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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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GAME.NET (BarrysWorld) de-linking

Posted by Ferg on Sunday 18 January 2004

After many years of amazing service and dedication to QuakeNet, GAME.NET (BarrysWorld) are delinking their servers from the network.

The QuakeNet staff wish to thank GAME.NET / BarrysWorld for their support and service during their sponsorship of QuakeNet, and wish them good luck for the future.

The IRC Servers will be disconnected from close of play on Friday 23rd January 2004.

Please log in to post comments.
bye barrysworld

postgame said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Qnet is losing servers o_O

bullet said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Time for some new ones :O

coaster said on Sunday 18 January 2004

bye bye

pipa said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Their loosing too many servers. Soon they will run out? What then, then we all need to go outside!

arena|ua said on Sunday 18 January 2004

YOU FREAKING IDIOT! go outside? what? omfg!1!1!!1!1 LoolLL00llllroflrrooooffll!!11!111 That\'s just... IT\'S INSANE, DUDE! :o You are a national security risk :/

depoll said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Hmm.. Quakenet is starting to lose servers... But just remember folks! Theres plenty of Qnet servers left :P. Maybe if I get a 10mbit connection ill provide a server to quakenet :P

sephectja said on Sunday 18 January 2004

You are loosing too much servers, guys ! And you don\'t win servers ! Bad trip :( Barrysworld wasn\'t one on the first Quakenet\'s server ? Who were the local IRCOp ? What will they become on Qnet ?

romano said on Sunday 18 January 2004

sorry... Little error ! Who were the IRCOps of barrysworld ? and what will they do on Qnet after the delink ?

romano said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Barrysworld was not the owner of one hub ?

romano said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Game.Net have gone out of business and thats why they have de-linked nothing to do with Qnet ops.

thedaddy2003 said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Thank you Barrysworld/Game.Net for this time. They were good servers, and it\'s bad that QuakeNet is losing servers.

r3fl3x said on Sunday 18 January 2004

#10: I\'m sure those that wish to remain will be found an alternative home.

magpie said on Sunday 18 January 2004

The QuakeNet servers accept 348003 simultaneous user connections. This means that 348003 QuakeNet users can chat with eachother at the same time. There are about 205269 users connected at this moment which means that 59% of our total servercapacity is used. ;)

dcm}{tek}{bp said on Sunday 18 January 2004

bye bye barrysworld, it `s a pitty for us and Quakenet .... :(

fairer said on Sunday 18 January 2004

QuakeNet is still in very good shape and will still be running way undercapacity if/when BW delinks. The maximum amount of users QuakeNet could hold is 385000 users. Once Barrysworld goes, it only drops to 321000 users (the BW cluster has a max of 64000 clients).

braska said on Monday 19 January 2004

BTW: Barrysworld is not the largest node. Splatterworld is largest, with a maximum of 80000 clients.

braska said on Monday 19 January 2004

Bye BarrysWorld and thanks for providing a nice cluster.

jack said on Monday 19 January 2004

Bye Bye Barrysworld. *sniffle* /me makes new home on multiplay.uk.quakenet.org (as its like 2 racks down from the colo i use for irc, lag free chat! ^_^)

cheez said on Monday 19 January 2004

bye bye barrysworld... i will miss you :(

ningo said on Monday 19 January 2004

2004-01-19 02:18 | braska [IP logged] BTW: Barrysworld is not the largest node. Splatterworld is largest, with a maximum of 80000 clients. since splatterworld has reduced it\'s servers to _one_ bw is the biggest sponsor atm. .de has sw.de.quakenet.org (20k) and splatterworld.de.quakenet.org (20k) users.

netzi said on Monday 19 January 2004

sad thing, good luck to the game.net team and thanks for providing that many user slots over the past few years.

skater_x said on Monday 19 January 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

sanderr said on Monday 19 January 2004

I should expect that blueyonder will take over the UK Hub. i expect BY have lots of free bw floating about :p

fiddles said on Monday 19 January 2004

erm, and what will happen to barrysworld? will it run an own net?

{bhf}tuut_tuut said on Monday 19 January 2004

Game.net (aka Barrysworld) is shutting down all its online operations. Taking the IRC servers with them.

cheez said on Monday 19 January 2004


anzac-sdam-hp said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

Been using bw since the dawn of their irc servers and no quakenet server compared to the service they gave, will be sorry to see such good servers leave the quakenet community.

hoggeh said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

Thx to }data{ and his IRCOps (I don\'t know who, there isn\'t motd on barrysworld) for the nice work they do, if my memory is good, BW was owner on one hub or of one of the services ? Congratulations, data, and very nice work !

romano said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

aw too bad it\'s de-linking, it was a good provider. /me bows to GAME.net

vertical said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

I\'m very sorry to hear about BarryWorld. i remember i played on two BarryWorld Quake 3 Freezetag servers in 2001\'s Barryworld did great work around games, irc servers, website and game servers. /me hugs Quakenet for losing some servers

cubey said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

@ 25 We\'re very fortunate to have the BY servers still, with the demise of BYGames, don\'t quote me on this but I doubt BlueYonder would want to use any more bandwidth on hosting the hub too :(

fire|cs said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

let the netspills comence ! :D

stxsas said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Bye bye barrys world

updd0nkey said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

So long barrysworld :( great job over the years and you will be sorely missed

imaboyo said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

:( bye BarrysWorld...

dengar said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Yeah what do i do if someone tooks over my channel on this net split ?!

danielro said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

gg :|

dreamsource said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

#38 That\'s nearly impossible, because: 1) Anyone who gets op during the split is deoped by the server once the servers remerge and 2) If L/Q splits from the server you\'re connected to, they will come back after the split is over and you\'ll be able to ban the abusers/recover the channel.

abdul said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Sorry but sw.de.quakenet.org is very very laggy last time with ~10k users connected (who knows ... I guess the most of them are idle bnc in all that #my[Nickname] channels.) hope we get new nice servers soon

decki-pwn4g3 said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Can\'t say I agree, I never had problems with the SW servers.

abdul said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

Too bad to see BW delinking..They\'ve always been a nice cluster to connect to. Good luck in the future and thanks for everything :=)

dopeh said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

sob sob. At least QNet isnt going under, but bye bye barrysworld.....Cya in the afterlife!!!

lessthanste said on Thursday 22 January 2004

What time is it delinking?

fire|cs said on Friday 23 January 2004

yeah, fuck you dePOLL! you suck hardly

commando said on Saturday 24 January 2004

@ 47 Yeah, ok matey, I think you\'ve lost the plot here a little :(

fire|cs said on Monday 26 January 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

spioenchen said on Monday 26 January 2004

The Quakenet! What a compliment, what a chant. Just like a supporting side in a football match. Nice.

kryt said on Monday 26 January 2004

#49 you are an idiot

|16bit| said on Tuesday 27 January 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

dussel2001 said on Tuesday 27 January 2004

\"THE QUAKENET!\" - rofl

fire|cs said on Tuesday 27 January 2004

End of an era. :( Good buy barrysworld. :)

bje said on Wednesday 28 January 2004


xil-of-1337 said on Wednesday 28 January 2004

So what\'s the deal now? }DATA{ took over the old BW servers, or are they shiny new ones on shiny new connections?

pwns said on Thursday 29 January 2004

since the Server goes Offline O everytime say it`s an netsplt and O don`t op you... I think it`s because the server is offline...

hex2001 said on Saturday 31 January 2004

sad :/

ace-kn said on Saturday 31 January 2004

some day Qnet will only be running on one server and one connection, and then there will only be netsplits from users to server, and not between servers.. ;-)

cyberz said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

#59: So that would mean no netsplits at all then ;p

magpie said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

yeah right!

prkl- said on Friday 06 February 2004

why does it gotta be so damn tough?

prkl- said on Friday 06 February 2004

ashame if it carrys on q net can close down then wot all da clans gonna do :S

buzzingbob said on Sunday 08 February 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

easyl33t said on Tuesday 10 February 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

easyl33t said on Tuesday 10 February 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

darkdevil said on Wednesday 11 February 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

darkdevil said on Wednesday 11 February 2004

I think that you put g-lined to Flamingmad because he is just blacklisting everybody like this (14:44:04) —› kick: (Volition_) was kicked by (Flamingmad) (mo, blacklisted ‹39›) (#cosmonaiset) why even man like that is on the IRC i think that he would have just g-lined or something

volitioon said on Thursday 12 February 2004

and i didn\'t do anything he just put me on lacklist and i think many else did get in blacklist tooo :P

volitioon said on Thursday 12 February 2004

now he took me away of blacklist PLZ!!

volitioon said on Thursday 12 February 2004

#68: Do you really think a ircop would G-line a guy who blacklist you? Serious? If he\'s got op in a channel, he may ban you, without telling any reason.

r3fl3x said on Thursday 12 February 2004


r3fl3x said on Thursday 12 February 2004

hmm, it\'s sad, that Barry is delinking... it was nice with you *kiss* ;-)

kampforca said on Thursday 12 February 2004

#73: Indeed it is. With regards to the last few posts: could we all please keep the comments related to the current topic? This isn\'t a place to moan about G-Lines.

magpie said on Thursday 12 February 2004

Damn it, I was going to ask that is there a 23rd Friday but it was January.. supposed automatically that it would be newer than it was, cough cough.

shadikka said on Friday 13 February 2004

It\'s sad.

flykick said on Friday 13 February 2004

or can one ask for Q because it is not any more in the service?

cc`luc1f3r said on Monday 16 February 2004


xxxxxxxx said on Tuesday 17 February 2004

Thanks for the great servers!

|d1|killah said on Tuesday 17 February 2004

where can one ask for Q because it is not any more in the service? good question :)

exouf said on Wednesday 18 February 2004

Too bad :| Shouldn\'t you remove the banner on the right also?

suede said on Wednesday 18 February 2004

We are sad, and I hope QNet stays around for awhile, and I bet it will. There are just too many people. For years QNet will be here, even if it is run by people on ADSL connections at their homes... He He, QNet will survive!

guru3 said on Sunday 22 February 2004

bye bye :(

a-n-d-y said on Wednesday 25 February 2004


creature said on Wednesday 25 February 2004

to bad :§

killerthug said on Wednesday 25 February 2004

QuakeNET aren\'t losing a lot of servers, They\'re losing a couple which have shown a lot of dedication to the network, and whichever reasons have left. I believe that running an IRC Network as big as QuakeNET is unaffordable to a lot of people, People complain regarding netsplits quite a lot, Understand if the netsplits ( Which maybe upgrades ) on servers didn\'t occur, then the servers would stay old, high latenced, and then people would also be complaining, Let them do their bit to the networ

xconn said on Friday 27 February 2004

Why aint Q on the service link anymore!!?!? plz answer asap an admin!

lille-1llu said on Friday 27 February 2004


lille-1llu said on Friday 27 February 2004

#87/88: Because one requests Q via IRC now, by typing /msg R requestQ #channel. It will soon come up a webbased Q-request.

r3fl3x said on Friday 27 February 2004

#86: Completly right.

r3fl3x said on Friday 27 February 2004

You know what I hate? People who use this system as a support medium. Get lost. I argue in favour of this commenting system being locked and moved to a forum of some sort. On-topic: bummer, but we\'ve still got Data around, luckily. :)

raz said on Saturday 28 February 2004

Bye Dude :O

pyco said on Monday 01 March 2004

#82: lol #86: true

ricky1 said on Tuesday 02 March 2004

damn... where should all go ??!?! i dont know :/ maybe we should start an support channel maybe theres some1 who can sponsor.. there gotta be a 100mbit user somwhere.. quaknet can search right ? well search for a sunet or bbb ..bbb= bredbandsbolaget ..se anyway u cant shut it down :/ BW should ..ehh hmm im swe.. damnit cant spell right well anyway quakenet opertators start to kick some ass then :P or just ask some 1 to sponsor or ask.. for payment from some all would help they who can. END

palander said on Wednesday 03 March 2004

BW is already down. The company hosting it closed. Now, there\'s really no problem with the hosting capabilities of our servers. Check http://staff.quakenet.org and see for yourself.

abdul said on Wednesday 03 March 2004

gubb jävel!

vikke~ said on Wednesday 03 March 2004

I hope, quakenet will dissappear 4ever!!! I got a gline for nothing, and there were no operators, who could help me. /server -m irc.euirc.de /join #euirc

h34v3n said on Wednesday 03 March 2004

may why the forums are down ? u need an hoster ? tell it to me if its so, may i can help if there is help needed.

{-sc-}darkman said on Thursday 04 March 2004

erm, may it be that the servers have just gone offline? i got a very very long list of disconnects and was disconnected my self after this...

fraggi-auth said on Saturday 06 March 2004

i mean not this servers, but i just got this list, was it a crash off the QuakeNet IRC Servers or what? The other thing is, that my mIRC version detecs online/offline status of users on a list - i got nickserv and chanserv on them, they\'d gone online and offline the over the whole day... this was the first time i saw this so, you gotta have some problems there or you have been hacked. pls reply to this! sry 4 doublepost... no edit function

fraggi-auth said on Saturday 06 March 2004

sorry for third post *lol* i dont mean the servers mentioned in those news, i meant the currently online servers. i got a huge list of disconnects on all channels i was. ...finally :D

fraggi-auth said on Saturday 06 March 2004

Shit on that they loose servers then we just start one ourselves

tuxxxano said on Saturday 06 March 2004

#98: I imagine it\'s because Deckard\'s forum account got hacked (from what I saw about an hour before it went down, anyway). There are plenty of people who are indeed capable and willing to help (myself being one of them) but I\'m sure Qnet\'s sponsors would have been able to help. Anyway, seeing as the forums are down this is why the comments feature is being flooded with non-relevant posts.

laser said on Monday 08 March 2004

Bye bye BarryWorld, we gonna miss you <3

wixi said on Monday 08 March 2004

*crie* im gonna miss ya!

k3n- said on Saturday 13 March 2004

Damn I think HeatoN is gonna get sponsored by NLClothing , Heard rumours bout him designing for them http://www.nlclothing.com/

vensz said on Thursday 18 March 2004

bye barry, just come back honey :p

misterybefnf said on Tuesday 06 April 2004

well, didn\'t need those barrysworld frick\'n idiots. They didn\'t even give a blowjob :/

commando said on Tuesday 25 May 2004

depoll is an idiot :/

commando said on Tuesday 25 May 2004