! (sorry about my bad english..)

wipe1986 said on Thursday 01 January 2004

Well, I am glad that Q is back, and am certainly going to make good use of its services, but there are some small bits i would like to change. Well, one bit really. The current must is 50 users, and the one for the previous Q was 25. I find that 25 is a much more appropriate number, since it represents a fairly common \"medium-to large sized channels\" beggining borders. If Quakenet is interested in any way in making its bots the most trusted and preferred of all, I suggest that this number be d

elitian said on Friday 02 January 2004

Well, I am glad that Q is back, and am going to make good use of it, but there is one thing I would like to get changed. The current must is 50 users, and the one for the previous Q was 25. 25 is a much more appropriate number, since it represents a fairly common \"medium-to large sized channels\" beggining borders. If Quakenet is interested in any way in making its bots the most trusted and preferred of all, I suggest that this number be dropped to 25 so as to promote its use in many channels.

elitian said on Friday 02 January 2004

#404 + #405: The reason why a channel should adopt Q is due to the incapability of L handling all the users (30 user max), in a 25 users average channel you would get nowhere near this max amount of users in L, thus there is no reason to have Q for this purpose. Another reason to have Q would be to safeguard the channel due to higher risk of abuse coming with high amounts of channel operators, small channels (like 25 average), simply don\'t have this problem, and don\'t need these features.

travisdane said on Friday 02 January 2004

You failed to understand my point #406. Many channels may have up to 70 users who should have flags, but of those only around 30 may be online for the majority of the day. During the working week most users are online for only a few hours a day, and thus it lowers the average of the channel requesting the Q quite tremendously. Also, the border between Ls 30 max and Qs 50 minimum needs to be bridged. Anyway, enough of this bickering, I have taken this up with a higher authority as it is.

elitian said on Friday 02 January 2004

We just got a Q bot. We had 14 days 50...95 users on channel(avg cca 70), and we got it without any problems. Tnx QuakeNET!

spucek said on Friday 02 January 2004

#407: 70 users is obviously redicelous, if a channel requires 70 registered users with L then either they hit the 50 user average with ease, or they need some serious cleaning within the users. Also, when you\'re saying L has a 30max and Q a 50min, you\'re actually claiming a channel has EVERY single user in the channel registered with L, obviously, that is simply not true.

travisdane said on Friday 02 January 2004

40 users would be better :)

bedri said on Friday 02 January 2004

i think this changes are quite nice - if they would work :/ I dont know its 03:02 in the morning (here in europe) we have 65 idlers and still I cannot get Q (-R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users...), and that for serveral weeks :( Are there still any bugs or what\'s wrong? Is it something not working with bouncers? We are of one clan and so there are several people with the same ip, something 2 do with that?

illusioniassa said on Saturday 03 January 2004

#412 R (Q-request) does check for clones, and clones only counts as one users.

sprekcer said on Saturday 03 January 2004

That, of cause was to #411.

sprekcer said on Saturday 03 January 2004

hm. I also got 10 or 15 idlers from a friends clan. they got bnc\'s and they have the same hostmask, but they\'re no clones... that\'s a problem for me because that\'s exactly the amount of idlers I miss to get Q :(

d0wnw4sh said on Saturday 03 January 2004

Does the new Q requierments still include a gaming related homepage?

skill-padden said on Saturday 03 January 2004

Well, it\'s seems like i\'ll never get it... My channel has a avg of 60, at least! Anyway, everytime I try to get Q, i got the same answer from R: \"-R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies.\" Is there anyway to check the avg on a channel ? tx.

nufan- said on Saturday 03 January 2004

Will the requirements drop lower than 50 soon? Also, how can we find out our current average?

combatgold1 said on Sunday 04 January 2004

it says: \"u cant see the average and dont ask an irc operator about it\" the only possibility would be an eggdrop which does this...

d0wnw4sh said on Sunday 04 January 2004

well in switzerland nearly everybody has the bouncer from the same provicer --> we need at least about 100 idlers to get Q in switzerland, bad luck or bad system?

illusioniassa said on Sunday 04 January 2004

nice to have q request system back, but i wish it was 40 idlers average... thats kind of perfect limit =)

ready2k said on Sunday 04 January 2004

When are you going to rewrite the Q-request-faq?

{avest}omni said on Sunday 04 January 2004

40 idlers would be too low average. 50 is just fine!

wipe1986 said on Sunday 04 January 2004

Why don\'t quakenet just give Q to every channel made :P then forget L.

combatgold1 said on Sunday 04 January 2004

because if they did that they would need more server s and bandwith and thats a lot for a free service

benon said on Sunday 04 January 2004

Can Q be moved from channel to channel or do u have false information in your Q FAQ ? im mixed up here your website tells ppl they can move the Q but in your room some ppl say u cant? whats going on?

s-t-e said on Sunday 04 January 2004

The new Request system Rulez. Thanks

longfinger said on Monday 05 January 2004

is it measured as the average over 2 weeks ? or >50 for the whole 2 weeks ?

kampin_bunny said on Monday 05 January 2004


saeed said on Monday 05 January 2004

ive had 50+ users in my channel for way over 14days and it still says i cant get Q?????

{ee}paultrueman said on Thursday 08 January 2004

when i try to request Q: -R- Checking your L access. This may take a while, please be patient... -R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. It should be: ... -R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Your current average is XX. Please try again when your channel qualifies.

wipe1986 said on Friday 09 January 2004

oh damn, just noticed this was put up...I had given up hope of Q and didn\'t check the site...great work!...though how is that average calculated?, it makes it hard for national channels to get that average, since many of their users will be offline during the night and often reduce the amount of people to 1/3rd. While we have 60-100 people in our channels, it falls to 20-30 people during nighttime, since its exclusively for one timezone. :(

lordchaos said on Friday 09 January 2004

i got Q last night. GOOD JOB QUAKENET! ;)

wipe1986 said on Saturday 10 January 2004

:S why Q requst detect clones, quakenet only allow 5 connect from one host without trust, but all of us use the same BNC, and we got 40-70 ppl on our chanels.. so maybe it\'ll count about 20? :S Strange.. so we can\'t use BNC, if we want Q bot, or what? :S how can i check how many user was on our chanel average on a day, or week.. etc?

broti said on Monday 12 January 2004

#433, just dont use the bnc\'s when you request

q-netsux said on Monday 12 January 2004

Can i move Q to another channel with a command ? If not , how else can i move Q to another chan ?

just- said on Monday 12 January 2004

you have to udate your q faq 8-)

|wz|qed said on Monday 12 January 2004

----------------------------------------------- :S why Q requst detect clones, quakenet only allow 5 connect from one host without trust, but all of us use the same BNC, and we ...... ------------------------------------------------- Yes thats not funny.......I tried since more than 20 days to request Q. I can\'t belive,that qnet means,requesting Q without bnc\'s. Why BNC\'s get trust?? I think @qnet,you have to fix that problem. Don\'t make half things

chanceless` said on Tuesday 13 January 2004

... -R- Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Your current average is XX. Please try again when your channel qualifies. --- good idea ^^

sekt0r- said on Tuesday 13 January 2004

problably a question asked a lot but i dont see anywhere the answer for it. Will it be possibly to move a Q?

xenium- said on Tuesday 13 January 2004

hi we have more than 100 users in #por but when we request q : (22:05:12) &#160;&#155;&#155; [R (qrequest@qrequest.quakenet.org)] Checking your L access. This may take a while, please be patient... (22:05:12) &#160;&#155;&#155; [R (qrequest@qrequest.quakenet.org)] Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. and i don&#180;t know why ^^ Thx for your Help

por said on Tuesday 13 January 2004

Yes making R showing u what average u already have would seem like a very good idea to me

nova-- said on Wednesday 14 January 2004

hello i need idlers when I request Q. I think its bad to have 100 users to request it was 50 or ? well well.. visit and vi need night idlers and day.. you get +av and stand on our homepage and topic.. sry if I not got to advertise like this.. /msg ZioiG

{1wc}bustus said on Wednesday 14 January 2004

can\'t u take the request users back to 25 ? ? ? .. need ppl in #experience.no need Q @ qnet

e-festus said on Wednesday 14 January 2004

Why does they dont update the Q-faq, there it sad that you only need 25 idlers.

jlarm said on Wednesday 14 January 2004

Why have you not just 50 idlars when one shall fix up Q them there 14 dagarnas Perioderna Sucks for fins why klaner that has 60 70 idlers on days but kanse 30 on the evening as have we in alle cases entirely rate solved of yours that need period for become ripe for Q S one shall why kuna get them why easier it helps why just yours. Admins that grind over flods on Quakenet all spamande

topher said on Wednesday 14 January 2004

walla.. no need for homepage no more?

rf}{ost3n said on Wednesday 14 January 2004

Hi, i had more than 50 Idlers in my chan (#bR4iNd3a7h) --> day&night; <-- for more than 14 days but R still says : [03:49pm] (..notice..) R: Checking your L access. This may take a while, please be patient... [03:49pm] (..notice..) R: Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. I`ve heard that Q doesn\'t count clones as idler to request Q, but the only clones in my chan are BNCs which are in a trust. Plz fix this pr

br4ind3a7h said on Thursday 15 January 2004

plz fix this problem

br4ind3a7h said on Thursday 15 January 2004

Hm, will the requirements increase? Or will it be 50+ \"forever\" ?

rt~anden said on Thursday 15 January 2004

Yes, this is really really bad for national channels limited to 1 timezone, getting 50 AVERAGE users is nearly impossible, since 80% of the users log off at late night/morning/midday. Please find a better solution, or make so that we can manually request Q from an oper or via email

lordchaos said on Friday 16 January 2004

We\'ve 60 70 idlare on the day eftermidag men from type 1 2 on the night have we type 18 idlare alls&#229; I think it gammla was bra man got requesta 25 andv&#228;ndare when man ans&#246;kar if Q or if you want to &#246;&#228;ka as I think 50 idlare when man requesta Q that goes for for many channels achieves not even 50 idlare late receives man not have clons if it not is bnc for it\'s end&#229; different pers that joins with their rope. I think 50 idlare when man searches if Q. It would have been normally for then bra klan

topher said on Friday 16 January 2004

In 7 days we are requesting Q for #general.gaming and i hope it will work since i\'ve seen alot of comments saying that he doesnt even join eventhough you have had a 50 avarage for 2 weeks...

nova-- said on Friday 16 January 2004

#439, Well, I asked the same question in a mail and all i get back from them was an useless mail about reading the faq where it is not shown in.. I have a Q on a chan and want to move it to my new clanchan but they seem to enjoy people get that \"sorry\" messege instead of helping people answer their questions!

whole said on Friday 16 January 2004

Det &#228;r bra som fan men typ 30 user &#228;r b&#228;ttre

dreamhacks said on Sunday 18 January 2004

OMG, take the old rules back !! Qnet !!!!?!!??!?!!

joons said on Sunday 18 January 2004

I don\'t understand your logic. Everyone of my friends gets Q without problems. I have over 50 Idler since 4 weeks, and/or 75 Idler since 2 weeks and R says: Sorry, a long-term average of 50 users is currently required to obtain Q. Please try again when your channel qualifies. Can you explain this to me?

br4ind3a7h said on Monday 19 January 2004

Same problem here. I have a average of 65 users every day in my chan and still no Q only that Sorry msg.

whole said on Monday 19 January 2004

Yeah, does the R scannig clones ?

malikwx said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

I think that 25 was great... too get Q

p0rnchick said on Tuesday 20 January 2004


cos|moiise said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Our clan setup just after the last Q service stopped. We have been running as a clan for last 18mnths waiting for new Q. We have 70+ average idlers and have been trying /msg r requestq #smx everyday since new Q release. No success. And friends cannot give us a Q because transfer service does not work. HELP plz quakenet.

dr4gon666 said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Nice requestsystem :)

warpigs said on Thursday 22 January 2004

my next problem ist this: [03:42pm] (..notice..) L: Couldn\'t add **** to #bR4iNd3a7h. [03:43pm] (..notice..) L: Either there is no room for more users on #bR4iNd3a7h L is full and i can\'t add any new user. For this reason i need Q, however R doesn\'t recognize that i\'ve an average of ~ 75

br4ind3a7h said on Thursday 22 January 2004

#463 probably you have too much clones in your channel, that mean BNC\'s, eggdrops and idleclones, i mean that R handles clones from a host as one idler! sry for my not correct english

warpigs said on Thursday 22 January 2004

there are some clones in my chan. BNCs with the same vHost, but without this BNCs it should also be over 50 Idler.

br4ind3a7h said on Thursday 22 January 2004

#465, I think some clones have enabled the usermode +x, then is your average under 50 and Q will not come :). I\'ve the same problem with my channel, but i know my average :o

warpigs said on Friday 23 January 2004

5week staying with average of 50idlers , but R refused me Q :/ heelp me tx

pheraz- said on Friday 23 January 2004

The best way reduced to 30. Because I have 30 - 40 users my channel and L central is full.

zorza- said on Sunday 25 January 2004

Not good for national Channels. Got over 100 Users @ day and could really need Q (2x per week abozt 200 users due to tournaments) - durring the night only about 30-40. Seems as if this isn\'t enough for a 14 day 50ppl average, which is pretty sad, because Q really would be helpfull.

qfixq said on Sunday 25 January 2004

Hmm. Good that it\'s back, but the average is way too high. I think that 25 - 30 would be better.

butta said on Sunday 25 January 2004

is it just me, or is /msg R requestq #channel down atm i\'m told that R does not exist atm

mailmanmel said on Monday 26 January 2004

[13:27:09] ::: No such nickname: (R)

ta|mcclane said on Monday 26 January 2004

Well.. you are lucky, i dont get anything back !

whole said on Monday 26 January 2004

yea im findin the same msg back 12no such nickname: 02(12R02)12 :/ and even wen we do request it at #e-mot!on it ses that we havent got enuff idlers or sommat. Its geh cos we have round 100 in the day then 50 at night, but still no Q and how the f*ck can u transfer it, thers no info newhere :x

criminal86 said on Tuesday 27 January 2004

Obviously you dont really expect an answer to this problem... Either you will have to wait until there is some Explanation why qrequest does not work atm (possibly its because of barrysworlds unlink) or you will just have to wait until it works again (if it will). I was also looking for some further information about R oder qrequest in general, but there was no article or something on the page... the feds topic just sais \"dont ask about it\"... but thats an answer for some real big questions...

variable-worm said on Wednesday 28 January 2004

hmm i have 50idlers on my chan... but now is R down :( must i wait 2 more weeks too get Q when R is up agaen??

p0rnchick said on Friday 30 January 2004

- R No such nick - And now? o_O

imperialist said on Friday 30 January 2004

I will known that too

ninjada said on Friday 30 January 2004

&#187; -> *R* requestq #Lichtsche Hinweis: R - Unbekannter oder nicht vorhandener Nickname :((((( I have 2 week 70 people in my channel and now that S... :/

lichtaus said on Saturday 31 January 2004

/msg R requestq.. -> \"R No such nick\" where is R? How can I request Q if R isn\'t online?

choariza said on Saturday 31 January 2004

yep, the Q info or faq (from 1942?) is somewhat no where... and R.. where is he? lolz

gwjgetright said on Sunday 01 February 2004

pls up q request ;( i have a lot of idler! still waiting and drink some beer ^^

flash1976 said on Sunday 01 February 2004

ive tried so many times to get Q into #Subliminal to no avail... now R is down.. man i might just give up

ghm said on Tuesday 03 February 2004

\"/msg R requestq #channel\" <-- it wont work :< what shall i write?

cryzlair said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

R is Down! When is it up again ?

masterkilla said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

I think Quakenet have taken roughly end&#229; have 50 on the night in 14 days period. If Quakenet kunat fix up 50 idlare when one shall fix up Q as would all be pleased again common channel or half sk&#228;nda klaner pallar of 50 idlare on the night. we lies type on 70 to 100 st on the day. but on the night have man type 25 30 st. man looses end&#229; all type on the night them fl&#228;sta sleeps not with the computers on 24/7. in entire 14 days. you is anyone of them get that makes it.

topher said on Saturday 07 February 2004

is it possible to move Q to another channel ??

evil-venom said on Sunday 08 February 2004

No #487 And it\'s strange, qknet say Q require a lot of resources but all Q\'s on \'quasi dead\' channel are not used for nothing.. it\'s quite contradictory no ?

_striker_ said on Sunday 08 February 2004

How come Q request is back down? and when will it be back up? our channel is a gaming service and we require the power of Q. If possible can Quakenet upgrade it for us pls?

hardw1re said on Sunday 08 February 2004

It says that you need to msg R for the Q-request, but I get the msg \"R no such nick\" so apparently the service is down.. hope you can get it back up soon! :)

kotivalo_ said on Monday 09 February 2004

can\'t u plz set down the Q request avrage.. plz?? and why don\'t /msg R requestQ #conteros woork?? we have 80+ in ou chann. plz ansver me

quantas said on Tuesday 10 February 2004

@ #486: Do you seriously write english like that? Or is it just a big joke? You can\'t expect people to understand that writing. But well, good humour for sure ^^

sekt0r- said on Friday 13 February 2004

#491 it doesnt work because Q request is down again

hardw1re said on Saturday 14 February 2004

qnet crew doesnt read the comments ^^ feds support mean \"dont ask about it\" but thats no good answer... pleas up request. we have 70 idler over 4 weeks but no q... work faster pls :) Q for #uff-clan pls

flash1976 said on Saturday 14 February 2004

#494: Quakenet comment rules: Dont advertise. (i.e channels, sites or other things)

hardw1re said on Sunday 15 February 2004

When does the Q request work ?

sazzafrazza said on Sunday 15 February 2004

hihi R is online again! R updated?

pqz said on Monday 16 February 2004

but R says me my channel is not large enough?

xavion said on Monday 16 February 2004

R says me i dont have enough... but, i have over 90 for 3 weeks... how i cant request it ?

damichi said on Monday 16 February 2004

ups, cant means why

damichi said on Monday 16 February 2004

same problem ...I have 120 idler and more : R says :\" Checking your L access. This may take a while, please be patient... [17:48] (R) Sorry, your channel is not large enough to request Q.\"

mcu|avi said on Monday 16 February 2004

I\'ve got the same problem, i had 70+ idler about 3-4 weeks and r says chan is not large enough?!

jaspo said on Monday 16 February 2004

Same problem here :(

uvu|thagroov said on Monday 16 February 2004

or can one ask for Q because it is not any more in the service?

cc`luc1f3r said on Monday 16 February 2004

because R has been down, i think ppl will need to get there user average at the required level for the next 14 days, because it\'s R that checks therefore if R hasnt been around, who\'s been keeping the stats on your channels user base?

hardw1re said on Tuesday 17 February 2004

R is back

neo-ge said on Tuesday 17 February 2004

How much idler must i have to request Q??? In Faq for Q i read 25, and here i read 50... Whats real now?

gf_templer said on Friday 20 February 2004

omfg! 25 idlers in 14 days is much, much, much better!

rohlen said on Sunday 22 February 2004

Ok , anyone who gets Q here ? Just negativ comments, no positiv ?

smackz said on Sunday 22 February 2004

we have over 60 idler in pur channel and Q says us the status is too low to get Q. why?

blueprint said on Tuesday 24 February 2004

D*O N*O*T W*H*I*N*E S*O M*U*C*H!! \"we have over X idlers in our channel and we cant get Q, why?\" Because you AVERAGE userbase lies under 50. Done. No more questions like that. Allright? \"can you lower the requirements to X users because [blablabla]\" No they will not. The reasons have been told about a hundred times already. Just dont bitch and whine.. k?

muerioch said on Tuesday 24 February 2004

why not lower it to 30?

dfvirus said on Saturday 28 February 2004

R doesn\'t lie! Clones are only one idler :) That means you must have more as 50 idlers whitout the same host over 14 days! And idlecones are bad :) sry for my bad english :)

warpigs said on Wednesday 03 March 2004

Plzz make it 25 again it\'s so much better than 50 :D and i would be thank full if you could fix back that you can change the Q bot from one channel to another :D

g10b4l said on Saturday 06 March 2004

ehmm! Where To Get Q ???...

dreamtown said on Sunday 14 March 2004

#515 /msg r requestQ #channel .. or just read the news.. and btw.. Why cant you lower the userlimit to 35 or 40 in 1 week, i think 50 for 14 days is quite to much.

o|dogztr said on Saturday 17 April 2004

/msg r requestq #channel is not working anymore? :(

bohman said on Saturday 24 April 2004

Does anyone know if the issue of BNC\'s has been sorted then, with regards to them not appearing as clones and subsequently reducing your average?

xten said on Monday 03 May 2004

English hin oder her, jeden falls glaube ich ned das der Q request funkt.. seit wochen sagt mir der ich habe zu wenige leute drinnen und daweil sind da &#252;ber 70ig drinnen.

}at-t{turallion said on Tuesday 25 May 2004

Deckard, thats the best comment ever. Finally a true word that had to be said.

deliver said on Saturday 29 January 2005

/msg r requestq #chan don\'t work

s4mmy said on Wednesday 31 August 2005