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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Happy birthday Quake!

Posted by ferg on Tuesday 22 June 2004

The game that QuakeNet was named after, Quake, has its birthday today. It is an amazing 8 years old. Without this game QuakeNet would probably not be here today, infact without this game many of the games we play today would not be here either.

Please join us in wishing Quake a very happy birthday.

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Happy birthday Quake!

ar0n said on Tuesday 22 June 2004

Congrats and all that :)

darkstar said on Tuesday 22 June 2004

Happy birthday! We should be gratefull to iD Software for their effords! And even more gratefull to qnet staff for their contineous effords to make our nolife better! :-)

blackop said on Tuesday 22 June 2004

Like all the sheep, I wish you an happy birthday Quake !

bts|omega said on Tuesday 22 June 2004

Happy Birthday !!!!

mchigh said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

w00t! happy birthday :D

milo88 said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

happy birthday Quake :) Qnet rox !

fissssse said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake! :D Qnet Rox totaly

gren8-dk said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake! Also congrats o the QuakeNet-Staff, you rock :D

asymmetric said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

happy birthday quaKe

mym-royal said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake!

metroidz said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

happy b-day :)

{x}sixpack said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthDay

laimalai said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

And i Still play quake :> The game still owns and TY for the good times :) Happy Birthday!!

scr33x0r said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

HAAAAAAAAAAPY birthdaaaaay mr railgun!!

kostmx said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

#16: no railgun i quake :P kickass game

swingah said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake :)

skx said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy Birth-Day Quake!

dnk~ said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake! We love ya! :D

sau said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

happy birthday dear Quake :) *hug*

krycek said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

schönen burzeltag wünsch ich dir^^

cracker said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake!

sleepzone said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake! and thx to the QuakeNet-Staff for making our nolife much more happy :)

wa55a said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Quakenet, Happy Birthay to You :]

nizki said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday QuakeNet. Thanks for the 8 years and the 7 I use you! I wish you and your staff\\team a good future.

tonga-bloody said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

I mean wihtout Net ;-D

tonga-bloody said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

/kill Quake Happy Birthday mate!

shock said on Wednesday 23 June 2004


shagroth said on Wednesday 23 June 2004


gyp said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

yay, Happy Birthday to Quake !! :D so Quakenet are great :) Quake rockz

cubey said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy b-day Quake! Thank you for giving some people the great idea to start this network :-) #25 -net ;-)

sagittarius- said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday, keep Quakenet up! :D

celleken said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake!

r3fl3x said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

8 yaers.. nice.. congratulation from Denmark

grandoldman said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

happy bday quake we love u <3

jasso_s2i said on Thursday 24 June 2004

Yeah! Happy birthday Quake! Quake is a nice fps-game. You go girl :D

pompen said on Thursday 24 June 2004

HAPPY BITHDAY!!! I cannot believe it ! this game its ... its ... its my life!! no i m kidding =) we love you Quake! and good luck for the future!! #s*a*p from Swiss, Suisse, Switzerland! kissss ^_0

xit-sap said on Thursday 24 June 2004

happy b-day

kmet said on Thursday 24 June 2004

gg :)

nav1 said on Thursday 24 June 2004

Congratualations=) luv ya=)

warclown said on Thursday 24 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake! ^^

cappage said on Thursday 24 June 2004

happy b-day :)

jfl-iggi- said on Thursday 24 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

pejs said on Thursday 24 June 2004

happy birthday

blader said on Thursday 24 June 2004

Happy birthday ... cu

motherfuckers said on Thursday 24 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quaken and Quakenet

m2p`asgard said on Thursday 24 June 2004

aww happy bday.

crash said on Thursday 24 June 2004

OMG !!! w00t w00t !!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quake 4 Ever !!!!

kahef said on Friday 25 June 2004

Happy Birthday. Tnx loads for SoF2 8)

fullie said on Friday 25 June 2004

happy bday :). q3ut si teh real ownage.

mth-goozoo said on Friday 25 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake

doom_bringer said on Friday 25 June 2004

happy birthday all, we all made quake a success and our thanks go to ID-software for making this wonderful game..

lexicon said on Friday 25 June 2004

Happy Birthday ;) up those next 8 years -.-

emmy said on Friday 25 June 2004

habby birthday :D

lallis said on Friday 25 June 2004

habby birthday

mrcab said on Friday 25 June 2004

Haaapy Birthdayyy !!!!!!!

|rum}{action| said on Friday 25 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

blackne said on Friday 25 June 2004

gratzzz #53 said it all

aim-mp3- said on Saturday 26 June 2004

happy birthday to u

s4ndm4nn said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

joelh said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Well... I wish you many many years like these! Hope Q4 wont be a bummer! Q3 rulez :)

meaneye said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Nananana, yeah yeah, happy birthday... Happy Bday to Quake and the QuakeNet!

gdiablo said on Saturday 26 June 2004

wow, nice1 :) auf weitere gute 8 jahre ! ;) usw ... *g*

starroxx said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake :o)

jack said on Saturday 26 June 2004

happy bdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy keep teh spirit alive :)

markus|away said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake <3 <3 ..

shagrath- said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Congratz Quake - we thank u for CS and this lovely net were we can talk with one another :p

cfh-fregazoid said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Happy Birthday :) Hf and GL :D

freakfreak said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake :)

{mofo}lisser said on Saturday 26 June 2004

happy birthday at the same time im think q-net is going downhill ever since barrysworld left :( but thats just my silly view. omg my auth is 3 years old!!!!

s-t-e said on Saturday 26 June 2004

get Q-net to have a brand new site built foe there b-day :) Would be kool

s-t-e said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Happy b-day Quake. U go boy :p Abit late, but u got your \"happy wishes\" from me ;)

isuxxxy said on Sunday 27 June 2004

it was gg

refic said on Sunday 27 June 2004

#71, we have a brand new site pretty much ready to go, we\'re just not using it :)

ferg said on Sunday 27 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake <3 love U <3 :)

keppana1212 said on Sunday 27 June 2004

Happy Birthday... I whish you another 8 wonderfull years :P

xell-dincht said on Sunday 27 June 2004

Happy Brithday Quakenet!!!!!!!!!!!

kingstear said on Sunday 27 June 2004

Happy birthday!!

nougat said on Monday 28 June 2004

Happy birthday quake!!!!!!!:D

ydinsopuli said on Monday 28 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake, and happy Birthday plutoniumjunkies for your second year. #.:pj:. www.plutoniumjunkies.de ~CIX

cix said on Monday 28 June 2004

Whoohoo nice job and good work Quakenet ppls who keep us online etc... GO ON WITH IT (K)(K)

wasted-mofo said on Monday 28 June 2004

Happy Birthday Quake, good luck QuakeNet ;)

fred said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

Happy birthday quakenet! quakenet4ever

zoyr said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

happy birthday :P

cfcbim said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

Happy Birthday and good job QuakeNet! And ID of course, too ;).

my-ninjai said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

alles gute

vandamp said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

grats and good job quake guys :)

doowoo said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

IF you really wanna celebrate, you should try out the REAL quake that started it all. http://equake.quakeworld.nu - support can be found on #quakeworld - and a great portal can be found at www.quakeworld.nu - enjoy!

paradoks said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

Happy Birthday without Net-Splits I Hope :>

{sn}p1nball said on Tuesday 29 June 2004

Happy Birthday Qnet...

wizme~ said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake! May you live forever.

j0gga- said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

Happy B-day Quakenet!!!

exxus said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

It\'s not Quakenet\'s birthday loooool but Quake\'s birthday :) P.S. Quakenet Operators, please hide the Qwhois, please please please ...

syrnoss said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

Very nice! happy bday! today is quake day :D I&#180;ll always remember these old days :) 8 years ? cant beleave Im playing so long :)

{ef}buckman said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

Happy birthday Quake!! :)

mixamo said on Wednesday 30 June 2004


b0c4 said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

happy birthday quake... my first FPS game :D

falin said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

Without Quake i would not had the fun i had for many many nights in my life, and still more to come. Quake TY and i am looking forward to Q4. ID OWNAGE \\o/

injaki said on Wednesday 30 June 2004

\"herzlichen Gl&#252;ckwusch Quake.\" Or for them who are\'nt speaking German: Happy Birthday Quake...I love this Game and this Network... =)))

plittipatsch said on Thursday 01 July 2004

Quake rula and we are going to make it better Ai poi vamos hehe... Tuga in tha house :D

simpledark said on Thursday 01 July 2004

Bon anniversaire &#224; toi Qnet ! Merci pour tous les services accomplis... longue vie &#224; toi

hanx said on Thursday 01 July 2004

Hehe, I\'ll always remember those days playing Quake 2 on my 56k modem. On mPlayer :o... My childhood is slowly slipping away :p. Pld Quake, thanks for using my phoneline for all those years :)

jamesj999 said on Friday 02 July 2004

Happy Birthday Quake! Let\'s wait for Quake IIII ;)

tbcwolverine said on Saturday 03 July 2004

i never got into quake but played it a bit gg and happy birthday congrats to those that made the game and thanks to all those who support it and qnet

{ddk}jezz said on Saturday 03 July 2004

Happy B-Day Quake... Its still the coolest shootem-up game..

noc3 said on Saturday 03 July 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

minixxx said on Saturday 03 July 2004

Happy birthday Quake :D lalz.

trupster said on Sunday 04 July 2004

Happy Brithday Quakenet!!!!!!!!!!! #eniGma_pl

rvsxiro said on Sunday 04 July 2004

Happy birthday Quake! Happy birthday do you!

imz-artex said on Sunday 04 July 2004


poax said on Sunday 04 July 2004


sirox said on Sunday 04 July 2004

Yeah sure... :)

chaoskiller said on Sunday 04 July 2004

Happy birthday :D And many more to come im sure.. cya all in a year for another HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAHA

seven7 said on Sunday 04 July 2004

wp gg gl :)

l1am said on Sunday 04 July 2004

probably the best game ever - quake rox !! hb

jazaman said on Tuesday 06 July 2004


ionization said on Tuesday 06 July 2004

I have played quake since it came out and i still play it sometimes. Quakenet should be hailed for their success in making a IRC network that reaches out to all the players. Quake rules and so does Quakenet. ohh, and happy birthday Quake :D

socialreject said on Tuesday 06 July 2004

Happy B-Day youth Quake :D once you need is a webfrontend so we didn\'t need scripts like mIRC in the future, than you will be old :) Greetz

lacour said on Wednesday 07 July 2004

yehaaw! happy bday!!

magoofm said on Saturday 10 July 2004

Happy birthday QuakeNet :)

c0c0nut said on Saturday 10 July 2004

Happy Birthday Quake!

monday said on Sunday 11 July 2004

Germany loves you Quakenet ;) happy b-day

turtleman1337 said on Monday 12 July 2004

Congrats! :)

puncture said on Tuesday 13 July 2004

gl hf

collapse said on Friday 16 July 2004


cs2life said on Sunday 18 July 2004

Happy Birth......

pfn--aw said on Sunday 18 July 2004

ooh :)) grats

{nkn}le_kid said on Monday 19 July 2004


dizzee said on Monday 19 July 2004

Happy Birthday then Quake =D

colon11 said on Tuesday 20 July 2004

congrats =9

xabo said on Tuesday 20 July 2004


bonkerz said on Tuesday 20 July 2004

Happy birthday quake, ppl dont cheat at games :D

zopac said on Thursday 22 July 2004

good old quake 1 / wuakeworld =]

quakeroates said on Thursday 22 July 2004

Happy birthday Quake :)

spiderone said on Friday 23 July 2004

yeah quake! 8years happy birthday :DD

herbert said on Monday 26 July 2004

\"what are you doing on quakenet if you dont play CS?!\" <-- (c) some random C(ock)S(ucker)lamer. Long live Quake!

mogge said on Thursday 29 July 2004

Happy Birthday Quake, even although i never played your game :D

haggisag said on Friday 30 July 2004

Jear Happy birthday Quakenet. you are qonderful. I love you

}d{blackblade said on Friday 30 July 2004

still, cstrike gotta be the game that has brought most of the users to qnet. Anyway, gratz Q.

chalteh said on Saturday 31 July 2004


exz said on Saturday 31 July 2004

Hyppe Birhtday Quake

godsarmyhdk said on Saturday 31 July 2004

why celebrate quake? About 10 polygons per sec or summat on it? Forget the past i say! Pacman Was the biggest breakthrough! Lets celebrate that :)

aspudgun said on Wednesday 04 August 2004

I\'d wager that only about 10% of you are old enouygh to have played quake at it\'s release. I still remember the day i brought home a brand new boxed copy of down to proudly present to my mates. btw, before u go \"well i remember buying wolfenstein\" i just didnt pay for my copy :p

erbal said on Thursday 05 August 2004


|aol|smiley said on Thursday 05 August 2004

Damn 8 years.. i still remember the summer where i played q1 the whole summer-all night long, and that phone bill (28,8k) won\'t be forgotten. Happy Birthday! (ooh, and is there some way to get my monney back i spent on phonebills?)

c-boxer said on Thursday 05 August 2004


sl1cker said on Friday 06 August 2004

q3 lol, im not done whit q2 yet

c-boxer said on Saturday 07 August 2004

congrats! man, gotta find that cd...

kreation said on Sunday 08 August 2004

Yeh, Happy BD Now do something about the lag. Trying to join a channel for 10 minuts now, no nick-change either

~ta~jin said on Monday 09 August 2004


albinotroll said on Monday 09 August 2004

same as most people above. hapy birthday :D

bartsimpson416 said on Tuesday 10 August 2004


at0mic-t1ngl3 said on Wednesday 11 August 2004

Happy Birthday QUAKY !!!

v4gin4 said on Thursday 12 August 2004

Happyyyy birthday to youuuuu :)

koppez said on Saturday 14 August 2004

ah that \'s, hm.. i\'m too late.. hehe .. happy birthday quake & quakenet .. K :)

enith said on Monday 23 August 2004

quaky is the best irc network!!

lostshadowz said on Tuesday 24 August 2004

(very late but) Happy Birthday Quakenet ;) It is realy the best network :D

bloodliner said on Tuesday 24 August 2004

happy extra late birthday

moubei said on Tuesday 24 August 2004

Congratulations Quakenet, i\'m very proud to be a part of this network. :-)

andynat0r said on Tuesday 24 August 2004

Happy birthday Quake, indeed! :D

jipii said on Friday 27 August 2004

Happey Birthdayyyyy :D

doh-kloffsk said on Saturday 28 August 2004

happy channel #ExC.Br

danilo said on Sunday 29 August 2004

happy birthday Quake!

etiks said on Sunday 29 August 2004

Happy Birthday From Team.#Horizon.et :)

lexxis said on Wednesday 01 September 2004

Happy birthday :) <3

killeri~cs said on Tuesday 14 September 2004


mortified said on Thursday 16 September 2004

happy b-day.. rawrr

traesko said on Wednesday 22 September 2004

Happy bday to you! Happy bday to you! happy bday dear quake, happy bday 2 u

titeration said on Thursday 23 September 2004

Happy birthday, dear :)

strick said on Thursday 23 September 2004

Huh, only mogge from qw scene posted here? QuakeWorld forever anyway :> (so ignorant not to even try the king of the games :E)

fauscik said on Friday 24 September 2004


ponk said on Friday 24 September 2004

23rd june is my birthday too

tizor said on Monday 27 September 2004

concrasylation q net :P

jespender said on Thursday 30 September 2004

happy burthe~!!!

saot_kala said on Friday 01 October 2004

Happy birtday :P

fatalerror said on Sunday 03 October 2004

happy birthday o.O i hope it makes out with you and fishbot <3

hooligan said on Sunday 03 October 2004

Happy birthday Q1. Unreal Tournament \'99 still the best :P

realsucky said on Friday 08 October 2004

happy b-day quake and I apologize for the delay (;

{hsq}anobi said on Sunday 10 October 2004

Thanks God for Quake 3 :) Happy b-day folkz ;D

pablo- said on Sunday 10 October 2004

Happy birthday Quake w3 all luv u

sefox said on Sunday 17 October 2004

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppyyyyyyyyyyyy B-DAY BRO N1 FOR YOU shame you can\'t talk back! :D

kaufman said on Sunday 17 October 2004

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa good Qnet GL !!!!

zelda2k said on Monday 08 November 2004


koxu said on Friday 19 November 2004

quake forever

chavez said on Monday 03 January 2005