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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New mIRC security issue

Posted by Ferg on Wednesday 24 March 2004

There is a new security issue with regards to mIRC that has just been made public.

The issue lies in mIRCs DCC handling code. Whilst we cannot give you specific details, we can tell you the issue affects ALL version of mIRC up to and including version 6.14.

Currently the only fix is to ignore ALL DCC requests through the mIRC command: /ignore -wd *

We suggest all users check www.mirc.com regularly for a fix for this issue and future updates to mIRC.

Last night we reported that there was a new mIRC exploit. Our sources were wrong. There isn't.

The exploit itself lies in a particular CTCP VERSION reply changer script, we can't disclose which one.

We apologise for any problems or worries the original news post may have caused.

Please log in to post comments.
Yeah everyone, keep your client safe and get your milk every day!

jack said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

ffs i thought this got fixed. /me tuts ho hum new IRC version by the end of the week i hope.

ugg said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

somewhat annoying this, in nnscript it makes EVERYONE red.. =/

ms said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

The command to remove the ignore of the all users plz!! : S

xd| said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

argh, f*cking scriptkiddies, stop playing and get a life :\\

stelki said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

yar, again mirc :). use xchat and get rid of those exploits...

marzipan said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

it seems as if some people seem to like exploits in mirc in order to promote their favourite client. D:

}-fgs-{e-razor said on Wednesday 24 March 2004


zell said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

I will not tell you directly how to make yourself vulnerable, but if you must find out, check mIRC\'s help pages. One options is, if you are expecting a DCC from someone, is use /ignore -x nick which excludes the specified nickname from the ignored list. If you prefer a graphic way, press Alt-B, goto the Control tab and choose Ignore from the pull-down box. There you can control the ignore list.

salteh said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

aaah how can i remove the ignore? it sucks that anyone is red :>

dgh{raginger} said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

/ignore -rwd *

robnetz said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

ragie: http://nnscript.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4707

greeny said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

quote iGMAS: thank god for irssi x)

mac2k said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

I heard it\'s a hoax. How serious are you about this? Did you had a chance to \'test\' this? You\'d talk with Krejt about that. He\'s curious.

synflood said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

I know its crossposting etc, but : http://www.irc-junkie.org/#newsitem1080155002

kryt said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

omfg :(

ex1on said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

yep, we are all going to die fuckers ! enjoy the silence !

|16bit| said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

It\'s been identified as a vulnerability in a little-used script. It is NOT a problem with mIRC itself. There is no threat to the majority of mIRC users. IRC-Junkie.org jumped the gun by reporting it as an exploit that affects mIRC. Everyone else followed the leader, just in case there really was an exploit (stuff posted on IRC-Junkie is usually accurate for the most part).

braska said on Thursday 25 March 2004

Strange that mIRC has so many bugs, just with DCC..

r3fl3x said on Thursday 25 March 2004

too bad to hear such news :|. I wonder how long it takes to fix/patch this exploit.

vertical said on Thursday 25 March 2004

Heh. As i said. Hoax. Now THIS is embarrassing. :))

synflood said on Thursday 25 March 2004

i love my mIRC 6.03 ^_^

mgtatdev said on Thursday 25 March 2004

#23 you\'re still vulnerable as the exploit exists and affects 6.00 right through to 6.11, the exploit for 6.12/14 simply does *not* exist! and as for nubnubscript users, you no longer have to see red again.

dave said on Thursday 25 March 2004

#22 not embarrassing: it shows how much Qnet is concerned about its users, better let everybody have an extra ignore rule (with extra for nnscript some red nicks) then a mass exploited public :)

sagittarius- said on Friday 26 March 2004

excuse me... http://trout.snt.utwente.nl/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board;=bugreports&Number;=80619 get your facts right quakenet....

zombie said on Wednesday 31 March 2004

zombie, pay attention in the future and actually read the entirity of a news post before you go making yourself look like a complete and utter twat in front of more IRC users than any other network in one place...

kryt said on Thursday 01 April 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

crimpson said on Sunday 04 April 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

splatterworld2 said on Monday 05 April 2004


cfu|salazar said on Tuesday 06 April 2004

ok this is bloody annoying i keep unloading this script and it deleting the custom1.mrc but the fucker keeps comming back :S need help plz :(

dossje said on Wednesday 07 April 2004

HELP when I want to connect me has mirc I disconnect it is normal?? (21:00:24) * Connect retry #1 se.quakenet.org (6668) (21:00:24) -se.quakenet.org- *** Looking up your hostname (21:00:24) -se.quakenet.org- *** Found your hostname, cached (21:00:24) -se.quakenet.org- *** Checking Ident (21:01:24) -se.quakenet.org- *** No ident response (21:01:27) —› trojan client. (21:01:27) —› error: Closing Link: LL|LuC1f3R`Xs by port80a.se.quakenet.org (G-lined) (21:01:27) * Disconnected

cc`luc1f3r said on Wednesday 07 April 2004

Is that script mOTFv? I know that mOTFv isn\'t a script, but anyway... I need to know. Thanks for a great network :)

anders1 said on Thursday 08 April 2004

#32 Check the \"trojan client.\" part. It tells you you are g-lined because you have a trojan on your pc.

taro said on Saturday 10 April 2004

Dont understand a shit.. ;p

gula-jokern~ said on Saturday 10 April 2004

hmmmm wtf :P

zeddy said on Tuesday 13 April 2004

i have the same problem as #32, and i still dont know what to do...

d-m0n said on Wednesday 14 April 2004

I like Trillian

cubby11288 said on Friday 16 April 2004

#37, 32 - I do: ask on the forums, get into #help, or something.

raz said on Saturday 17 April 2004

use BitchX :D

elijah said on Monday 19 April 2004

who uses mirc anyway zzzz soooo boring

annis said on Wednesday 21 April 2004

i have the same problem as #32, and i still dont know what to do... I have formatted my pc but nothing..help me plz.. :(

powerfull said on Monday 26 April 2004

* Connecting to irc.quakenet.org (6667) - -irc.quakenet.org- *** Looking up your hostname - -irc.quakenet.org- *** Checking Ident - -irc.quakenet.org- *** Found your hostname - -irc.quakenet.org- *** No ident response - You are infected with a trojan, please clean your PC. - Closing Link: nRg-^ by xs4all.nl.quakenet.org (G-lined)... i haven t got trojans.. but i don t understan...help me plz... :(

powerfull said on Monday 26 April 2004

I have that fuckin trojan also I don\'t know how to delete it damnit Who can help me? Thanks in advance..

puppytrance said on Sunday 02 May 2004

i have that trojan also , i have installed mirc+nn again and again , now i have tested trillian and it says the same...

dom1na{tor} said on Sunday 09 May 2004

Me also I have this message whereas I\'ve scan my PC with PC-Cillin, Norton, Sophos, Panda, AD-aware, pest-control, and others. And I encounter this problem that when I connect on the Quakenet servers :/

malbac said on Tuesday 11 May 2004

trojan client - please clean your pc (id: r2). error: Closing Link: InSaNe by pelikaista.fi.quakenet.org (G-lined)-- I have the same problem (go to the new called \"mirc trojan\")and i haven\'t got any trojan in my computer ...

insane-cs said on Monday 31 May 2004

its in scripted version changer by (cant remember ;p) its since been fixed, check the www.mircscripts.org front page news for more info

pie-row said on Thursday 10 June 2004