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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Posted by Magpie on Wednesday 24 December 2003

QuakeNet staff would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. We would also like to thank you for continuing to contribute to the growth of QuakeNet, both in terms of users and in community.

Watch out not to drink too much, and we hope to see you all refreshed and ready for a new years chatting!

Please log in to post comments.
merry x-mas and a happy new anno 2004 :)

duyzen said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Yes, yes - Merry Christmas to all from the admins at #animebots as well :D

laser said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Happy X-Mas 2 all and the Q-net Staff :)

owner said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Wish you a merry christmas & an happy new year all

bbpkrs said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Same from me :P

turrikka said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

merry christmas and happy new year all! :P

wipe1986 said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry Christmas

amagad said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry Christmas :)

netzi said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

merry christmas!

{rod}mexx said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Heavy Axe-mas and Fucking Good New Year, everybody!!!

r1qp said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry christmas Quakenet, and a Happy new year.

brks said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry Christmas to all and the op\'s too. Q request was the biggest present this year ^^

dis said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry Xmas.. :O

smue said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry Christmas and happy new year QuakeNet staff!

r3fl3x said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

Merry christmas and a happy new year all of you. Thanks for yet another year, QuakeNet. Keep on the good work in the new year.

dopeh said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

when Can i Request Q? I wait so long for him... :(

incure said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

incure, read the news. You can already request Q since some weeks now. Anyway, this is not the right place to ask. Just read the news once in a while.

dopeh said on Thursday 25 December 2003

lol go back to school guy :p btw. merry xmas

face` said on Thursday 25 December 2003

hehe yeye have a good christmas (God Jul ;P) and new year to you all ;)

zipplet{fs} said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Merry Xmas !

abdul said on Thursday 25 December 2003


nav1 said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Merry Christmas and a happy near year from me, too. Let\'s start into 2004

illusion said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Merry Christmas to you all and a happy new year =).. i hope all opers dont drink too much , so no fun glines ;) please...

r3drum{tm} said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Merry Christmas , and now prepair for 2003-2004 :D

tttc|marcbomber said on Thursday 25 December 2003

every1 a merry xmas and a happy NewYear :D

fdnl~robbierzz| said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Frohe Weihnachten! and give us a X-mas amnesty - give us Q!

alucardofhellsi said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Merry Christmas and a very healthy happy new year to you all too! Thank you for all your efforts throughout 2003 and we hope to see more in 2004. =)

teachy said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Merry Christmas to our helpy Qnet stuff ;)

bafe said on Thursday 25 December 2003

merry christmas and a happy new year to you all and the QNet stuff :)

chiaki said on Thursday 25 December 2003

It\'s QuakeNet _Staff_ Not Stuff... :/

smue said on Thursday 25 December 2003

merry xmas quakenet (a little bit late :)

decki-pwn4g3 said on Thursday 25 December 2003

Ehehehehe, merry christmas :D

kickchon said on Thursday 25 December 2003

This is the only time of year i am actually nice. BE JOLLY FOLKS ave lots to drink though because you need to be refreshed for another 365/366 days chattin todo. Merry X-Mas to Quakenet Staff especially Deckard me and him ave fun in #help and a big Merry Christmas to #scripts crew fantastic guys. But tbh the biggest MERRY CHRISTMAS goes to War`, hes my boyfriend and i codnt go through life without him :( - Merry Xmas folks

c0rp3s said on Friday 26 December 2003


c0rp3s said on Friday 26 December 2003

You gays!

mos|deformed said on Friday 26 December 2003

n girls?

_rabbit_ said on Friday 26 December 2003

bit late, but merry x-mas everyone

locias said on Friday 26 December 2003

Aaaw. Magpie\'s first news post. =P Merry X-mas and a happy new year QuakeNet! =)

steinland said on Friday 26 December 2003

I\'ve realized that too ;). Congrats magpie

r3fl3x said on Friday 26 December 2003

Happy Happy Joy Joy :)

{nl}joraei said on Friday 26 December 2003

And very merry xmas from everyone @ #EckoHost

paulor said on Friday 26 December 2003

Merry Christmas. Another year of joy on Quakenet.

gem said on Friday 26 December 2003

Merry Christmas!

bengelchen said on Friday 26 December 2003

Happy 2004 to all of you! See you on Quakenet ;)

ce- said on Friday 26 December 2003

ho ho hooooooo merry christmas everyone :)

elktro said on Saturday 27 December 2003

A happy 2004 guys, I hope it\'ll be a nice year =)

jack said on Saturday 27 December 2003

Happeh neh jaar allen!

kr3l1s said on Saturday 27 December 2003

I wish you on all good year 2004!! and much Glueck:p fr: Je vous souhaite à tous un bonne année 2004 !! et beaucoup de bonheur :p de: Ich wünsche Sie an allem guten Jahr 2004!! und viel Glück:p pt: Eu desejo-o em todo o ano bom 2004!! e muita felicidade :p :) sorry if the translation is not very good :)

tidel said on Saturday 27 December 2003

ye.. Merry xmas ;) Keep on the good work \\o/

cherokee said on Saturday 27 December 2003

hehe, i got a little late :> but i can still say happy new year, and dont blow of any limbs now ya hear?

dampunge said on Sunday 28 December 2003

#found wish alle irc ops and quakenet users a merry christmas and a happy new year

fairer said on Sunday 28 December 2003

i hope every one has a great party between #2003-2004 :D

marcbomber said on Sunday 28 December 2003

merry christmas

romano said on Monday 29 December 2003

#1337Dyr wish alle irc ops and quakenet users a merry christmas and a happy new year

guffen~~ said on Monday 29 December 2003

Long life to quakenet, my favourite network on the IRC. Merry x-mas and happy new year everybody!

k4t4 said on Monday 29 December 2003

am i late? :)

alftberg said on Monday 29 December 2003

yea happy new year !!

u-god-ox3 said on Monday 29 December 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

{roa}psycotiks said on Monday 29 December 2003

merry whatsits. and a happy new doodah

opless said on Tuesday 30 December 2003

hope to see an exciting 2004 coming up on Quakenet, thanks for your work in 2003, staff :)

mikkelt said on Tuesday 30 December 2003

2004 !!!!!!!!!!!!! hf ;)

lethz0rz said on Wednesday 31 December 2003

happy new year and conc. to the greatest network ;) AND BY THE WAY DRINK ALOT ;)

{smf}barracuda said on Wednesday 31 December 2003

English: Happy new year all Quakenet users and staff. French: Bonne année a tous les utilisateurs de Quakenet et le staff.

djoobstil said on Thursday 01 January 2004

Now it is the first day of the new year and I hope you all have enjoy it;). I wish you all a lucky healthy and happy year 2004! Ciao

kashoggi said on Thursday 01 January 2004

L request i down?! happy new year ^^

soldierge said on Thursday 01 January 2004


ronsku said on Thursday 01 January 2004

HAPPY NEW YEAR QUAKENET :) PS: i drank to much :P

moffo said on Friday 02 January 2004

iiih :D

{4s-shishen} said on Sunday 04 January 2004


greatpxl said on Sunday 04 January 2004

:x it was new year? i never noticed :( i was to busy coding

paulor said on Sunday 04 January 2004

bite me assholes

|16bit| said on Monday 05 January 2004

#72 - You have more than one? Oh, wait, I see, one significantly higher than the other yes? Happy New Year to everyone else =)

pyranwolf said on Sunday 11 January 2004

/timerxmas 0 0 /cline $rand(0,15) $active $rand(1,$nick($active,0)) Xmas on /timerxmas 1 0 /cline $rand(0,14) $active $rand(2,$nick($active,56)) Xmas off , some fun in irc :)

pz said on Sunday 11 January 2004

A bit late, but wtf^^ merry x-mas and happy new year :)

pulfen|na said on Tuesday 13 January 2004

merry x mas quakenet team

yannik said on Tuesday 13 January 2004