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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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QuakeNet Trials New US Server

Posted by meeb on Tuesday 06 September 2005

Expanding on it's commitment to its dynamic and worldwide userbase, QuakeNet is currently trial-linking a new server in Virginia, USA hosted by Netfire.

Users in America (or nearby) may find that connecting to netfire.va.us.quakenet.org is faster. Also please give a warm welcome to the new trial links server admin, Gotti^.

Feel free to pop on to test it out!

Please log in to post comments.
Thanks for finally linking an US server, hope the trial goes well.

Desolate said on Tuesday 06 September 2005


stevoo said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

Now all u need is one on the west coast. Then i\'ll be happy :P

x-lp said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

I will ask Netfire if they are interrested in a second server @ one of their westcoast facilities. No promises tho.

mrqip said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

well it\'s very good thing, but i\'m French, so what did you think for one server in France : (City Montpellier) it will maybe a good thing :)

Nakaori said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

#6 : there is already a server located in france and hosted by EUROSERV (PARIS). Feel free to connect via /server euroserv.fr.quakenet.org or /server fr.quakenet.org

hyrus said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

You should link a Hungarian server too :P There are lots of hungarian ppl on quakenet :)

Petyyy said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

First we\'d need a decent trial application from a hungarian provider.

Abdul said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

hmm nice work nice work everybody! I Like that... Expanding is very good! :D Greetz from .de, J3ns

has-no-auth said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

welcome Gotti, and welcome the new .us server aswell.

divin-warlock said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

Wonder how long the American server\'s gonna stay this time...

Jack said on Tuesday 06 September 2005

First we gotta pass the testlink, then we will apply for a second server. If we pass, we are here to stay, hopefully creating a strong backbone for quakenet in the US.

mrqip said on Wednesday 07 September 2005

nice! Every land of the world should get a Quakenet server ;-)

oWn3d said on Thursday 08 September 2005


Navi said on Thursday 08 September 2005

i\'m from germany and i alway use the uk server :> it works great... i think not every country needs his own qnet server... ( ... yes i know that germany has servers linked to qnet..) greetz seek

seek0r said on Thursday 08 September 2005

Welcome Netfire \\ó/

Arie said on Thursday 08 September 2005

gl for the trial period

chris-fun said on Saturday 10 September 2005

Good luck for the Trialship, are the linking requirements up to date? qry please :)

ferien said on Saturday 10 September 2005

i think you should consider about server in Slovenia .

Diablo said on Saturday 10 September 2005

nice, see how long it stays #13 contact me on quakenet, nick = _killah kthx

dakilla1 said on Sunday 11 September 2005

sry if stupid question :) are there israeli server already for quakenet ?

d3s said on Sunday 11 September 2005

No but you can check the servers here: http://staff.quakenet.org/servers.phtml :))

Petyyy said on Sunday 11 September 2005

too bad there is no israeli servers or midle east at least... there is large community @ quake net

d3s said on Monday 12 September 2005

good luck... and bring pie

toxic-swe said on Friday 16 September 2005

good luck, Netfire!

dopeh said on Monday 19 September 2005


shde said on Tuesday 20 September 2005

welcome netfire :)

mike said on Sunday 25 September 2005

Yeah, it seems that Gotti is a nice guy and know his work :P --- Server Connection is ok, the Root self too. Hope you stand by us :P, would be good to have a new server ;) *Qnet get bigger and bigger, take a look at the stats, just amazing....! I can remember the old times lol, never thought that this place would be the biggest Irc Networkg :o) -- Good Luck for your Trial Time Gotti ;o) ~regards skizer

skizer said on Sunday 25 September 2005

welcome! :D

seek0r said on Tuesday 27 September 2005

when are we getting an aussie server :P

avalanchewa said on Thursday 29 September 2005

Quakenet becames world wide network so I expect to see new servers in new countries/regions ^^ I wonder if *.pl providers also want to link to a quakenet... I hope they do :] Cheers!

radzior said on Thursday 29 September 2005

Welcome back US :D

MArceLL said on Tuesday 04 October 2005

best of luck with the trial Gotti^

brks said on Thursday 06 October 2005

Yes good luck :)

moreddd said on Monday 17 October 2005

i wond like to see a new norwegian server. there is only one norwegian server at this time, that we know about. while many norwegian users, we think, norwegian users use server in other countries. Therefore it\'s natural that maybe a new server is in place... it is many ISP and providers that whanna support QuakeNet and simply want to make the network better, so..

moreddd said on Monday 17 October 2005

Good luck Gotti^ , nice to have an east coast server, and would be cool to have west coast also.

Pokit said on Monday 21 November 2005

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Anak1n said on Friday 02 December 2005