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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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More Expansion!

Posted by meeb on Thursday 28 December 2006

QuakeNet is pleased to announce (as some of you may have noticed :) the addition of another server to its IRC network kindly provided by Underworld. Underworld already provide a server for us hosted in Trondheim, Norway. The second server is hosted in Oslo, Norway. This additional server brings an extra 40,000 available slots to the network, so invite your friends!

These servers are accessible from both the underworld.no.quakenet.org and no.quakenet.org DNS round robins.

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Yes why not, if there are more still server that\'s good :)

Nakaori said on Thursday 28 December 2006

good idea!

fox2k6 said on Friday 29 December 2006

Welcome aboard! :-)

wanze said on Saturday 30 December 2006

\"40,000 slots to the network\" Very nice. Welcome :-)

SEC-LIN3 said on Saturday 30 December 2006

40,000 new slots, its great. I hope the network gets more than 250.000 players.

reaven said on Sunday 31 December 2006

cool :)

the1ph33r said on Wednesday 03 January 2007


Tidus said on Thursday 04 January 2007

That\'s Great:)

rocK said on Thursday 04 January 2007


poisan said on Sunday 07 January 2007

well nice :D Go Go Go QuakeNet

RoNeo said on Monday 08 January 2007

According to Hardy and the topic in #underworld its 30,000 users on each server

SMeK said on Monday 08 January 2007

nice , gogogo!

mraxlux2 said on Wednesday 10 January 2007

Nice work.

tbladefury said on Friday 19 January 2007

yeah, great!

donum said on Sunday 04 February 2007

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take said on Monday 12 February 2007

now we just need those last players at gamesurge to change to quakenet :P

sleepr said on Tuesday 20 February 2007

now we just need those last players at gamesurge to change to quakenet :P are you joking? We would never go to quakenet... quakenet is a joke, chanserv setup is 100 times easier for users and more secure. Quakenet should donate all of it\'s servers to the gamesurge network imo

dampfire said on Tuesday 20 February 2007

half the users on this network are bots anyway...

dampfire said on Tuesday 20 February 2007

unfortunately you got a point there.

Krycek said on Monday 26 February 2007

#17 I think your comment is unfair, some of the staff put alot of effort into Quakenet so should be respected. unfortunately some don\'t though. Q is different, it doesnt clone anything of another network, its unique. There are many bots on Quakenet but I wouldn\'t say half, thats an over exaguration. anyway, I say congraulations to the new server links, just doesnt seem theres need for them, however I don\'t know the statistics of how full the servers are, so couldnt comment.

egg said on Monday 26 February 2007

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CHUSCO said on Thursday 01 March 2007

welcome :)

Infoline said on Thursday 01 March 2007

Welcome again ;) still like this norwegian things ;) and luv your servers its stable as hell for sure. The retired server tech.underworld is sleeping like hell these days with a nice uptime. With a good UPS that holding it up :) 12:06am up 304 days, 5:56, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00 And my other server since it got installed and putted at MCI Worldcom it have been up and stable: 12:25AM up 152 days, 4:39, 1 user, load averages: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00 Been their done that

MobiToc said on Thursday 01 March 2007

no more Norway servers we need more German Servers ! or Austria / Swiss

david3009 said on Saturday 03 March 2007

but welcome again norway

david3009 said on Saturday 03 March 2007

nice ^^

eldiabloz said on Tuesday 20 March 2007

thx a lot :)

iaRchrZ said on Thursday 22 March 2007

Very cool :)

aleksanteri said on Sunday 25 March 2007