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Change/view someone's rights on a channel.


/msg Q CHANLEV <#channel> [<nick|#auth> [+|-<flags>]]


  • <#channel> - The channel to view or set the flags on.
  • <nick|#auth> - If provided, the nick or authname (prefixed with hashtag (#)) of the user to view or edit the flags of.
  • <flags> - If provided, the flags to add or remove to the user.


  • +a - AUTO OP - Gives op when the user joins the channel (can only be set if they also have +o or above).
  • +b - BANNED - Bans the user if they join the channel.
  • +d - DENY OP - Deops the user if they ever get ops.
  • +g - AUTO VOICE - Gives voice when the user joins the channel (can only be set if they also have +v or above). This means you can set +gov to allow voice on join and op only when requested.
  • +j - AUTO INVITE - Invite the user to the channel when they AUTH.
  • +k - KNOWN - Allows the user to join and be on the channel when CHANFLAGS known-only (+k) is set. Also allows the use of INVITE command.
  • +m - MASTER - Can add/remove flags from other users.
  • +n - OWNER - Can add/remove masters and all other flags, except personal flags (+j and +w). Also can give owner via GIVEOWNER command.
  • +o - OP - Can get ops.
  • +p - PROTECT - Op privileges are "protected" for this user, like CHANFLAGS protected (+p) flag.
  • +q - QUIET - Devoices the user if they ever get voice.
  • +t - TOPIC - Can change the topic via SETTOPIC.
  • +v - VOICE - Can get voice.
  • +w - HIDEWELCOME - Prevents the welcome message from being shown.

Additional info:

Flag abuse (i.e. using Q for freeop/voice or banning an excessive amount of users) could result in your Q being suspended and/or your channel closed.

You must have owner permissions (+n) in Q on the channel to add or remove masters (+m). Channel owners (+n) can also grant owner to channel masters but they must use the GIVEOWNER command to do so.

Various flag combinations are deemed inconsistent and cannot be set (like +do, +qv, +a-o, +g-v, etc.). The PROTECT (+p) flag is stronger than the AUTO-OP (+a) or AUTO-VOICE (+g) flags, so if they were set together - the PROTECT flag will override the other flags.

If you are at least a master (+m) on the channel, in the CHANLEV list you will also see the last time the user has joined the channel and the last date his flags were set. In addition, you will also see the BAN (+b) flags (which are not shown to non-privileged users).

Currently, the CHANLEV list can hold up to 500 users per channel.


To view the CHANLEV list you must have at least the known flag (+k) in the CHANLEV list on the channel. A user can remove any flag from themselves except the +bdq flags.
To edit the CHANLEV list you must have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel (except other masters and owners (+n)).
Only owners (+n) can edit flags for all users, masters and other owners included, except the +jw flags which are "personal preference".


This command will show the CHANLEV list for channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel`

This command will show the CHANLEV flags for user John on channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel John`

This command will show the CHANLEV flags for account name JohnAuth on channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel #JohnAuth`

This command will add the auto-op flags (+ao) for user John on channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel John +ao`

This command will remove the owner flag (+n) and add ban for account name JohnAuth on channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel #JohnAuth -n+b`

This command will add yourself (nicknamed MyNick) the invite flag (+j) on channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel MyNick +j`

Wrong usage:

Trying to add an owner (+n) using the CHANLEV command:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel John +n`  
`-Q- For security reasons it is not possible to give the owner flag to other users`
`-Q- using CHANLEV. Use GIVEOWNER if you really wanted to do this.`

Trying to add an owner (+n) with other flags using the CHANLEV command:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel John +amno`  
`-Q- For security reasons it is not possible to give the owner flag to other users`
`-Q- using CHANLEV. Use GIVEOWNER if you really wanted to do this.`

Trying to add invalid flag combination:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel John +do`  
`-Q- Done. Flags for John on #channel are now: +d.`

Trying to remove someone's else personal flag:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel NotMe -j`  
`-Q- Invalid or disallowed flag specified.`

Trying to add a ban (+b) to channel master or owner:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel TheMaster +b`  
`-Q- Nothing changed. Your requested flag combination change was either the same as the existing flags, impossible, or you don't have enough access.`

Trying to add flags which already exist for the user:

`/msg Q CHANLEV #channel AutoOppedUser +ao`  
`-Q- Nothing changed. Your requested flag combination change was either the same as the existing flags, impossible, or you don't have enough access.`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/40

Other help articles under Q Commands