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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New L features

Posted by ferg on Tuesday 22 June 2004

In response to Q's new features, two new features have been added to L.

The REQUESTOWNER command allows you to request ownership of a channel on which there are no owners. If there are channel masters present you must also be a master, otherwise you need only operator privileges on the channel. To request ownership, type: /msg L REQUESTOWNER #channel.

Secondly, the CHANLEV command now gives a summary of the number of owners, masters, operator and so on, that have flags on a channel. For example:

-L- Total: 4 (owner: 1, master: 0, op: 3, voice: 0).

Please log in to post comments.

inexi said on Tuesday 22 June 2004

This /msg L REQUESTOWNER #channel commend, doesn\'t work on my channel and i don\'t know why ;/

molester said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

2004-06-23 00:23 | QuakeNet WebSite 2004-06-23 00:29 | inexi 2004-06-23 01:54 | eh

roguerogu said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

yo im bored so thought id say yo wazzaa

imafuckinlegend said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Yeah, i already noticed that stuff awhile back, GJ Qnet

metroidz said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

heross said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

xes-michi said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

when will we be able to get L in our channels? its been down for some time :(

esqued- said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

{chill|guru} said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

yeah great job, but now pls enable L request :D

klobus said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

lolll Services?????

blonky said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

yup, i dont think my chan would be over taken anyway, but it would be nice to have there L, instead of idling friends that holds the chan for sure (:

romeoluvutoo said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

Nice, hide Q whois now

bar said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

All been said above tbh, when will L be available 4 request again ?

partyanimal said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

You can still request L, at #requestl.

r3fl3x said on Wednesday 23 June 2004

You can still request L, at #requestl => Work very well !

ufr4g|kidd32 said on Thursday 24 June 2004

what is this?? --> #requestl Cannot join channel (+r)

strafer2k said on Thursday 24 June 2004

#18, well requesting L without beeing authed to Q is rather senseless so you must be authed to join #requestl. I already tried it, works very well. I guess it is not even needed to put the request system on the webpage up. You are already on IRC if you want to request a channel, so why do it on a webpage? It is much more comfortable to do it on IRC, too. GJ QuakeNET

silly said on Thursday 24 June 2004

why Service L not respondent ???? pleas L #ekwap.pl

lolxx said on Thursday 24 June 2004

when can i take L on my channel? Temporary Unavaible

husi- said on Friday 25 June 2004

#20, maybe some kind of network lag or split? #21 join #requestl as stated in the comments above :) (maybe opening the eyes would help, too - especially after joining #requestl *gg*)

silly said on Friday 25 June 2004

When L is back ?

tookie-study said on Friday 25 June 2004

#requestl (02:31:28) —› can\'t join #requestl (invite only (+i)) (02:31:28) —› press (Control+F2) to retry! ? -L- Total: 4 (owner: 1, master: 0, op: 3, voice: 0, ban: 0). ban? :DD hp buggy :D (02:28:42) -L- Total: 11 (owner: 4, master: 6, op: 0, voice: 1). (02:28:42) -L- End of chanlev for #jfh.hu.

aesz said on Saturday 26 June 2004

w0w webpage request is back :D tnx opers!!!!!

aesz said on Saturday 26 June 2004

great.. looking good QuakeNet.. just one thing.. you were too fast copying from the \"New Q features\" news.. L don\'t have ban :))

sectra said on Saturday 26 June 2004

how do i get L activated on the channel i want im confused som1 help me lol

bcd said on Saturday 26 June 2004

Teach you to copy me, Ferg. :)

magpie said on Sunday 27 June 2004

Could that chanlev summary be added to the WHOAMI command, too?

kooderi said on Sunday 27 June 2004

If i wonna ask a L-bot on my channel he says this, Error in connection to Relay: Connection refused (111) You don\'t appear to be authed with Q on IRC Please use your browsers [back] button and try again. Help me plz!

tateara said on Saturday 03 July 2004

Omg GJ please enable Lbot Hmm Yeah ;)

zenx said on Sunday 04 July 2004

(11:29:22) —› •L• REQUESTOWNER #channel. (11:29:23) -L- Unknown channel #channel.. ??

zenx said on Sunday 04 July 2004

(11:30:47) —› can\'t join #requestl (invite only (+i)) (11:30:47) —› press (Control+F2) to retry! OMFG Qnet

zenx said on Sunday 04 July 2004

L request is temporarily down, so you can\'t join #requestL... you must wait until they open it again.

rickimaru said on Sunday 04 July 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

cenic said on Monday 05 July 2004

Wouldn\'t that REQUESTOWNER command make it easy for anyone with operator powers in the channel to basically take over the channel? :/ Also could you update your L commmands section in L FAQ with the new commands, thanx

para-noir said on Wednesday 07 July 2004

#36 uhm, no. it doesnt work if there is an owner on the channel, and it wont wort for an +ao if there is a master on the channel.

specceh said on Saturday 10 July 2004

*gg* :\\ 12(19:29:2112) 12[L12]: There is an owner for #fatcap. :( i want to be owner and master too because is my chan but my friend just give me the L muahahaha :|

c0c0nut said on Saturday 10 July 2004

caNAL DE un clan #Qu

funm said on Wednesday 14 July 2004

Why when i tried this : /msg l REQUESTOWNER #replay-fr he tell me : -L- Unknown channel #replay-fr. ? Thx for you help

hesiode said on Friday 16 July 2004


roflamo said on Wednesday 04 August 2004

GG QUAKE! Quake best game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

j3-- said on Monday 16 August 2004

Same shit, Different day! People coming on here screaming OMFG PLZ I NEED L JOIN #channel OMFG PLZ... What\'s the point, kids? 1. If you want L, request it! 2. If you can\'t request, then wait! - 3. If you have been waiting, then repeat from step 1 Mnc_

mnc~ said on Monday 16 August 2004


kimblaz said on Wednesday 18 August 2004

why Service L not respondent ???? pleas L #cs_aS

sf-m3g4b3b3 said on Monday 23 August 2004


acrid-2k said on Friday 27 August 2004

Please L to channel #sector.clear we waiting four days ;/

theva said on Saturday 28 August 2004

How get L bot?

gorq- said on Monday 30 August 2004

hmmm, i think it is not a good idea with that requestowner-thing. as soons as i sign off, because i go to sleep, there won\'t be an owner in my channel anymore, right? so anyone with +ao or master could take over my channel ???

schiroko said on Thursday 02 September 2004

channel has no registered ops, please try again later. ??? what that meen I`m op and authed?

korvapuusti- said on Monday 06 September 2004

LoL @ #18!! Channel mode +r This mode only allows users authed with Q to join the channel. They will receive the message \"You must have a registered nick\" when they attempt to join your channel when not authed. Once they have authed they will be able to join the channel normally. +r is a useful mode to set during flood attacks rather than +i (invite only).

iss-seek0r said on Sunday 12 September 2004

I have the same problem as #50. \"Channel has no registered ops, please try again later\" But I\'m authed and an op??????

piemanmoo said on Saturday 16 October 2004

I also got #50 and #52 problem. What am I missing?

andropina said on Sunday 21 November 2004

I have the same problem as #50 and #52. \"Channel has no registered ops, please try again later\" But I\'m authed and an op?????? I need an L 4 my< Channel #tls|cod or #tls-cod HELP ME !!!!

tls-cod said on Friday 28 January 2005

yea same here, its really stressing me out!! ARGH!!!!

spotty said on Wednesday 02 March 2005

Same as #50 here!

EoD-Fox said on Thursday 03 March 2005

same as #50!

rakonslayer said on Friday 04 March 2005

@#50 #52 #53 ... have you written a Big L?? this was my Problem

most0815 said on Friday 04 March 2005

cheeses. why dont you just read the L faqs and do like they tell you to do. \"You must be in the top 5 recognised channel operators to request L\" http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=3&f;=112#112 ^^ worth a shot ey? ;>

DaniDevil said on Friday 01 April 2005

@59 I think we all did that more than once and there is no failure notice such as \"Channel has no registered ops, please try again later\". are you sure that it has sth. to do with the top 5???

CADDerGilb said on Friday 29 July 2005

1. #requestl is a channel WITHOUT any users. 2. The command \"/msg L REQUESTOWNER #channel\" doesn\'t work. 3. Is there any other oppertunity to get L ? 4. If not when will L be enabeld again ? - Sry 4 bad english ! -

xonikZ said on Friday 26 August 2005

-R- Try again later. You do not meet the requirements to request L. You may need to wait longer (see http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=3&f;=112 )<--- lol cant get L about 5hours :P

Roc0 said on Thursday 26 January 2006