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Change/view the flags on a channel.


/msg Q CHANFLAGS <#channel> [+|-<flags>]


  • <#channel> - The channel to view or edit the flags of.
  • <flags> - The flags to add or remove to the channel.


  • +a - AUTO-OP - Automatically ops any user who has op access when they join the channel. Same effect as giving all ops the auto-op CHANLEV (+a) flag.
  • +b - BITCH - Prevents users who don't have operator access on the channel from being opped (automatically deops them).
  • +c - AUTO-LIMIT - Enables automatic limit feature - updates the channel limit at regular intervals to keep a certain number of free spaces. This can mitigate the effect of join floods. Set parameters with AUTOLIMIT command.
  • +e - ENFORCE - Enforces bans on the channel. Any user who is banned will be kicked automatically.
  • +f - FORCE TOPIC - Prevents channel ops from changing the topic. The SETTOPIC command must be used instead.
  • +g - AUTO-VOICE - Automatically voices any user who has voice access when they join the channel. Same effect as giving all voices the auto-voice CHANLEV (+g) flag.
  • +h - ACHIEVEMENTS - Enables the achievement system.
  • +j - JOINED - Causes Q to be inside the channel once requested. Cannot be removed.
  • +k - KNOWN ONLY - Any user joining the channel who is not at least known (+k) on the CHANLEV list will be kicked. Unless channel mode +i is set, they will be banned as well.
  • +p - PROTECT - Any user with voice (+v) or operator (+o) access will have that status enforced on the channel at all times. Same effect as giving all ops and voices the protect CHANLEV (+p) flag.
  • +t - TOPIC SAVE - Saves the topic when it changes. Such saved topics can be restored via SETTOPIC, or when the bot rejoins when a channel has been left empty.
  • +v - VOICEALL - Automatically grants voice (+v) on the channel to any user who enters, unless they have quiet CHANLEV (+q) flag.
  • +w - WELCOME - Sends the welcome message to users joining the channel. See WELCOME.

Additional info:

The flags are specified in the normal way - e.g. +f-b and so on.

Note: Previous versions of Q included the ability to enforce limits and keys using +k and +l CHANFLAGS flags. This functionality is now available via the CHANMODE command.


To view the CHANFLAGS flags you must have at least the op flag (+o) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
To edit the CHANFLAGS flags you must have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This command will show the CHANFLAGS flags for channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel`

This command will add the VOICEALL CHANFLAGS flag for channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +v`

This command will add the BITCH mode and remove the KNOWN ONLY CHANFLAGS flags on channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +b-f`

Wrong usage:

Trying to set a limit using the CHANFLAGS command:

`/msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +l 1`  
`-Q- Nothing changed. Your requested flag combination change was either the same as the existing flags, impossible, or you don't have enough access.`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/39

Other help articles under Q Commands