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Trust rules

In the following are listed the rules that you must follow if you wish to request a trust and to keep an existing one:

  • Clients connecting from the trusted IP(s) must fully adhere to QuakeNet's network rules and AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) at all times.
  • Clients connecting from the trusted IP(s) may not be used as 'idlers', thus they may not be loaded into channels for the specific purpose of increasing the user count.
  • Clients connecting from the trusted IP(s) may act as bots provided they have a legitimate and useful task. They may NOT be used for advertising, idling or any other activity which breaks these or QuakeNet's network rules.
  • It is the trust requester's responsibility to ensure compliance with QuakeNet's AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) and network rules at all times. Failure to do so may result in all clients connecting from the trusted IP(s) being banned, along with revocation of the trust.
  • It is the trust requester's responsibility to maintain and ensure the security of the Q account used to identify the trust. Suspension of this Q account, or loss of access to it in any other way, may result in revocation of the trust.
  • All long term trusted IPs MUST run an IDENT server (see RFC-1413 for details) for every user. QuakeNet may grant exceptions to this in the case of NAT gateways and temporary trusts.
  • It is the trust requester's responsibility to ensure that both individual clients and users connecting to QuakeNet from the trust are able to use a single ident reply only; that they are not able to switch between multiple ident replies; and that they are not able to modify their ident reply.
  • Any IP that has been used on one QuakeNet trust group and subsequently removed from that group, may not be added again as part of a trust for 30 days
  • Unused IP(s) on trust groups will expire after 60 days of no use.
This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/76

Other help articles under Trusts