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Latest News

port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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The Tutorials are Back!

Posted by meeb on Tuesday 02 March 2010

As many of you will have noticed from the broadcasts and attending the event last Sunday, our popular tutorials are back after an extended sabatical.

If any of you remember the previous tutorials then these will be no surprise. They are scheduled to run every Sunday evening (or Sunday afternoon for our stateside users) and cover a different topic each week. They are designed to help you use QuakeNet and our services more efficiently or ease you into IRC if you are a new user.

The tutorials start with a prepared text to cover the subject of the tutorial; followed by an extensive Q and A session where our eager tutorial team will answer any relevant questions you may have about the tutorial topic.

The tutorials will alternate languages chosen from the most popular languages spoken by the users on QuakeNet, currently these are English, German and French.

Please do attend the tutorials next time you see a broadcast should you wish to learn more about how to use QuakeNet or IRC in general. Once the tutorial is over you can find a log of the tutorial as well as all past tutorials on our forum if you want to recap anything.

Don't be afraid if you can't talk or see other users in the #tutorial channel, this is purely because they are hidden to prevent spam, it's perfectly normal.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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Woop woop, let's boogie

Sorcerer said on Tuesday 02 March 2010

Now the question now is: How many people where in #tutorial ?

jaenster said on Monday 08 March 2010

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

gholen said on Wednesday 10 March 2010