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Unbans you from a channel.


/msg Q UNBANME <#channel>


  • <#channel> - The channel to unban you from.

Additional info:

This command removes all bans that affect you in a channel.

If you have the op CHANLEV (+o) flag on the channel, this command removes the bans from the channel's banlist only, not in Q's own BANLIST. If you are a master (+m) on the channel, this command removes permanent bans set by PERMBAN and TEMPBAN from Q's own BANLIST.


To use the UNBANME command you must have at least the op flag (+o) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This will unban you from the channel #channel:

`/msg Q UNBANME #channel`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/72

Other help articles under Q Commands