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Show/set welcome message on a channel.


/msg Q WELCOME <#channel> [<message>]


  • <#channel> - The channel to view or edit the welcome message at.
  • <message> - The welcome message to set to the channel.

Additional info:

The welcome message is a message displayed by Q to all joining users, provided CHANFLAGS +w is set. Every known user at a channel can cancel the welcome message for his own using the CHANLEV +w flag.

The welcome message is sent privately, but can't be set as such using variables (e.g. "Hello and welcome to my channel").

If the <message> parameter is not provided, the current welcome message will be returned. You can't set an empty welcome message (e.g. "None" or ""), but only disable the welcome message by removing CHANFLAGS +w flag.


To view the WELCOME message you must have at least the op flag (+o) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
To edit the WELCOME message you must have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
To enable the WELCOME message to joining users, the channel must have the CHANFLAGS +w flag.


This will show the current welcome message for the channel #channel:

`/msg Q WELCOME #channel`

This will set the welcome message for channel #channel to "Hello world!":

`/msg Q WELCOME #channel Hello world!`

This will enable welcome message for joining users at channel #channel:

`/msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +w`

Wrong usage:

Trying to set an empty welcome message (it will just set to the given message):

`/msg Q WELCOME #channel ""`  
`-Q- Done.`
`-Q- Welcome message for #channel: ""`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/52

Other help articles under Q Commands